Hard Evidence


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Hard Evidence

My name is Richard Morse.

Detective Morse.

Homicide, Pittsburgh Police.

Day One.

I got the call this morning at 6:40 AM. I get calls at any time of day or night. Such is the job. I don’t have fixed hours, I’m always working. I arrived at 7:15. My partner is off at this time, and a youngish officer, whose ‘dream’ is becoming a detective is my shadow. Jimmy O’Brien, new ‘kid’ in town, hails from a small town in Indiana. He arrives at 8:08 as I greet him by pointing to my watch, and my best ‘what the fuck?’ look.

“Where the hell you been?” I ask, as he stammers something about his dog being sick. I can see he’s taken the time to shave and shower. So much for rushing out to inspect your first murder scene.

“Your dog? Your dog threw up. Soooo … your wife is busy on this Sunday morning, too busy to clean up after your dog, while the senior homicide detective waits for his temp partner to shave, shower, and clean up after a dog, while a murder victim is put on hold for dog vomit? Seriously?” I counter, as he sulks. He apologizes, then weakly points up to the second floor of the building the victim resides.

“Shouldn’t we go up?” He asks.

“Why? I was already up there. Here’s an idea. Why don’t your go up, survey the crime scene and give me your impressions, and try not to trip on the forensic team. Only walk where they say you can walk. Go. Apparently, I’ve got all day.” I reply. As he scurries off, knowing full well he screwed the pooch. Dog vomit? I question the voracity of todays youth, he knows better, when the call comes, you drop everything and leave. Time is critical. Our duty is to respond. Your ‘clock’ doesn’t matter. It’s about the victim, the case, and solving it.

This never gets old. There’s always new and interesting ways to kill people, as a homicide detective, I’ve seen it all, and when I’m ‘surprised’ I’m actually not. We’re downtown, in an old neighborhood, the victim lives on the second floor above a recently shuttered Mexican diner. It’s a duplex upstairs, and the other unit is under construction, a rehab job, that was the source of our being called in. Workers arrived on site early this morning, and they saw what appeared to be blood coming from under the door across the hall. They called before 6 AM.

After I arrived, I found myself carefully leaning into the room to see another lifeless body. Mutilated, darn near dismembered at the left upper arm, and I wondered what this once pretty little thing could’ve possibly done to deserve this.

She’s short, maybe five foot three or four, slim, laying on her back, her left arm barely attached, the upper arm cut clear to the bone, bled out from this, or one of the other countless wounds that litter her body from the neck down to her thighs. If she put up a fight, there’s no indication from my vantage point, but I’m leaving it forensics to finish before I fully enter the place. My partner is on paternity leave, so I have a wanna be sidekick, Jimmy’s a beat cop, bright kid they say, and while I was downstairs on the street after his late arrival, he had to step out upon seeing her bloodied body. He’s been with me for two weeks, learning the ropes. Where he’s from originally, this type of thing doesn’t happen, but it does here, and far too often. He’s smart, but not street smart. He’s got a ways to go.

Single white female, SWF, age 25, height and weight match my guesses, as I take in her drivers license. Amy, Marie, Concord. Such a nice smile, but never again. The family hasn’t been notified, and I’ll recommend only her father ID the body. There are no apparent clues, the weapon used is, on first look, not here, at least, we haven’t found it … yet.

On site pictures have been taken, DNA samples are underway, I’ve only glanced inside, forensics is up to their eyes and ears, and won’t have the room ready for another 2 hours or so, as I reenter the building, and as I make the second floor, I quickly ‘taste’ the smell of vomit from my latest charge, his face is white as he approaches, as I reach into my pocket and hand Jimmy some gum, as he leans against the wall so he can heave up half a lung. The pain in his eyes is all too familiar. It stays with you, each and every one, but you have to move on, and find the ‘thing’, animal, or animals that did this.

I ask the first officer on the scene what they did when they entered, and thankfully, they only opened the door, and didn’t step a foot inside. I feel a tug on my arm …

“These are the two guys who reported the crime scene. They’re contractors, came in this morning at around 5:55 AM, and saw the blood leaching out from under the door. They want to know if they can leave.” Asked a beat cop. Tim Myers.

“You have all their contact info, got their ID’s and such?” I asked. He replied ‘yes’, and I as I was about to send them on their way, I had to ask the obvious ...

“Do you guys normally work on Sundays?” Something I could later verify with their boss. They replied they usually work Saturdays, never Sunday’s but they had a wedding to go to yesterday. So I let them go. They were taking the day off. Too spooked to work. Besides, we would’ve closed them down anyway. The less traffic the better. I went back up to lean in to the forensics team, both are longtime friends.

“So, what’s your initial impressions?” I asked Tom, one of the best forensic workers in the department.

“Well, that’s where she ended up. I get the impression, it started near the windows on the street side, and the fight came to a coup degras where she’s laying right now. Murder weapon missing. Ummm we have her phone, it was on the floor near the couch. It’s dusted and printed, did you want it?” Asked Tom, as I nodded that I did. Sure enough, it was new, no thumb print access, probably required a 4 or 6 digit code to open. I had her full name, and asked if she had family, the response was quick. Mother and father, sister, all lived in the area, they had not been notified. The captain wanted me to do it. I hate that shit. I got a job to do, coddling the victim’s parents isn’t one of them. I need the parents after they’ve been told, and have allowed this all to sink in, it makes them more manageable. I took the captain’s message as a ‘request’, and not an order.

“Anything else?” I asked, as Tom looked up …

“Yeah. She’s neat. She’s keeps a clean house. We’ve got plenty of DNA. The prep used some lemon juice from her fridge on her finger nails. She got a good dig into him, or her, so they soaked her fingers. But we’ve got the whole detached nail from her ring finger from under the couch, and whomever did this missed it. I’m guessing this was a one man job. But I’ll leave that up to you. You visiting her parents?” He replied.

“Fuck no. I’m sending a black and white. I’ve got better things to do.” I replied, as both forensic guys nodded in approval. As I called out … “Myers.”

“Yes sir.” Replied Myers as he came jogging over from down the entry hallway.

“I want you to go door to door, and get security camera footage for the last 96 hours from all the establishments up and down this block, and three blocks out in all directions. Front, back, alleys, inside, every square inch you can deliver. If any of them gives you any grief, you call me, and I’ll be down within the hour to get them straightened out, and make it clear, they don’t want me coming down there. Fucking clear?” I ordered.

“Yes sir. I’m on it.” Said Myers, rushing out to his task.

“Guys, we’re heading out. I’m doing a meet and greet across the street, and around the block. Text me when you’re finished, and we’ll circle back for a look around.” As I asked another beat cop to clean up after Jimmy, the stench of his vomit was wafting through my nostrils, worse still, it was coaxing my McDonald’s breakfast burrito to rumble. I keep them in the fridge for days just like this, when I gotta run out in a hurry, eat as I’m driving, and don’t have time for a sit down.

I look out, and figure the place to start is directly across from the victim’s apartment. Same situation, store front, with one story above for renters. We approach the building and gain access through the side entrance which wasn’t locked, and walked up the staircase. One unit faces the street, one the back alley, so this will be easy. Only one set of renters face the street. I check our database to see who lives there, and find out it’s registered to a MW, (White male) Kyle McKinnon, occupation: nurse. No priors. One unpaid parking ticket. I knock, as Jimmy wanders the hallway for a moment taking in the place.

There is no response, as Jimmy offers … “He’s probably not home.” But I knock again, and hear someone stirring inside. Soon, the door opens … “Yeah. What’s up?” Asked the resident Kyle, whom left the security chain latched, as if that would do any good to stop a potential adversary. First impressions, his hair is mess, he’s got his eye masks up on his forehead, it appears I just woke him up, he looked tired, either he just woke up, or just went to sleep, a hunch makes me think the latter …

“I’m detective Morse, this is officer O’Brien. Are you Kyle McKinnon? This is in regards to what’s happening across the street. You have seen what’s going on over there?” I asked, as he glanced back for a second. Then turned towards me.


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
“Yeah, they were arriving about the time I got home. Thought it might be a robbery. What happened over there anyway?” He asked, seemingly put off, rubbing his eyes, and unsurprised that I knew his name.

“There was a murder. The girl who lived above the vacated Mexican restaurant was murdered sometime yesterday afternoon. I was wondering if we could come in?” I replied, as his face showed genuine surprise, aghast, all his ‘tells’ told me he was stunned, as his now shaking hand reached for the door chain, and let us in.

He went and sat down on his couch as I did a quick inventory of his place, and the views he had. His building was about two and one half to three feet taller than hers, and he could easily see inside her place.

“Holy fuck man. Seriously? Murdered? What the fuck. She was hot. I didn’t know her, but … you know, you see her around, and we would wave at each other on the street since we ‘knew’ each other from being around the neighborhood. Fuck me.” Said Kyle, as Jimmy looked into Kyle’s bedroom and flashed me his index finger, meaning there was only one occupant here, and that’s what I expected from my own observations. No hint of a roomie, girlfriend, or boyfriend. Few pictures, mostly family, a group shot from a hospital, that kind of thing.

“Yeah. Terrible thing, but I wondered what you might have seen yesterday afternoon, say around 2 to 5 PM. If anything looked off, or suspicious to you.” I asked, taking in his every move, since I don’t trust anybody, and I wanted to be sure he was for real.

“Oh no man. I couldn’t help you there. I was asleep. I’m a night nurse, that’s the only hours I ever have. I’m a dead head. I usually work from 11PM to 7AM five nights a week. I’m usually off on Tuesday and Wednesdays, unless someone wants me to fill in for them. Then I might work 6 days. I get home around 8AM to eight thirty most mornings, and then I need to wind down, and that can take until 9:30 to 10AM. I don’t usually get up until 5 or 5:30 in the afternoon. Sorry, but I can’t help you there.” Replied Kyle, whom seemed to be dismayed by what had happened.

“So you worked yesterday into today?” I asked, casually walking around his place, as I took a glance into his bedroom, small fan running, white noise, so he could sleep over the sounds of the daytime city, windows covered with black cardboard to hide the light, to which he replied he had.

“Yeah, I started early for me, a little before nine, got home around five. It takes me a while to chill, and I was worn out, so I got to bed around six or so, just as the cops were showing up, I had barely laid down. I looked out, but figured it was a break in or something.” Replied Kyle.

“Did you ever watch her? You know, just watch, I’m not talking stalking or anything, just that maybe … you would see her doing things in her place. I mean it’s right there, all hanging out.” I asked, and right away I knew, he did watch her. He didn’t have to answer me. I fucking knew.

“Yeah. Kind of hard not to. She left the curtains or blinds open all the time. I mean, they were never closed ... heeyyyyy … they were closed when I went to work yesterday. I couldn’t see fully into the living room kitchen area, and her bedroom, yeah … they were closed!” Said Kyle, as Jimmy shot me a look.

“First time?” I asked.

“Yeah. Ever since she moved in, for her, it was like they never existed. The curtains, and blinds I mean. She was always an open book.” Replied Kyle, as we had our first ‘break’. For she was an open book to this guy, and that was extremely promising.

