Guns, the penis, and power



So when you see a gun all you see is a lump of steel? The sight of a gun doesn't strike any particular idea in your mind? What would you think if you walked into your house and saw a gun lying on the table? What would you think if I held a gun in your face? You'd be scared ... guns DO represent something, you just don't like the topic of this thread because you most likely think that maleness is not analyzable. You're obviously a very linear person, which is fine. But just because you're linear doesn't mean the non-linear doesn't exist.

1. I've never heard that.
2. Maybe, I don't say either one of those.
3. Guns don't represent anything, they are mechanical devices, so are penises.


Thanks, bro.

By the way, odd reference that will probably throw even more people off, but I think the theme song for this thread is Marilyn Manson's "God, Guns, and Government."

Do you love your guns? (Yeah!)
God? (Yeah!)
And government? (Fuck yeah!)
Guns, God and Government - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(For those who aren't familiar, that song is Marilyn Manson mocking ultra-patriotic, gun loving Americans.)

I think that on some level this is why the US is such a violent country, because it is so sexually repressed. As another member mentioned, on the documentary about sexuality they could not show certain images in the Japanese phallus shrines, though they would be more than able to show images of violence on US television. This is because in the US the penis is replaced by the gun.

This is all jibberish to a lot of people, but many non-mainstream people on this forum can understand what I'm talking about, and many Europeans can as well. In Europe they laugh at how sexually repressed we are in the US. Remember that Janet Jackson half-time nipplegate? Would've never happened in France, Germany, Italy, Greece, probably not even England.

Would you believe that in Germany there is a very mainstream teen magazine called "Bravo," sort of Germany's version of "Tiger Beat," where teen boys and girls submit nude pictures of themselves? Some participants are as young as 14 or 15. The point is to allow them to compare their bodies and feel comfortable in their bodies as they go through puberty and develop into adulthood. Could you imagine the scandal this would cause in the US? Anyone trying to do this in the US would be prosecuted.

this is the best discussion line on this board! thanks ganymede


Very interesting comments. Of course, that's exactly what I was talking about. I think that man's name is Desmond Morris, right?

The thing is, what we are discussing in this thread is relatively well known to people in academia and who read about pscyhology. I know some people are coming in here and thinking this is all weird, maybe my own invention. But it's not. These ideas have been a part of psychological studies and academia for more than a century.

By the way, to return to the correlation between guns and sexuality and sexual ephamisms, I remember that during the "Shock and Awe" (the US invasion of Iraq) the news reported that the US was "pounding" Baghdad. Need I say more? (For those outside of the US: in the US it is common for a male to refer to sex as "pounding" his girlfriend or wife, e.g., "I gave her a real pounding.")

I remeber a TV show a couple of years back on the The Discovery Channel.
There was an English doctor who made a documentery on human sexuality.
His last name was Morris. He commented on the penis shrines (ying-yang shrines) that they have in Japan. He said I can't show these shrines on TV in this country. He said I can show guns which shoot death but not penises which shoot life. We are way too uptight about sex in our society. That is why I joined this board...for open discussion about things that almost nobody will talk about face to face.


Experimental Member
May 19, 2004
In response to your comments to Cute 5:
So when you see a gun all you see is a lump of steel?
No, there's a lot of plastic in their construction nowdays. I certainly don't see a penis.
The sight of a gun doesn't strike any particular idea in your mind?
Depending on the context, various ideas would cross my mind. Low on the totem pole would be sex.
What would you think if you walked into your house and saw a gun lying on the table?
Is it mine (if so, why is it out of its lock box)? Why is it there? Is it secured? Who put it there? Where are they? Are they armed?
What would you think if I held a gun in your face? You'd be scared...
Don't pre-suppose. Yes, I would be afraid because I can't immediately predict what you'd do, but somewhere in there I'd be thinking of how to disarm you.
... guns DO represent something
Just not always a penis. Sometimes they represent the lack of butter.
you just don't like the topic of this thread because you most likely think that maleness is not analyzable.
Anything is analyzable. But I disagree with your hypothesis that a gun equal a penis which equals maleness. The measure of a man is not in the size of his dick or his gun.
You're obviously a very linear person, which is fine. But just because you're linear doesn't mean the non-linear doesn't exist.
As another linear person, thank you. And I think non-linear people are OK too.

Take care



Well, I'm simply not interested in squabbling. If you three don't agree, you don't agree, simple as that.


Oh, that's so gross. Good example, though, of "penis = gun" argument. Thanks. :)


Superior Member
Apr 8, 2006
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Oh, that's so gross. Good example, though, of "penis = gun" argument. Thanks. :)

I thought it was a case of a picture being worth a thousand words. Sorry to gross you out dude. Hopefully you'll toughen up a bit once you have been here for a while.

Hope you don't have nightmares tonight!



Does yours look like that?

If so, don't worry. I think they're all funny looking as hell, including my own.


Expert Member
May 6, 2006
As mentioned above, in the middle, between the eas
100% Straight, 0% Gay
I think we're overworking the "This country is so violent because..." concept.
With Hutu's and Tutsi's chopping eachother up with machete's, the Serbians and ethnic Albanians shooting eachother on sight, war being almost a constant factor in many parts of Africa, the absolutely brutal history of the far east, the inabililty to travel in most of central asial without seeing AK-47s hanging off the shoulders of most farmers, the rise in stabbings in the UK, the ease with which one can be robbed and killed in the Phillipenes and the totally brutal nature of the Islamic revolution, I think it's not going so bad here.
Violent people tend to violate whether they are armed or not. It does not require a gun to take unfair advantage of another person.