“Jimmy, call over to Tom and have him check the curtains, blinds, any window treatments, the perp surely touched them.” I ordered, as I continued with Kyle.

“So, if she was in the altogether, she would walk around like that, without a care?” I asked.

“Oh hell yeah! And she was hot. I mean, out of my league, but yeah, she didn’t hide a fucking thing. Not that she did that very often, but … fuck, she would walk around in just a bra and worn jean shorts, you know, her daisy dukes, or her panties and a sweater, and fuck, she was hot as fucking hell. I’d see her dancing alone over there, all sexy, and … Opps, anyway, she was a true dime piece. She … let’s just say, after a long night, and knowing I could come home to that … that was fucking awesome.” Said Kyle, as a tear began to form and trail down his cheek. He may not have a girlfriend, but in a strange way she was ‘home’ to him, and as it turned out, he had been coming ‘home’ to her since 2018.

“Did you ever interact with her? Maybe share a talk or have coffee, something like that?” I asked.

“No. She had a boyfriend. He didn’t live there or anything, but he would spend the night occasionally. But I haven’t seen him for a while now. Maybe they broke up. I probably saw him last … maybe four or five months ago … yeah that sounds about right. That was the last time I saw him.” Replied Kyle, as I pondered my next course of questioning, but Kyle beat me to it.

“You know? He was probably the one who broke it off. I mean, she was seeing other guys when she was with him, or maybe … though she didn’t seem the type, I kind of thought she was doing some escort work. You know … a hooker. She would have these guys come over, not all at once, but you know, one at a time, and have sex with them right out in the open. She would even record it sometimes. I could see her holding up her phone while they were going at it. Or setting a up Go Pro, that type of thing.” Replied Kyle, as he opened my eyes to a host of possibilities, and viable suspects.

“How often did she do this, and you could see it all happening? Start to finish?” I asked.

“Ummmm, not really that often, and the guys were mostly around her age. Some were really good looking, some just kind of average, but they all had one thing in common … they had huge dicks. I mean, fucking monsters. One little guy had a simply enormous dick. I’m talking a fucking salami. Wouldn’t expect it from someone so small. He was the smallest in stature, wasn’t much to look at, but holy shit, he was packing a fucking whopper. I could see it so easily, and I’m across the street. Fucking thing was enormous. I mean, he started out huge. He was bigger than me when soft, and the damn thing would just inflate, and get bigger and bigger. I have no idea how she could handle him. That little shit packed a fucking monster.” Replied Kyle.

“How many different guys were there? An approximate number, and when did this start taking place? Did it mostly happen at night?” I asked, as Jimmy continued to record our interview. Something I failed to mention to Kyle.

“Um, let me see, five, or six dudes, seven at the outside, but that’s covering almost 5-6 years. Though, I would say I mostly saw the same five guys over the past year. They were all repeat customers, but all of them, without exception, were hung like horses. I’m in medicine, and I gotta tell ya, all these guys were in a league of their own. Exceptional. She must’ve preferred clients that had big ones. She started that up pretty much right after she moved in. She still had the boyfriend, but once or twice a week, sometimes not, she’d have a client over, and they would fuck her brains out. This always took place after 8PM, usually an hour or more before I would leave for work. She’d get fucked senseless, send them on their way, and she would shower, and pass out.” Said Kyle. I didn’t have to guess what he was doing when he watched.

“Did you ever consider hiring her for her services?” I asked.

“Ummm … no. I don’t have the equipment. Those guys were more than twice my size, some bigger than that. One guy was really handsome. I think he was her favorite, though the little guy, was over there quite a bit lately. Mr. handsome, was blondish, muscled. Looked like a model, who doubled as a linebacker. He had the perfect dick. Nice and long, not as long as the little guy, but it was thick, like him, solid, really nice and thick. He was the total package, but none of them spent the night. They all left as soon as they were finished with her, at least as far as I know. They were all around her age, or a little older, and for the most part, in decent shape. I think her day job was downtown someplace, in the business district. At least that’s my guess. She would always dress very professionally. Jesus … I can’t believe she’s gone … who the hell would want to hurt her? It doesn’t make any sense.” Said Kyle.

“Was she a homebody? Did she go out a lot?” I asked.

“Ya know, she was home most nights. I would say she didn’t go out that much. She would get some takeout, usually Chinese, from Wang’s down the street, just North of here. But yeah, she stayed home most of the time. Her boyfriend would spend the night, he was the exception, but not very often, he also wasn’t hung like the others. He was, you know, average, like me. I’d hate to be him and come home and surprise her, and catch her in the act of being plugged by one of those other guys. Especially the little guy. I doubt I’ll ever see one that big ever again. I mean, that damn thing was heavy, thick as hell, and hung just above his knees. He was packing. Seriously huge. A fucking monster. I had nightmares about that damn thing.” Replied Kyle, whom seem rather bothered by seeing such well endowed men.

“Did you ever consider dating her? Being with her?” I asked, trying to break through his obsessions over observing these well endowed men. I wanted to hear what appeared to be the obvious truth from him.

“Fuck yeah, but she was too pretty. The pretty ones are a lot of work, even when they don’t try to be, they can’t help it. And yeah, I dreamed of being with her. Who wouldn’t? I saw her being taken over there for over 5 years. She was like … my dream, and now … fuck, I can’t believe she’s gone. Besides, once I got a look at these hugely hung dudes pounding the fuck out of her, how the hell could you follow that up? I sure as hell couldn’t. You gotta catch the motherfucker who did this to her.” Said Kyle.

Kyle kept rambling about how well endowed these ‘visitors’ were for quite some time. It really spooked him. I got the distinct impression that he would have been horribly humiliated if he had dropped his pants in front of her, and that he probably wouldn’t be alone in that feeling. He was clearly forlorn, I didn’t get the impression he was stalking her, but he was really going to miss her.

I finished the interview, as I led Jimmy up and down the street to interview the nearby establishments and residences. On the way out to the sidewalk, I asked Jimmy.


“I bet it was one of her ‘John’s’ that did this. That’s what I got out of it. Seems pretty clear cut.” Said Jimmy, but I knew better, and I was disappointed in him, my reply was quick, and to the point.

“NO. I don’t see those men visiting her as ‘John’s’. If they were her ‘clients’ like Kyle described, why were they all around her own age, and why were they all hung like horses? That doesn’t add up. Escorts can’t afford to be choosey, they take on all makes and models, some might be hung large, some not, some butt ugly, some not, they’re ages will vary significantly, it doesn’t add up that all the men that ‘visit’ her are hung and fairly attractive. Maybe, she collects them, like a hobby. Unless she’s very high end, and could afford to be choosey, but why would she make her own home the place where they would do the deed, usually, escorts make house calls or arrange to visit a hotel. There’s something else going on here. We’ll know more when we get her phone unlocked.”

My gut told me there’s more going on than these brief initial impressions. I was chilled by Kyle’s description of her visitors. It peaked my curiosity. What was this attractive mid 20’s girl up to anyway? Why were all the men so well endowed? Kyle wouldn’t shut up about it. He kept repeating how well equipped her suitors, or ‘John’s’ appeared. It was eerie, actually, disturbingly unnerving, how vividly he described their equipment. One thing was certain. This is shaping up to be unlike any of my prior cases.


Admired Member
May 30, 2015
Los Angeles
Welcome Back C!! This site has not been the same since you stopped writing! I love this story as it seems so smart, so noir to me, so Raymond Chandler ! And already, when Det Morse starts talking about Monster Dicks, I start to get wet...lol. Please keep writing, taking us all on another exciting and sexual thrilling adventure. XO Jan
:kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:
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Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Chapter 2

Later that day, in my pocket, Amy’s phone rang, the caller ID was her father, but daddy’s little girl was no more. She was a statistic, I let it go to voicemail. Within the hour, her parents would get an unwanted visitor informing them of this tragedy.

I plan to visit Amy’s parents, but for now, Jimmy and I are entering another venue, asking all the same questions, and looking for clues. Officer Myers had problems with one business owner unwilling to share their security footage. I changed that within a minute. I’m not one to be fucked with.

It was about to be a long day, for the aggrieved family, the longest day of their lives. I was texted the body and room were ready, so Jimmy and I made our way over. We entered her apartment, and took in the scene. Jimmy couldn’t bear to look at her upon that blood-stained floor. I’m realizing he literally doesn’t have the stomach for this.

I had the team hold her body up so I could get a look underneath, as they described the various wounds, and that the coroner would have the final count, cause of death, and get a better understanding of the approximate time of death. What a fucking mess.

“What caused this? I knife? Seems kind of irregular, maybe not so sharp.” I asked as Tom informed me.

“Not sure, but yeah, it doesn’t look a knife so much as some blunt tool. It’s not here. We’ve looked around a bit, but I know you guys are just getting stated. I’m as curious as you are.” Replied Tom as he and his crew began to clear out.

On her wall was a college diploma, she graduated with honors from the Pittsburgh School of Business, next to it were pictures of her family, and what I assumed was her one-time boyfriend, along with a bunch of girlfriends at the beach, the ballpark, out on the town. All of it lost. What a waste.

I dread speaking to the parents. Priority one is getting access to her phone. Frankly, all I’m interested in is that damn phone. I’m sorry, but I’ve been through this too many times to really care what the parents are feeling, if you carry that along with you for each case, a piece of you dies with them. I’ve lost enough pieces already. I’ve been through this routine so many times that it dulls the senses. I have to keep it together, and say the right things, but we need access to her damn phone ASAP.

I have Jimmy tag along until the afternoon, but send him packing. I’m going in alone to meet the parents. To say the least, Jimmy is underwhelming me. I want Rivera back.

The parents. It’s time, it’s near 3PM when I arrive, I was about to knock when the father opened the front door, he suspected I was the detective assigned to the case. I was confronted with the bloodshot eyes, the shock and horror, his wife, and Amy’s sister were cowering in the background. Along with what appeared to be other family members, as their driveway was filled. At least they had each other for support, I’m ‘there for them’ in name only, I’m all business. I had Amy’s phone, required their permission to gain access, and after greeting them, immediately asked if they knew her code to unlock the phone. Of all the dumb luck, her sister knew, and I was in. I stayed with them for a short time. I did all the yada, yada’s, and left as quickly as I came in.

I had numbers, and the last call to her, outside of her father, was placed by Charlotte that went to voicemail. A friend of hers no doubt. Charlotte also called, and texted this very morning, and asked how she (Amy) was doing. Charlotte was my new first priority. I had her number searched, and waited to read up on her before visiting with her. Tracking her phone showed she was home. It’s a Sunday after all, and that’s usual for most people. I arrived at 4:45PM. She lives in a condo. Upscale. Nice neighborhood. I knock on the door, and hear movement from inside. A voice calls out …

“Hello? Who’s there?” Asks a female voice.

“Hi. I’m detective Morse from the Pittsburgh Police Department. I have a couple of questions I’d like to ask. If you want to peak out the window to your left, I can hold up my badge so you can see it.” I replied.

The curtain opened, and I saw a fetching black haired mid-twenties woman staring back at me squinting to see my badge. Bare feet, nails painted black, athletic bra, black in a white t-shirt while in form fitting Under Armour black leggings. I try my best not to check her out, but she makes it difficult. Sexy as hell. Fit, trim, beautiful eyes and mouth, she had it all.

She comes back to the door, calling out … “What’s this regarding?” Asks Charlotte.

“It’s regarding your friend, one Amy Concord” I replied, as I immediately heard the door being unlocked and opened.

“Is she okay? I tried calling her yesterday, late, and didn’t even get a text in reply, that’s not like her.” Replied Charlotte.

“Ah, may I come in? I have some questions, and we should talk in private, and it’s not advisable to speak outside. That’s if it’s okay with you.” I replied, whereupon she opened the door for me to enter. Clearly, she had no idea what had happened.

“Sure, come in on.” Replied Charlotte, by the lint in her voice, she must’ve known something happened, something bad. Her pretty face couldn’t hide the building fear. She wanted an answer.

“I’m sorry to report that Amy died yesterday afternoon.” Like anyone who’s never been through this before, she immediately broke down, and clearly, she was a people person, she needed someone to lean on, and I was the only other person there. She hugged me tight, and cried it out. I try to remain above it all, but it’s never easy. Her perfume was intoxicating, as her wonderful body was pressed into mine, but I’m married, and I’m over all other women, but I am a man after all, and she was put together, along with a to die for face. I was hoping she could get it together enough for me to question her. Something ‘natural’ might happen if she continues to hug me, and stay so dangerously close, as I pat her on the back, and try to comfort her as best I can.

It took her five rambling minutes to calm down enough to sit upon her couch. She was unaware of the cause, of death and when I told her Amy was murdered, she fell deeper into despair, I sat next to her, trying to comfort her, but she was inconsolable. It took almost a full half hour before she calmed, and got it out of her system before I could find out what I needed to know, and I wasn’t expecting what she told me, but in a way, it started to make some sense, and put her information into perspective.

I ask the usual questions, and soon find something that immediately stops the conversation.

Turns out, Charlotte had been arranging ‘dates’ for Amy.

“Wait a minute? You’re saying, that ‘you’ get a call from Amy, and then you set up a date with this guy? Randy? That she has no contact with him, she doesn’t even have his number? Nor address? You’re the middle ‘man’ or should I say ‘person’?” I asked, a detectives dream to have stumbled upon such a glaring ‘clue’ or miscalculation on her part.

“Well … yeah. I … set her up with him a few days ago, but it can’t be Randy. He’d never do anything like that. I mean, that’s crazy to even think of such a thing. He’s a sweet guy.” Replied Charlotte, as I recoiled at her naivety. This generation, how the hell do they even function? Oblivious to the obvious.

“You’re going to have to explain this, since I don’t understand why you need to be in the middle. This is a big red flag. You have to see that. Right?” I replied.

“Oh yeah. I get it. I’m not stupid. It’s just that … well, Randy is kind of special, and he has a lot of let’s say ‘interested’ parties. I’m not a pimp or anything, it’s just that’s he’s special, and sometimes he gets a lot of unintended … you know … clingy types. So I play the ‘middle man’, as you described it, and set him up with his ‘dates’.” Replied, Charlotte, as I struggled to understand where she was going with this. But she gave herself away, she used the plural, his ‘dates’, and yes, I was beginning to think she was a pimp of sorts.

“I’m not getting it. You’re setting him up with ‘dates’ … not just Amy, but other girls as well and …” I began only to be cut off.

“Wait, wait, wait … Randy’s got a lot of women he … interacts with, and he’s had some trouble with some of them coming on too strong, being clingy, you know? So I provide, what I would call … protective interference. So he can walk away without commitments. He’s umm, particular, and umm likes variety, as well as his privacy. There’s nothing illegal going on. I’m more like a secretary … with benefits.” Replied Charlotte, as I got a handle on what was really going on here.

“I’m still not totally on board here. You’re going to have to …” I started, whereupon, she blurted out exactly what I needed to know.

“Randy is fucking gorgeous, and he’s hung. I’m talking elephant. Long thick, and he totally knows how to use it, amongst other things. He’s a god in bed. He is a walking dream, and he’s equipped with this muscled body, chiseled chin, perfect hair, face and profile, and women flock to him. When he likes one, he puts her on the ‘approved list’, but I’m the one who makes the calls for him, and set up his ‘dates’. He’s a fucking wonder. He’s ruined me. My side benefit, is he comes here, and fucks my lights out every couple of weeks. That’s my ‘payoff’. Ya got it now?” Finished Charlotte, her arousal was genuine. Fuck, she looked ready to take me on at that moment. As if she wanted a tryst with me so I might tide her over until she could be with him again.

“I see. An unusual arrangement to say the least. May I have his number? I’ll need to talk to him.” I immediately got the impression that she wasn’t prepared to do that, but knew that she must. All it would take was a court order, and it turned out to be unnecessary, she wanted to help, her friend was dead. Our conversation continued, and as it turned out, she volunteered that had a stable of studs that she arranged ‘dates’ for, though she referred to it as a ‘social club’ of sorts. This of course led to her supplying me with the contact info for a host of other men, but only those that had been scheduled with Amy. I’m not vice, I could really care less what she does here, but it did open my eyes to something, a ‘trade’ so to speak, that went against conventional prostitution.

I had Randy’s number, and his address and left to see him. He was with the day she died, the others could wait. Time, surprise, motive, just a few of the things in my toolbox. I arrived at his place, a condo, his was on the right side. I saw a couple in their late thirties on the porch next door, whom looked at me, sizing me up, as the woman piped up.

“If you’re here to see Randy, he’s with someone right now. She didn’t get here until maybe 20 minutes ago. They’ll be busy for over an hour easy. You might want to come back, in say … an hour or so. Let things cool down a bit.” And she was right, I could hear a woman inside moaning, and carrying on like nothing I had ever heard.

“It’s okay, why don’t you lay over here for a spell. He isn’t going anywhere. That’s for sure.” Replied what I assumed was this woman’s husband.

“I’m Mike her husband, this is Sonya, and what you’re hearing is … well, it’s just what it sounds like. After a while, you get used to it. Have a seat.” Replied Mike as I shook each of their hands in turn, and was invited to sit down. I have that kind of personality, and appeal if you will. I’m not bragging, but people like me, and my manner, as I sat in the one vacant chair next to Sonya. Her nipples where riding high and tight, and it’s not that cold out.


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
“I’m a police officer. Detective Morse.” I replied, bringing out, and displaying my badge for them to see. The porch was getting darker by the minute as the Sun slowly disappeared over the horizon.

“Hey. Wow. It says ‘homicide’ on it. You’re a homicide detective?” Asked Sonya, as she handed my badge to her ‘husband’. Though he wasn’t wearing a wedding ring. Not even a sign of having ever worn one. His tan didn’t show a white ring impression where it’s expected. I pick up on these types of things.

“Yes.” I replied, as her husband squinted to take in my ID.

“Well, Randy wouldn’t hurt a soul. Well, at least not intentionally. He can’t help it that he breaks hearts, and that he looks so handsome, and what you’re hearing right now, is actually restrained compared to some. Many of the people in this neighborhood can’t abide by what he does, but he’s the best, in more ways than one.” Replied Sonya, as Mike nodded along.

“He’s a good guy. He wouldn’t harm anyone, but I get it though. Jealousy. You’re here for jealousy. I’ll bet a husband or boyfriend got fed up, and took the life of his significant other. Stands to reason. Randy destroys women, owns them. Dominates their minds as well as their bodies. Could be a wife or single woman killed her man over Randy. Or the other way around. What’s the angle? You’ve got an angle don’t you? You’re on to something.” Replied Mike. It amuses me to see amateurs engage me in conversation regarding police matters, giving me pointers, or possibilities. Most don’t have a clue. But on the inside, everyone is a cop, whether they know it or not, they all want to play detective.

I sat with them chatting for some time, and from first glance, there was a probability that Randy was probably the reason behind Amy’s murder, but from what angle? There were so many potential directions. As for the sounds that came and went, and the all the ‘fuck yeah’, ‘pound me’, and ‘you’re so huge’ moments. I had reached my limit. I checked my watch, and these two were getting on my nerves, it’s time to act. I don’t have all day, and that’s what it’s taking me. Besides, all they’re doing is listening in to Randy and his partner, and warming themselves up for their own nocturnal adventures.

“I’m sorry. I can’t wait anymore. I’ve got a schedule to keep. So, if you’ll forgive me, it’s been a slice. Thanks for the info.” I replied, standing, and quickly walking to Randy’s door, and pushing the button.

I instantly heard rude replies. Not from him, but from her. What a mouth she’s got. The last thing I heard, as Randy approached his front door, was “This better be fucking worth it. You fucking piece of shit.” That’s her mouth, not his, as I heard him utter “Amanda, take it easy. Jesus.”

What I saw when he opened the door was muscled hunk, with only a towel on, a totally naked woman staring down at me from the second story balcony, with such hate filled eyes, and a bulge that pushed out his towel in my direction, almost half the way down his leg. It was exactly what I thought it was, and I felt small, so very small. It was swaying underneath that towel of his, unmistakable, enormous, and from it, leaked a drop of fluid, followed by another, and another that fell upon the floor beneath him. I gulped.

“I’m with the police.” I replied, fumbling for my badge, as Randy began to speak, then slowly move his body behind the door, so only his thick arms, and a portion of chiseled chest were exposed. He was a looker all right. I dare say, the most handsome man I had ever seen in person, and yes, I was looking for claw marks, an injury from a woman’s nails being scraped along his body, specifically, his upper right, neck, shoulder and face, but not a single trace.

“Sorry about the noise. Usually, they send a black and white, but wait … this badge says ‘homicide’ … what’s this about?” Asked Randy, as his latest charge stared down at me with rage filled eyes. She was fuming. I could see the wetness that drenched her inner thighs. I had to look away from her, and towards the floor, and here was this little trail of cum or other bodily fluids dripping from underneath his towel, kind of creamy, his or hers? Doesn’t matter. The smell hit me next. Masculine sweat, mingling with sweet pussy.

“Um, this in regards to Amy Concord. I’ve become aware that you know her. Is that correct?” I asked, as Randy’s face took a questioning turn, my initial reaction was that he hadn’t heard the news.

“Yes. I know her. I was with her only yesterday. So? What’s this about? I don’t understand. Is she okay?” Replied Randy, his eyes questioning me.

“Randy. Amy was murdered yesterday afternoon. It’s possible you were one of the last persons to see her alive.” Was my retort, and it hit him like a brick. I watched for the tells, but his response appeared genuine, at least from my quick perspective. His shoulders dropped, he was surprised, no doubt about it.

“What the fuck? Why? She’s the sweetest thing.” Replied Randy, whom quickly turned and ordered the bitchy slut that stood half naked upstairs glaring at me the entire time, to get dressed and leave. The parties over.

We waited for her to leave. I had to look away. His dick is still hanging ungodly huge, it hasn’t retreated a single fat inch. I could tell it was fat, really fat, the length was astounding. She soon came downstairs, and kissed him, saying to me as she passed …

“Sorry about the other girl, but shit man, you could’ve waited a while longer. Fuck.” She replied. Quite the mouth on her. Her lips were all moist and red, probably from having to stretch to accommodate that thick dick of his, the rest of her holes probably the same way. What? You think that’s crude? Take it easy. You’d be thinking the same damn thing.

“Um. I need to shower, why don’t you come up, and talk to me upstairs. If you don’t mind. It’s just that … you know, I like to wash up after., and I need to process this. Holy shit! Murdered? What the fuck is wrong with people?” Asked Randy, as I told him it was fine. I would conduct our interview from the hallway. I advised him of his rights, that this was just an interview, and told him he could have a lawyer present, or come down to the station, but he understood, that it was better if I heard his side of the story while still fresh in his mind, rather than waiting, in case he forgot something that might help. I had no reason to doubt his sincerity. He seemed very good natured, confident, on the surface he appeared like a stand up guy. A guy I ventured most people could easily be friends with, and women would fuck with only a nod.

I’ve heard people shower before, my wife, myself, but the sound as Randy bathed was different. It doesn’t take a detective to figure out why. I mused it was the water cascading down his massive member and falling in it’s own separate stream. I also surmised that he was a stud for hire. Rare to be sure, but the way he looked, it was easy to see how he could charge, and charge plenty.

I didn’t mean to, seriously, I didn’t mean to look, but as left the shower, it left the shower stall before him, he turned, it swayed out in front him, lightly tapping against his muscled right leg, dangling farther than I ever could, and it wasn’t full hard. Uncircumcised, thick, a fresh pink color, his semi dwarfed me, water still collecting and falling from the huge wide shaft, as he toweled off. Even in this state, he must have been six to seven inches or longer. I wondered how big it could get, since he was easily longer and thicker than me when full hard, and it was soft, spongy, as he rubbed his towel along the huge fucking thing.

I had been in my share of locker rooms, but had never seen anything remotely close. There wasn’t a mark, mole, tattoo or scar on him. He had a slight tan, and every motion revealed the cuts of his muscled torso. He must have been an athlete at some point of his life, and somehow, through it all, I asked all the appropriate questions, and kept my straightest of faces as he came out in his robe. Even then, it bulged, pushed out, he was easily twice my size, and he wasn’t even hard. My god. Damn, looks, muscled body, and a huge dick.

He confirmed he was with Amy the day she died. His time of arrival and roughly the time he left. According to the coroner, she was assaulted roughly one and one half, to two hours later. Probably the last enjoyable meeting of her young life, followed by the one last meeting of her young life that she did not survive. If this is the guy, he’s going to be prison food. But something told me he was innocent of killing Amy, but ‘innocent’? I highly doubted that, something didn’t feel right here.

Charlotte wasn’t merely protecting Randy from unwanted advances. He was a stud for hire. He not only sold real estate, he sold that body and big cock of his. Charlotte was a go between for a gaggle of well-hung studs. How all this started is still a mystery, but I’m after a murderer. Not a prostitution sting. I’m homicide, not vice. Of one thing I’m sure, Charlotte is the key.

I informed Randy he was a person of interest, and to expect multiple visits, or calls from me. We would determine later, through the various streetside cameras, when he entered her block and left, but a direct view of the entrance to her building eluded us. I was left with an indelible image of a man many levels above myself. His body, his big cock, his flawless skin, he oozed masculinity. Back in the day, total Playgirl material.

I asked if he had any women, or men who obsessed over him, stalked, or continually sought him out, even if they seemed harmless. He explained he had, but not one that he felt would commit murder. For that was one of my other options, that a jealous lover of Randy had followed him and committed this horrible crime to punish him. I was fairly reassured he was innocent, she had scarred someone with those nails of hers, but it wasn’t this guy. But it was getting late, and I had been on this for almost 14 hours, it’s time to head home. Earlier, I had dropped off Amy’s phone at the department, and had copies made of her all her various messages, videos, everything. I picked up my copy on my way home. It’s getting late.

I arrived home at roughly 9 PM. On the job since the call early this morning. My dinner already in the microwave. My wife and two children had already eaten. She asked about my day. I normally don’t discuss work with her, but I mentioned I started a new case. I don’t like to bring work home. I prefer to keep things separated, compartmentalized. Our children are in high school, and usually head out to the homes of friends during the evenings. I’d prefer they stay here at home with their friends, but you know how it is, it’s not cool to hang out at a cops house. Especially, since it’s impossible to get away with anything when you’re there.


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Later, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, as our ceiling fan slowly turns. My home is my sanctuary the only real comfort that I have after all I’ve seen. I’m on information overload right now, the first day of a case finds it harder for me to sleep. Why does a seemingly successful business woman end up in bed with multiple men? So, a beautiful woman, Charlotte, is pimping out well endowed men for Amy, and others. She has no priors, nothing. What the fuck happened here? Jilted lover, or lovers? Where is her old boyfriend? No drugs on the property, two bottles of wine. One opened, one still sealed. We have the ‘where’, and the approximate ‘when’, but not the ‘why?’.

“If all you’re going to do is let out those long ‘sighs’ every few minutes, then you should head downstairs and sleep on the couch. You’ve got to relax. You’ve done this enough, and it’s always the same routine. You punish yourself over the actions of others. Please honey, let it go, clear your head, and try to get some sleep.” Said my wife Sandy of 23 years. It’s not easy being married to a cop, it’s not easy being one.

Day Two.

My partner, Detective Edwardo Rivera, is coming off maternity leave early, but not for another 3 days. I’ve gone through it twice, and this is his first child. He’s not getting any sleep, the baby is probably up every two hours, and he thought being in the department was tough.

I have a date with the coroner, but decide to visit the crime scene this early morning. The painters across the hall are already here. I wanted them here, and as I walked up, the ‘leader’ of the pair poked his head out and offered …

“Good morning detective. Thanks for letting us work today.” Offered Carlos, he remembered me, as I glanced inside the other unit.

“Morning. Can I aahhhh … take a look inside this unit for a minute?” I asked, as Carlos replied that I could. His cousin gave me a good morning as well, as I looked over the layout, wondering if we missed something yesterday when we went through here the first time, all I could think of was to ask one thing.

“You guys missing anything?” I asked, as Carlos looked over to his partner Alberto, whom chimed in.

“You know. I can’t find my brush cleaner. We have two, one is not showing up.” He replied, as he held up the other one, which was a ten in one tool. One which could be used to pull nails, as a scrapper, roller cleaner, screwdriver, can opener, you get the idea, as I quickly sent a text to the coroner with an image of the tool.

“Thanks. You let me know if it turns up, or if anything else was missing. Now, you didn’t misplace it by chance?” I asked, but both assured me that they always left their materials, and tools at the job site. I hated to think that it was used to kill this young woman, but I’ve seen worse. Death by a ten in one. Not the preferred way to go.

I arrived at the morgue to have Amy’s body identified. Her father brought along his wife, but she wasn’t coming in, she would be required to comfort him once he made the ID. It is solemn duty. He identifies the body, and breaks down the moment we leave the room, he falls into the arms of his wife as they grieve together. Now is not the time. Before I bade them goodbye, I asked her father if I could see him later in the day, I had questions, he agreed, and so … I waited.

I have more questions than answers, and from information supplied by Kyle, Amy’s peeping tom ‘roommate’ from across the street, I had some insight into her sexual history, and it’s not a subject that father’s like to discuss. It’s especially hard when you lose a daughter the day before.

I arrived at her parents house late morning. Only two hours before, Mr. Concord was identifying the body of his oldest daughter, and now, I had an uncomfortable task to perform. I wished I could wait, but difficult as it was, I have a job to do, and it was going to much worse for her father. The subject matter wasn’t of the type one enjoys to discuss with the victim’s father.

“Mr. Concord, I have some difficult questions to ask, and I hope you appreciate, that what I’m about to ask you has bearing on this case. The subject matter will be difficult for you to hear, but I’ve been on this case since early yesterday. And I think we should go for a walk, just the two of us, and discuss this outside of your home. Are you okay with that?” I asked, as he looked me in the eyes and nodded a ‘yes’.

We walked down the sidewalk from his home, not many people out and about, it’s a Monday, most people here are at work, or about to have lunch, while we’re about to discuss a sensitive subject, that I didn’t want Mrs. Concord to hear.

“It’s in regard to your daughters sexual preferences …” I began, but he instantly cut me off.

“Jesus. She wasn’t gay. For Christ’s sake.” He replied forcefully. Clearly agitated from all that’s happened, carrying a short fuse, believe me, I get it.

“No. I wasn’t implying anything along those lines. It’s just that, I came across some information that leads me to believe your daughter preferred men whom were, let’s say, well equipped.” I left it there, letting it sink in, but he had suddenly stopped walking with me, coming to a complete stop, and had put his head down, his left hand went to his forehead, which he slowly began to rub.

“Yeah. She liked them big. Her mother and I found out about it when she was in high school. Size queen. That’s’ what they call it. She fit the definition perfectly. Her one defect. If you want to call it that. Her one addiction. At the time, we were alerted by the someone within the school. She had put it out that she was looking for the biggest cock in her school. It’s her weakness, her kryptonite.” Said Mr. Concord forlornly. It didn’t take a detective to figure that one out.

“I think it all started when she heard our neighbor’s wife getting railed. You see, where we lived previously, our neighbor had a big one, and his wife was loud. Really loud. They really went at it. I complained, since our girls could hear them going at it, all hours of the day and night. She was always screaming how ‘huge’ he was, and how he ‘filled’ her up. I think that rubbed off onto Amy. Later, we found big vibrators in her room, and I mean big ones. Some up to a foot long, and thick. I blame my neighbors for that. Always will.” Said Mr. Concord, as I paused, since it’s always better to let them talk. Be it victim or predator. Besides, I’m a good listener.

“That’s why her boyfriend Mark left her. We loved that kid. He was a good man. We fully expected him to be a part of our family. Unlike a lot of today’s youth, he was worker. He didn’t expect any handouts. He wanted to earn it, and I’ll be damned if he didn’t catch her in bed with some scrawny little guy who was packing a giant cock. It hit him hard. Here was the love of his life, getting railed by this five foot nothing, whom began to pull out his gigantic wang from my daughter, from his girl. He was living a nightmare seeing the sheer size of this fucking thing. He held his hands out to me, showing the length of it, and he cupped his hand to describe the girth of the hellish thing. He told me it hung just a few inches above this shit sticks knees, and that from behind, his first sight was drawn to this kids huge nuts, only when he turned around did he finally see that damn cock of his. Worse still, the guy was so fucking young. He looked like he should be in high school. Little body, huge ass dick.”

“Poor Mark. He knew it was over. Sent him into a state of deep depression. We were friends with his family. We all got along so great, those kids were going to be married one day, and that moment ended everything. Everything, all because my daughter had to have a huge dick. There’s so much more to life, to love, but no, she had to have it.” Stated Mr. Concord.

“Ya see, she lived alone. Mark moved here to be near her a couple of years ago, but she didn’t want him to move in with her. Her excuse was … ‘that’s what marriage is for’ but I didn’t buy into it. I don’t think her mother did either. She was still hung up on the ‘big’ boys. She would go clubbing during her college years, and probably after she graduated. She was, more than likely … always on the prowl. I had hoped Mark would cure her of that, and for a time, it seems he had. I had been in the showers at the club with Mark, and I gotta tell ya, I hoped he was hung huge, but he clearly wasn’t. We know different now. How many? How many are you aware of?” Asked Mr. Concord. I delayed, he was right to assume there was more than one, he knew his daughter well, so after only a slight hesitation, I told him a little of what I understood so far.

“At least 5 or 6, but there could be a seventh, and quite possibly, more than that. I have inroads to find out how many, from two sources. I fully expect to interview all of them. We may find even more as we go through her phone. I can’t give specifics, and I can’t keep you updated on the case as often as you’d like. She was with one of those men the day she died, but he appears to be in the clear. He didn’t deny being with her, but early indications are, that he was the last one to see her alive, and that her murder took place an hour or two later.” I replied, as Mr. Concord remained silent. He probably surmised much of what I told him. We walked in silence for almost a full block.

“Big dicks? Jesus. I hate thinking about it. But my daughter was hung up on them. Fucking neighbor. I’m just guessing, but I think that’s how she thought sex should be. She was a smart kid, but impressionable. It’s like they say. The bigger the better. Her first date in high school was a big boy. Her mother and I didn’t like the idea of a freshman being with a senior at the prom. Sadly, she’s always been like that. You know it’s strange, but I wished that Mark, her last boyfriend was hung. That it might put a stop to her wandering. We punished her when we found out about this size queen nonsense. Didn’t stop nor slow her down in the least. She wanted it, she went after it.” Said Mr. Concord, as we went quiet, as a woman walking her dog passed us by on the sidewalk. Once again in the clear, I continued my questioning.

“Was your daughter ever stalked. Did she ever mention being followed or pestered by anyone?” I asked.

“Hell no. Not that I’m aware of. She would go after the big boys though. She would hound them down, she was relentless. I can’t believe I’m about to say it, but it’s true, she was a big cock whore. Like a disease, like an alcoholic or drug user. It was her undoing.” Replied Mr. Concord, for as he spoke, my mind flooded with images from the few recordings I had seen of Amy with three different men. How many more were there? How often? How does this smart, pretty, well put together, business professional so bat shit crazy over big cocks?


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
We concluded our walk and talk, and I took my leave, I have a job to do, and it may require some more tough questions later. As for Mark, her old boyfriend. He’s in eastern Oregon staying with his brother. He left four days ago to visit with him. So he’s off my list of suspects, that is, unless something comes up. But I doubt it will. The Concords have my thoughts and prayers. I thanked Mr. Concord for sharing with me, for our topic wasn’t an easy one. I left it there. Her last boyfriend was the finishing touch on a long first day.

I planned to visit with Charlotte again, but with three copies of Amy’s phone under study, I went to Officer Daniels, to see what else she had discovered from Amy’s phone. She had picked up her copy from the station last night at around 7PM, so I didn’t know what to expect in such a short time frame. I wanted confirmation of Charlotte’s ‘stud’ list, if such a thing existed, and the contacts made with Amy.

I returned to the office, and had Officer Daniels inform me of what she had discovered as we entered my office and shut the door. I should mention Officer Rebecca May Daniels. Efficient, hard worker, a god on the net finding information of any kind, and to the officers of our ward, a piece of heaven. Hair up or down, no matter the time of day, makeup or no, she is the best looking heart breaker in the entire Pittsburgh metro area, and she’s working for me.

Fit, killer smile, great behind, firm naturals, tiny little waist, and the direct cause of much mistrust between officers and their wives. A total distraction, even for me, but that’s why she was entrusted to me, I happen to love my wife and family, and have come to appreciate her as a sister I never had, a really ‘hot’ sister, who needs some protection, though she can take care of herself. She won’t date cops, and I don’t ask about her private life, but one thing I do know, she lives for police work. A diehard.

As we walked into my office for privacy, she jumped right in, and amazed me with detail, since she had only received her copy of the phone last night, and must have poured over the damn thing for countless hours.

“Okay. Here’s what I’ve got so far. I’ve gone back 6 months into her phone history. She’s been with five different men sexually, not counting her boyfriend, and had videos taken with all five outside of her boyfriend. Either from her phone or a GoPro. Each time, she had them wear a mask, the useless blue Covid type, to hid their identity. I’m not sure if you had time to see any of the vids yet, but here we go.”

“All were … well, let’s just say, massively equipped. Curiously, she had direct contact with only two of her partners, she clearly used Charlotte to arrange her meetings with the other three, the timing of her ‘dates’ lines up with calls to Charlotte arranging the ‘meetings’.” Recounted Officer Daniels, as I waited for more. This girl did all this since 7PM last night? She’s insane.

“After phone tag with Charlotte, the men would arrive, and well, you get the idea. I’ve identified five of the most recent. One is married, two children, and from his Facebook page, he was with his family in Hawaii during the murder, and has yet to return. The second, is a pilot with Delta Airlines, he was flying that day, Detroit, New York, his hub is Atlanta, that’s where he’s from, he must come here to be with her when he’s on standby here, or for layovers. He’s a solid no. Third, is a local, but he was out of town, verified, he was on his route, he’s a long haul truck driver, he was somewhere in Wyoming when she was murdered.” Replied Officer Daniels, pausing for a moment before continuing …

“That leaves us with number four, Mr. Handsome, Randy Watson, he was with her the day she died, probably hours before, or during. Without knowing any more, I would consider him the prime suspect. The fifth, is one Leonard Matthews, he works at Discount Tire, the youngest, and the biggest, I mean, disturbingly huge, he was with her the weekend before last. I saw the video from Sunday before last, and a few others, and he’s gigantic. I’m sorry, but if you haven’t seen it yet. Be prepared, the little guy is packing a damn cannon. Anyway … he was working that day. I’m pretty sure that they can verify that with inhouse cameras that he was at work the full day. I didn’t want to assume anything, I mean, he could’ve gone out to lunch or something, and swung by for a quick kill, so I’m waiting for full confirmation.” Finished Officer Daniels, as I acknowledged her efforts. Solid, informative. That left us with Randy, Mr. Handsome, who readily admitted to being with her that day, from around 11:30 to just before 1PM, and Leonard, who claimed he was working that afternoon.

“I would also like permission to use your office when you’re not here. These videos she made are super graphic, and I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to watch them out in the open with everybody else around. I drew a crowd earlier, and well …” She added.

“Say no more. You got it. Set up shop in here, and keep the screen out of sight. I take it you’ve confirmed dates, and timing of the calls with Charlotte with the videos to line up her ‘meetings’?” I asked, as she replied she had, and would continue to do so.

After I left, Officer Daniels set up shop in my office, as I went back to the crime scene, and checked with forensics, and the coroner. It didn’t take long for the first head to pop into my office, as she dove into her task.

“Hey Daniels, anything look good to you?” Asked Howard, her sometimes accomplice, whom happened to share the desk nearest her. He had seen some of Amy’s pornographic video’s, and was giving Amy a ‘hard’ time about it. To say he had a crush on Officer Rebecca Daniels would be putting it mildly.

“Seriously Howard? Fuck off. I’m working. I’m not in the mood. Now shut the door.” She replied.

“Hey Daniels … is it cold in there?” Asked another pop in, to whom she promptly flipped off. For her nipples were straining from the intensity of all the pornographic images contained on the victim’s phone.

“Hey Becca? We’re going out for foot longs? You want one?” Said another. To which she replied …

“You wish. Could you please tell the mob that I need to focus, just as you should. Gimme a break. Or do I have to lock the door?” She replied, but they kept coming all morning.

But for the assembled masses outside, they could see her attractive eyes, and mouth moving about in complete awe of the various recordings Amy had made. She would sometimes cover her mouth, as the explosive vids took a deep hold over her. To imply that she had to be aroused was solid fact. She adored those big cocks. Huge fat poles, not a one under seven inches. She was moist alright, her attentions upon Randy’s body nearly brought her off. She also watched in complete fascination, as the aforementioned, one Leonard Matthews, a little nondescript man, maybe five foot four inches tall, all of 21 years old, whom possessed an enormous penis.

That’s what Daniels had seen, and I was soon to discover. Her attention to detail was being tested though, as would all of us who visited the various videos saved to Amy’s phone. Daniels was dazzled, and it wasn’t hard to figure out why.

Leonard, wasn’t merely endowed, he was the gold standard for size. Officer Daniels licked her lips, and even dared touch herself, watching the little man’s organ grow and grow until he eclipsed anything she had ever dare imagine. A softy that was easily 6 or 7 inches long, that appeared to grow close to a full foot long, well, at least, that’s how it appeared, and she was right to be in awe, reverence, and show fearful respect of Leonard’s massive tool. For in total volume, he was quite possibly the outlier of all outliers. Far beyond the range of ‘normal’ women to believe, or begin to accept into their bodies.

While Randy had enveloped her with gut wrenching desires, and need, the pull of Leonard’s massive tool held a special place within her. A size queens dream, if size alone was the only criteria. While already heady, and deeply involved with myriad mind-numbing images, her heart skipped a beat from almost two years prior, of Lenny and Amy together in her bed, as Amy produced a tape measure, and began to hold it along the top of the gigantic erect hanging prick of one Leonard Matthews, seeing is believing as Amy’s trembling hands pulled out the tape measure and held it atop the grossly huge prick, Daniels was besides herself, shaken, and stirred, for no man she had ever seen could compare.

But purists would point out, that’s cheating, for his huge member hung almost straight down, for an accurate measurement to be made, his huge prick must be parallel to the floor, sticking straight out from his little body. But his claim of being over ten inches when fully erect was in fact, quite possible. He was an outlier of tremendous dimensions, his thickness was daunting as well, Amy’s hands couldn’t begin to encircle the daunting organ, her fingers separated by inches, plural. The overall mass was mind numbing.

He was gifted, or severely cursed, as Daniels paused the video, and gasped as the midshaft girth clearly showed it being thicker than a Monster Energy can that Amy held alongside the massive dangling prick. Much longer, and incredibly thicker, the overall beauty of the organ left her speechless, her mouth hung open, drooling at the succulent prick, whose each subtle move, further enhanced it’s already glaring size advantage, it’s hold upon her hit her deep in the pit of her stomach.

The quiet little man enjoyed a truly mammoth organ. While not the favorite of Charlotte’s cabaret of studs, it wasn’t due to anything but one glaring drawback. He was simply too big for even the most seasoned of her patrons to enjoy regularly. He had been under her ‘employ’ for over two years, not long after he turned 19 years old. A prodigy, a science project, one that Charlotte herself found incredibly intoxicating, and scary all at once.

Randy on the other hand, is pure eye candy. His body sculpted, his cock a manageable, though still massive, for when at full erection, he could pass eight inches, and his girth was solid, at six and one half inches midshaft, and remained fairly constant throughout. I know this, since he was also measured by Amy, another trait that both she and her partners found very arousing. None of the men captured to video denied her, each willingly submitted, all so well equipped, that they had zero reservations.

I was on my way home, it was late. My wife says I work too much. I’m amazed she’s still with me, but I’m always like this during the first few days of a new case. It’s my nature, every initial minute lost can’t be made up. I can’t hand in my homework late, nor make excuses.

When I arrived home to my wife, the kids were over at the neighbors, as Sandy asked how my day went …

“Hey baby, how was work?” Asked my personal safe space.


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
“Typical. Good vs. evil.” I replied, giving her a kiss upon her cheek, as I surmised, we were alone.

“Don’t tell me. We’ve got some time for ‘you know’?” I inquired.

“No such luck. Both of our most prized possessions are on the way home as we speak. Maybe later tonight. So? Give it up. You were you assigned the case of that young murder victim weren’t you? The 25 year old woman that was mentioned in the news today?” Asked Sandy.

“Yep.” I replied, letting out a sigh. I usually don’t spill, and would rather forget what I saw yesterday, but it’s always there. All these cases linger with you. Especially this one.

“So sad, I always feel for the families it’s got to be so rough.” Replied Sandy, as we walked into the kitchen.

“Yeeaahhh. We held a lot out in our statement for the press. She was … well, let’s just say, it was easily one of the worst crime scenes I’ve ever been a part of. That son of a bitch, he went all the way. Cutting her up terribly. Blood everywhere, this little thing, her upper left arm showing bone, an ear ripped off, for her sake, I hope she bled out fast. She was fighting back, but only to a point. He gouged her eyes for good measure, not sure of the number of stab wounds, that’s up to the coroner. Heard enough?” I replied, as my wife looked back at me stunned.

“Sorry I asked. Jesus. Don’t capture him. Kill him, make it look like an accident.” She replied, adding …

“The boyfriend?” Asked Sandy, dipping a chip into some salsa.

“Nope. Perfect alibi. He … he hasn’t been her ‘boyfriend’ for four or five months. He’s visiting his brother in Oregon, and I face timed with him earlier. He’s clean. He was understandably broken up. I did however, meet the last known person to have seen her alive.” I replied, as my wife gave me that ‘look’, as if to say, okay … finish your sentence.

“I don’t believe he did it either.” I replied, resigned to finding another possible suspect.

“What makes you think the last guy she saw couldn’t do it?” Asked Sandy, dipping and crunching yet another chip, then dipping a chip and placing it to my mouth.

“UUmmmm … that’s good. Homemade?” I asked.

“Yeah, the new neighbors, it is pretty good, she told me she made too much, her loss, our gain. So, what about this guy? The last one to see her alive?” Replied the love of my life.

“He’s … different. He’s not attached to any one woman. He didn’t have motive. Besides, she’s the one who set up their meeting, and we have security video from a bank, that shows him walking to, and from to his car, and that was at least an hour and a half before she bought it according to the initial report from the coroner.” I replied, joining my wife in some chips and salsa.

“What kind of meeting? Business? You didn’t seem to imply it was a date.” Replied Sandy, as my wife continued to play detective. Something she always does. Everyone likes to ‘play’ detective.

“It was a date of sorts.” I replied. Heading to the fridge for a soda.

“Okay. So it was a date. Why didn’t you say so? Why are you playing this so coy?” She replied, rather flustered that I was being elusive. She could tell I was holding out.

“It was a ‘date’, where you meet up strictly to engage in carnal relations. She arranged it. She probably paid for it. When I met him, I asked if any of his female friends paid for his services. He didn’t answer right away, he just gave me a smirk, and a delayed ‘nah’ nothing like that. All that was missing was a confession. Of course he was getting paid, at least by some of them. That’s the impression I had.” I relied, as Sandy recoiled a tad, shaking her head, and replying.

“Sorry. You got it wrong. He was paying her. That’s how it works. Women don’t pay.” Replied Sandy, so completely sure of herself.

“Well. I respectfully disagree. He’s quite handsome, striking, and well, very, very well equipped. To the point where I could see the tables being turned. I spoke to his neighbors during my first visit with him while he was engaged with one of his lady ‘friends’, and believe me. She loved every minute of it. You should’ve seen the look she gave me, talking down to me from the second floor after I ‘interrupted them’, she’s almost full naked, and mouthing off even after I identified myself as a police officer. No, he’s probably worth it. Of that I’m sure.” I replied.

Sandy’s eyes were wide, disbelieving, as I cast a smirk of my own. I actually surprised her. Rare, for she’s seen and heard it all from me before, but not like this.

“You’re not fucking serious?” She finally replied.

“Nope. His female friend left, and I interviewed him from the hallway while he showered. I managed to get a look into his bedroom, and the second bedroom where he had filled it with every type of exercise equipment imaginable.” I replied. As Sandy swirled her index finger round and round urging me to continue.

“Anyway. I stayed out in the hallway, and tried not to look as he came out of the shower, but it was pretty hard to miss his huge swinging cock. He’s got me beat. Not even close. Like a horse. He looked into the mirror as he dried himself off, and I admit, I kept taking quick looks at that massive tool of his. He dried it last. Hard to avoid his body. Totally ripped. Not a mark on him. The victim got a good lick in on her attacker, and dug her nails in deep, our boy here was clean. Anyway, I couldn’t imagine how big he got when hard. Though, I did see a tremendous bulge when he initially answered the door in just a towel. I mean, it was tenting out, it pushed out, and was hanging far towards his knees, the damn thing ‘looked’ heavy.” I replied, as Sandy missed on her attempt to dunk her chip, her eyes were locked on me.

“No fucking way. Seriously? I never imagined a man so hot that I would ever pay him to have sex with me.” She replied. So sure of herself.

“Well, to most every rule, there is an exception, and he’s an exception, that I can assure you. He doesn’t give out his number to many of his lady friends. He has a regular girl of his that handles his ‘date’s’ for him. Sets up his appointments. He sells real estate for his day job. His other job, is … well, let’s just say it’s pretty self explanatory. He had been with the victim for about an hour to hour and fifteen minutes. She was assaulted, and murdered roughly an hour to two hours after that. While there’s still a chance he could’ve killed her, it seems unlikely. He was probably at his home by the time she was attacked. His neighbors confirmed the time.”

As I explained this to her my wife understood a limit had been reached, we both knew that was all I would give. It’s not her job to hear updates on every case when I get home, but she does like to know which one I’m on, and to her credit, she doesn’t pry for more. She knows I need a break, and home is my refuge. My place to forget, and begin to wind down at least for a few hours a day. My safe space. But she did have to get a dig in.

“So, he had a big one huh? I had a big one once.” Replied my wife, glancing over for my reaction.

“Yeah. I know, you’ve told me before.” I replied.

“Yeah. I didn’t like it much. It hurt. He was so thick, and I was like … “Pull out that fucking thing. I feel like I’m being stuffed for Thanksgiving dinner.” I’ve heard this before, she says she didn’t find it enjoyable, and I guess I’m obliged to believe her, but she does like to dig me about it now and then, just to get a rise out of me. Marriage? Ain’t it grand?

I had some leftovers, and made my way to my home office. I fired up my iPad, and downloaded the contents of some zip drives off Amy’s phone. They were her pictures and video captures, along with all her texts and a complete list of her phone use over the past year. As expected, the most photographed generation gave me unprecedented personal info. I recognized Randy’s numbers and photo’s, and wrote down some dates and times. There were others, the department was working on who they all were, so much of the busy work is handed off within the department, that’s what Officer Daniels is for, and after it gets sifted through her, the most relevant passed onto me. Kind of like the idiot’s guide to crime solving. An abridged, and to the point synopsis of Amy’s life, contacts, and interactions. But I don’t solely count on Officer Daniels recaps. I get in the trenches myself.

I went to Amy’s browsing history, and it read like a gay male fixated on huge cocks. She didn’t care if it was straight or gay, she loved the big ones. I also delved into her personal videos from her phone. Sadly, she didn’t have one of Randy from the day she died. But there was one taken six days before her death. The leading image couldn’t possibly be what I thought it was, as the door to my home office opened, my daughter poking her head in.

“Hey dad? Internet porn again?” She asked in jest, not knowing that I had the victims video primed to play, I was about to start it up, having just put in my bugs, but quickly removing them, and the image before me, was one of a gigantic hanging cock, the kind of your dreams, or nightmares. It was one, Leonard Matthews, the one Daniels had warned me about, Lenny’s massive hefty tool, not yet soiled, just hanging like a fucking tree limb, swaying about, bouncing off one thigh to the other. The little shit wasn’t hung, he was ungodly long and thick, so big, I swallowed, a big gulp of pride, washed down with a good dose of humility. If Amy’s boyfriend saw that fucking thing leaving her body, there was absolutely no way to compete, none at all. Your situation, completely hopeless. As I replied to my daughter …

“Yeah. Total porn addiction, all day and every night. Twenty four seven. It’s all I do really. I was forced to retire from the department due to my porn addiction a little two years ago. I’ve been living a lie. We’re about to be foreclosed, and we’re losing the house. Soon, we’ll be out on the street. Your mother is filing for divorce, and I was just moments away from taking out my service revolver and ending it all. … Satisfied?” I asked.

“Yeah. Funny dad. Really funny. Sarcasm … cool.” Are you coming to my play next weekend?” She asked, ready for the inevitable …

“I’ll try my best baby, that’s all I can promise. You know that.” I replied, as she bid me a good night.

I turned my focus to another video I selected. The one with the little guy seemed like too much too soon. I wanted to see Randy in action. My potential prime suspect even if he lacked claw marks, besides I was curious. After meeting him, and seeing him tent out his towel, I was curious just how big he really was. It’s also possible the time of death could be adjusted significantly, placing Randy with her at the time of her death. The initial image was of a monstrous cock jutting over a females upper body, between her breasts, but no man is hung like that, it must be some exaggeration made by the camera.

Randy packed a truly huge cock. Impressive. I listened through my bugs. Amy’s hands shook from the movement of the bed, as I gazed at this shiny slick prick that was easily more than twice the size of my own. I always considered myself above average, but I was a punk compared to his fat stick. His abs flexed as he moved, his arms appeared thicker, his waist tiny, and here was this … this huge ass cock that more than dwarfed my own. My spine tingled, since this wasn’t some porn shoot, something made up, it was all too real, as Amy expressed her gratitude for Randy’s massive member.

Randy was wearing a blue mask to hide his face, but his big cock and muscled body could be easily identified. I was jealous. Who wouldn’t be. His cock was perfect. Porn sized, all slippery and wet, no rubber to hide it’s beauty, thick veins travelled up and down his huge member, and Amy’s hands could barely reach around it. Most notable, was her use of two hands, with plenty left over. Here, I had seen only Randy, and a snippet of Leonard, what are the other guys hung like? I gulped as his stiff prick was manipulated to it’s utmost, time froze, as Amy expertly worked that big dick, and in the course of 20 minutes, it began to shoot hot jets of milky cum towards Amy’s face. Her mouth came up and sucked the head of that huge prick. Other than the first salvo, she didn’t miss a fucking drop. She swallowed, clearly, she fucking lived for this shit. I was rock hard.

It didn’t stop there, Amy had him sit back, then she began to worship that seemingly spent dick of his, until it rose up, inches longer than me, and so much thicker, that I felt inadequate. It’s no wonder Charlotte had control of whom Randy was meeting. I could see women falling hopelessly in love with him. Fuck, he is fucking huge. The head of his huge cock soars past his navel, as he leans over, nearly reaching his nipples. For as huge as he is, he’s surprisingly flexible. He could easily fit the head of his huge prick into his own mouth if he so desired. Amy’s adoration for his huge cock was embarrassing, though I doubt she cared a fucking bit. She wasn’t simply into it, she fucking lived and loved it. It was scary, my spine tingled as she finished him off.

I had to freeze the image as he stood upon her bed, for his huge prick stuck out nearly as far as his ass, and it was still raging hard. I had this sinking feeling of being cheated, for I didn’t carry anything close to that. Randy was enormous, handsome, built … he was the total fucking package. I had to close my laptop cover, and recover, my cock raged within my pants. This wasn’t an exception, this was one of many video’s Amy had made. I had seen enough for tonight. For if I continued to watch, sleeping would be impossible. It seemed easy to be addicted to watching this shit. Enough.


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Minutes turned to hours. I was finished with this tonight, remember? Or so I thought. I couldn’t sleep after what I had seen. I had been in bed with the wife, tossing and turning for over an hour, as I finally relented to natures calling, and headed back into my study, and laptop. It was near midnight, the wife, completely out of it.

I glanced through the first images of the various videos, simply getting a heads up on the other four well endowed men she had captured to film. One appeared to treat her roughly, but she clearly enjoyed him. His cock appeared as long, if not longer than Randy’s, but it lacked the girth of Randy, and didn’t come close in either area when compared to the little guys massive tool. No one did. I saved him for last, Leonard Matthews was working the day of the murder, and here, he was displaying a truly awe inspiring, completely gargantuan tool.

I was purposely saving him for last, and there was no comparison, none of the others could compete with him. In both appearance, and overall size, it was game over. I wondered what gene caused such an oversized wonder of nature. I was so caught up in a video of Amy drooling over Leonard’s massive spit covered prick, hanging an incredible distance, the weight unimaginable, that the approach of my wife was almost missed. I quickly lowered the screen, and pulled out my bugs.

“Hey what’s up?” I asked, my brow covered in sweat, though I wasn’t aware of it initially. But I felt guilty. I was enjoying this too much, that’s wrong, and worse, it was fucking with my head.

“Well, you were so enraptured with whatever was on your PC, that you missed your own wife entering the room. I was calling out to you. Did you want some late night, well, early morning ice cream?” She asked, as I checked my watch. What the hell, where did the time go? I was pouring over Amy’s vids for almost two hours. It’s well past midnight, my cock had actually leaked some precum inside my shorts. I had been aroused almost the entire time …

“So? What’s got your undivided attention?” Asked Sandy, coming around and reaching in to lift up my iPad, to which I quickly countered and held it closed. Already, I had a feeling I should show her, though it’s wrong to display potential evidence to even my wife, but I thought she might get a kick out of it. So I had to explain first. I didn’t want her diving in unprepared, it’s total huge cock porn, cock worshipping porn, size queen shit. Of which, my wife was not, so I thought I would show her the goods, provided I prepared her first, for Lenny’s cock was so unworldly huge, while also knowing full well, that I shouldn’t.

“Okay. This is from my latest case. From the victims phone, or a GoPro that she had set up in her bedroom, or where ever. They are rather graphic video’s that are not to be shared, nor discussed outside of me. She liked to record herself having sex, and the men … well, the men are all very well equipped, this one in particular, is simply enormous. The victim had a penchant for indulging in sexual congress with men whom had not simply big equipment, but really big. You know what? Let me show you the other guy. Mr. Handsome, he’s not as big. So? Do you still want to see this?” I asked, looking up for her reaction, to which she tilted her head, as if to say ‘seriously’.

“Well, I am a big girl. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look, but as you know, the big ones do nothing for me. I had a big one once, and I did not like it. So, let’s see what you got there Mr. Detective.” Said Sandy, once again mentioning she had a ‘big one’ before, which I’ve literally heard a hundred times. As I pulled up the screen, I asked my wife to look away, then quickly switched to a video of Randy.

“Okay. You can look now. This is Randy, Mr. Handsome, he was with the victim an hour or two before her death, he’s got more than enough.” I explained as my wife’s hand on my shoulder quickly gripped hard, squeezing tighter as she leaned in …

“Oh my lord. Who is that again?” She asked, as a towering Randy stood upon Amy’s bed, his big cock swinging in front of Amy’s iPhone, all up close and all too personal. His body not fully in view, but what you could see was impressive, very impressive. Not only hung, but built …

“Oh my! He’s put together. Wow. What a body, what’s his face like? And to be hung like that? He’s huge. Holy shit!” Exclaimed my wife, as Randy’s uber fit body came into view. My wife’s body went bolt upright, but quickly returned to where her head was next to mine. Coming in close for a real good look.

“Jesus Richard … Look at him, he’s unreal.” As I saw her tongue come out to lick her lips, unaware of how seriously interested she had become. A simple glance wouldn’t do, as she watched Amy place the phone into something that held it in perfect position to record her adore, and lustfully devour Randy’s solid delicious cock.

All I could hear was Sandy’s breathing into my right ear, as she watched Amy’s little hands grab Randy’s fat cock. It easily had room for a third hand, as she two handed that big dick into an ever harder, and incredibly larger stance. My wife was annoyed, for Randy wore one of those cheap blue Covid masks, as she quipped …

“What the hell is with the mask? Lose it. Is he as pretty as I think he is?” Asked Sandy, clearly not thinking of her husbands feelings on the matter at hand.

“Better. Think something like Ryan Gosling, only with a better body, and a huge, really huge cock. The guy is a complete distraction. Seriously good looking, and easily the best face, body combo of any of the five men that frequent her.” I replied, as Sandy stood upright.

“Five? She has five lovers? All of them … endowed like that?” She stuttered, her hand weakly pointing to the screen.

“Well, yeah, to varying degrees. This guy was probably her favorite, and he was the last person to see her alive, other than the killer. The coroner is convinced that the time of death is roughly one to one and half hours after he left her place. Video from the street shows him arriving, and leaving, and I saw him in just a towel on Sunday evening, and he didn’t have a mark on him. Amy took a chunk out of her killer, we’ve got solid DNA samples, we just need to find our man.” I replied, as my wife’s rapt attention upon the screen told me she didn’t like it, so much as she loved seeing Randy’s huge cock being appreciated by the victim.

“My God. Look at her go after it. She loves it, she fucking loves that huge cock. It barely fits in her mouth. My goodness, how he must feel, she’s gorging on it, loving it. Damn. She’s an animal.” Replied my better half, as Amy’s hands milked Randy’s big cock for all it was worth. I had to close the screen to break the spell it cast upon us both.

“How about that ice cream?” I asked, as Sandy’s startled face looked down upon me.

“Holy shit. How many hours of this stuff are on her phone?” Asked Sandy.

“Unknown. A lot though. I have Daniels going over it, so far, she’s only gone back maybe a month to two months. We’re looking for any sign, or signs, where there might be a clue to help find her killer.” I replied, as I glanced at Sandy, whom was clearly shaken by what she had seen.

“Are you kidding? You’ve got Daniels working on this? Oh my God. I know that if I were her, and single like her, I’d track down this Randy character and have him take me. WELL … NOT ME! Of course. But I mean, if I were Daniels. Sorry. I’m going off the deep end. Let’s have some ice cream, then hit the sheets. Seeing this really put me in the mood.” Replied Sandy, as my mind yelled a silent ‘YEA!’ Daddy’s going to get some tonight, and after we’re done, as an added benefit, I’ll be able to nod off super fast.

Meanwhile, earlier, across town, Daniels was reaching for her third orgasm since getting home. She was doing some of her own ‘homework’. She had taken the zip drives, and uploaded countless hours of video from Amy’s iPhone, and she was exploring, and cumming all over the place. As for me, the wife and I were just finishing up our ice cream and about to get our nasty on, but I pondered whether I should change my password on my iPad here at home. I am a detective after all, and all the warning signs were there, but I tried to convince myself that my wife wouldn’t access my iPad, and gaze upon the countless hours of homemade porn from a victim’s phone. I mean, who would do that?

My wife did. Her journey, is about to begin. My bad I guess, but then again, daddy did get some tonight, so maybe, the trap I laid, would lead me to getting some a little more often. Nothing wrong with that.


Sexy Member
Aug 10, 2020
100% Straight, 0% Gay
I already wanted to leave here. But the big man finally broke away from his huge log, clamped between his legs, and continued to write. Hooray.


Admired Member
May 30, 2015
Los Angeles
Minutes turned to hours. I was finished with this tonight, remember? Or so I thought. I couldn’t sleep after what I had seen. I had been in bed with the wife, tossing and turning for over an hour, as I finally relented to natures calling, and headed back into my study, and laptop. It was near midnight, the wife, completely out of it.

I glanced through the first images of the various videos, simply getting a heads up on the other four well endowed men she had captured to film. One appeared to treat her roughly, but she clearly enjoyed him. His cock appeared as long, if not longer than Randy’s, but it lacked the girth of Randy, and didn’t come close in either area when compared to the little guys massive tool. No one did. I saved him for last, Leonard Matthews was working the day of the murder, and here, he was displaying a truly awe inspiring, completely gargantuan tool.

I was purposely saving him for last, and there was no comparison, none of the others could compete with him. In both appearance, and overall size, it was game over. I wondered what gene caused such an oversized wonder of nature. I was so caught up in a video of Amy drooling over Leonard’s massive spit covered prick, hanging an incredible distance, the weight unimaginable, that the approach of my wife was almost missed. I quickly lowered the screen, and pulled out my bugs.

“Hey what’s up?” I asked, my brow covered in sweat, though I wasn’t aware of it initially. But I felt guilty. I was enjoying this too much, that’s wrong, and worse, it was fucking with my head.

“Well, you were so enraptured with whatever was on your PC, that you missed your own wife entering the room. I was calling out to you. Did you want some late night, well, early morning ice cream?” She asked, as I checked my watch. What the hell, where did the time go? I was pouring over Amy’s vids for almost two hours. It’s well past midnight, my cock had actually leaked some precum inside my shorts. I had been aroused almost the entire time …

“So? What’s got your undivided attention?” Asked Sandy, coming around and reaching in to lift up my iPad, to which I quickly countered and held it closed. Already, I had a feeling I should show her, though it’s wrong to display potential evidence to even my wife, but I thought she might get a kick out of it. So I had to explain first. I didn’t want her diving in unprepared, it’s total huge cock porn, cock worshipping porn, size queen shit. Of which, my wife was not, so I thought I would show her the goods, provided I prepared her first, for Lenny’s cock was so unworldly huge, while also knowing full well, that I shouldn’t.

“Okay. This is from my latest case. From the victims phone, or a GoPro that she had set up in her bedroom, or where ever. They are rather graphic video’s that are not to be shared, nor discussed outside of me. She liked to record herself having sex, and the men … well, the men are all very well equipped, this one in particular, is simply enormous. The victim had a penchant for indulging in sexual congress with men whom had not simply big equipment, but really big. You know what? Let me show you the other guy. Mr. Handsome, he’s not as big. So? Do you still want to see this?” I asked, looking up for her reaction, to which she tilted her head, as if to say ‘seriously’.

“Well, I am a big girl. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to look, but as you know, the big ones do nothing for me. I had a big one once, and I did not like it. So, let’s see what you got there Mr. Detective.” Said Sandy, once again mentioning she had a ‘big one’ before, which I’ve literally heard a hundred times. As I pulled up the screen, I asked my wife to look away, then quickly switched to a video of Randy.

“Okay. You can look now. This is Randy, Mr. Handsome, he was with the victim an hour or two before her death, he’s got more than enough.” I explained as my wife’s hand on my shoulder quickly gripped hard, squeezing tighter as she leaned in …

“Oh my lord. Who is that again?” She asked, as a towering Randy stood upon Amy’s bed, his big cock swinging in front of Amy’s iPhone, all up close and all too personal. His body not fully in view, but what you could see was impressive, very impressive. Not only hung, but built …

“Oh my! He’s put together. Wow. What a body, what’s his face like? And to be hung like that? He’s huge. Holy shit!” Exclaimed my wife, as Randy’s uber fit body came into view. My wife’s body went bolt upright, but quickly returned to where her head was next to mine. Coming in close for a real good look.

“Jesus Richard … Look at him, he’s unreal.” As I saw her tongue come out to lick her lips, unaware of how seriously interested she had become. A simple glance wouldn’t do, as she watched Amy place the phone into something that held it in perfect position to record her adore, and lustfully devour Randy’s solid delicious cock.

All I could hear was Sandy’s breathing into my right ear, as she watched Amy’s little hands grab Randy’s fat cock. It easily had room for a third hand, as she two handed that big dick into an ever harder, and incredibly larger stance. My wife was annoyed, for Randy wore one of those cheap blue Covid masks, as she quipped …

“What the hell is with the mask? Lose it. Is he as pretty as I think he is?” Asked Sandy, clearly not thinking of her husbands feelings on the matter at hand.

“Better. Think something like Ryan Gosling, only with a better body, and a huge, really huge cock. The guy is a complete distraction. Seriously good looking, and easily the best face, body combo of any of the five men that frequent her.” I replied, as Sandy stood upright.

“Five? She has five lovers? All of them … endowed like that?” She stuttered, her hand weakly pointing to the screen.

“Well, yeah, to varying degrees. This guy was probably her favorite, and he was the last person to see her alive, other than the killer. The coroner is convinced that the time of death is roughly one to one and half hours after he left her place. Video from the street shows him arriving, and leaving, and I saw him in just a towel on Sunday evening, and he didn’t have a mark on him. Amy took a chunk out of her killer, we’ve got solid DNA samples, we just need to find our man.” I replied, as my wife’s rapt attention upon the screen told me she didn’t like it, so much as she loved seeing Randy’s huge cock being appreciated by the victim.

“My God. Look at her go after it. She loves it, she fucking loves that huge cock. It barely fits in her mouth. My goodness, how he must feel, she’s gorging on it, loving it. Damn. She’s an animal.” Replied my better half, as Amy’s hands milked Randy’s big cock for all it was worth. I had to close the screen to break the spell it cast upon us both.

“How about that ice cream?” I asked, as Sandy’s startled face looked down upon me.

“Holy shit. How many hours of this stuff are on her phone?” Asked Sandy.

“Unknown. A lot though. I have Daniels going over it, so far, she’s only gone back maybe a month to two months. We’re looking for any sign, or signs, where there might be a clue to help find her killer.” I replied, as I glanced at Sandy, whom was clearly shaken by what she had seen.

“Are you kidding? You’ve got Daniels working on this? Oh my God. I know that if I were her, and single like her, I’d track down this Randy character and have him take me. WELL … NOT ME! Of course. But I mean, if I were Daniels. Sorry. I’m going off the deep end. Let’s have some ice cream, then hit the sheets. Seeing this really put me in the mood.” Replied Sandy, as my mind yelled a silent ‘YEA!’ Daddy’s going to get some tonight, and after we’re done, as an added benefit, I’ll be able to nod off super fast.

Meanwhile, earlier, across town, Daniels was reaching for her third orgasm since getting home. She was doing some of her own ‘homework’. She had taken the zip drives, and uploaded countless hours of video from Amy’s iPhone, and she was exploring, and cumming all over the place. As for me, the wife and I were just finishing up our ice cream and about to get our nasty on, but I pondered whether I should change my password on my iPad here at home. I am a detective after all, and all the warning signs were there, but I tried to convince myself that my wife wouldn’t access my iPad, and gaze upon the countless hours of homemade porn from a victim’s phone. I mean, who would do that?

My wife did. Her journey, is about to begin. My bad I guess, but then again, daddy did get some tonight, so maybe, the trap I laid, would lead me to getting some a little more often. Nothing wrong with that.
So thrilled to have u writing again C! Even the detective wife can't help but become a real size Queen! Love where this is going and can't help getting wet for more....XO, Jan


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Chapter 3

Day 3

I’m in the office. I was called in. I knew why. It didn’t take a detective to figure it out.

It’s 8AM, I don’t need this shit. Rivera is coming back in two days, but I guess I need a dressing down.

I knock, and am nodded in …

“Captain? You wanted to see me? What’s up?” I replied, knowing full well what was going on.

“Come on in. Take a seat. How’s the case coming?” Asked, Captain Robert Peele, he’s been my boss for the last twelve years plus. I wish he would get to the point.

“Not much so far, it’s mostly been a process of elimination, and with solid DNA, it’s just a matter of time, all we need is a prime suspect.” I replied, as Bob, got up and circled around me to look out into the office. I knew where he was going.

“So? Jimmy’s here in the office, being a desk jockey, with Howard and Daniels, and you’re out on your own? He’s supposed to be learning from you, not on desk duty. What’s going on?” Asked Captain Bob, a name he doesn’t care for, so when I use it, he knows I’m not happy.

“Well Captain Bob, Jimmy has been with me for almost a month, and while he might have been a good cop in Indiana, he frankly sucks at being a detective. He came in late Sunday morning to start the Conrad murder case, and I have one question for you. Who. Does. He. Know?” I asked, and right away, Bob started to laugh.

“Damn it. Ya got me. How long have you known?” He asked, as I came to that thought after my first couple of days with Jimmy.

“Pretty much in the first couple of days. But I played along. Jimmy’s got a friend in high places, but he’s got a long way to go, and frankly, Daniels is infinitely more qualified, as well as Howard. Rivera is coming back in early, so really, what’s the point?” I asked, having carried all the water for the past three cases, all ‘wins’, and with little to no help from Jimmy.

“The point is, you play along, so do it for me. Okay? Just today? Take him out with you, and I’ll make it known he’s not working out, and have him reassigned. I don’t need the headache, and neither do you.” Replied Captain Bob.

“Okay. We’re done here, right?” I asked, as Bob sent me out with a ‘thank you’, as I gathered Jimmy up like one might do to take the dog for a walk, the only thing missing was a leash.

“Come on Jimmy. We’re heading out for an interview. Unless of course, you’ve got some dog vomit to clean up. I mean … I can wait.” It was clear to all what just happened inside the captain’s office, and it was clear to even Jimmy, that I’ve had my fill of him. Fucking alderman’s nephew. Jimmy was in over his head.

We arrived at Discount Tire. I drove, as Jimmy asked who we were going to interview. Seriously? He didn’t even read Daniels report on the men Amy Conrad was seeing sexually? I didn’t complain, what’s the point, this is my last day with ‘Jimmy’.

“The subject today, was on the list Daniels created of the men Amy had been seeing. This is the ‘little’ guy that we know she was with Sunday before last. He might have some insights or information that could help.” I replied, as we left the car.

“Okay. I’ll do the talking, they’re just starting their day. I would’ve done this at the kids home, but I don’t think his parents need to know what his other ‘job’ entails. Video showed him working here at the approximate time of Amy’s death.” I stated, as we approached the desk.

“Good morning sir. New tires today?” Asked the counter clerk, looking out to our plain wrapper police SUV.

“No. I need to see your boss.” I stated, as the young man looked outside to our car.

“Oh, well, I can handle any issues you might be having with any service issue.” He replied.

“No it’s nothing like that.” I replied. But the kid wouldn’t relent.

“Oh, well, you know, he’d rather I take care of any issues you might have. If you like, I’ll push you to the front of the line. Just give me the keys, and let me know what’s wrong or you’d like done.” Said Allen, his name on his store supplied uniform. I wasn’t trying to be an ass. I simply wanted the boss.

“Allen, that car is not mine.” I replied, while he quickly replied.

“Yes it is. You’re the first ones here, and I saw you get out.” He replied, weakly pointing to our SUV seemingly puzzled at my behavior.

“Allen. That’s a fleet vehicle. It’s a Pittsburgh Police Department, plain wrapper, SUV. I. Need. To. See. The Boss.” Making it as plain as I possibly could, and with each word, tapping my index finger on the counter top. The look on his face was priceless. As Jimmy giggled like a little girl behind me. Even I had to suffer a smile.

“Oh. Okay. Right away sir.” Replied Allen, as the girl at the desk, and the other clerk looked on with wide eyes, and yes, Allen ran off, and yes, here comes the boss.

“Hi. I’m John. Can I help you?” He asked, offering his hand for a shake. Firm hand shake. I like that.

“We need to speak with one of your employees. Leonard Matthews. He’s not a prime suspect, but we’re from homicide, and he knew the victim. He may not be aware she’s dead. The murder took place Saturday, the body discovered early Sunday morning. We have some questions to ask, and we’ll require some privacy. I know he’s here, his car is parked outside.” I replied, as John offered his office. He showed us inside, as he went to gather Leonard, as his fellow workers at the desk listened intently. They all do, especially when you drop the line ‘we’re from homicide’. It’s definitely an attention getter.

John didn’t tell Leonard who we were, or our purpose, as Leonard was let in and the door shut. I knew from sight whom he was, and yes, I had to look down between his legs. Good lord, even with loose pants there was a preponderance of bulging cock and balls. I held out my hand …

“Leonard, I’m Detective Morse, this is officer James O’Brien. Sit down please.” I asked, as Leonard took a seat, and as I watch him sit, his face is concerned, it’s obvious he doesn’t know why we’re here, so he’s a bit baffled, and worried, and he’s actually sitting carefully, so he doesn’t sit upon his gigantic equipment.

“Is it my mom and dad? My brother? Are they okay? What’s going on?” Asked Leonard, so quickly that I hadn’t time to inform of the purpose of our visit.

“Leonard. Your family is fine, and you’re not in any trouble. So, put yourself at ease. I do have some news you’re going to find disturbing. But first, I do want to make clear. You are one Leonard N. Matthews?” I asked, as Leonard relaxed, and let out a deep breath.

“Yes sir.” He replied. His eyes questioning. He wanted me to get to the point.

“Okay. I’m Detective Richard Morse, Pittsburgh Police, homicide. The man behind me is officer James O’Brien. This is in regards to one Amy Marie Concord. She was murdered last Saturday afternoon. I’m aware that you know her, correct?” I asked, and waited, for the little man did know her, you could see the shock, the immediate rapid breathing, and all the emotions and questions that began to surge forward all at once.

“Why? Why” No, that can’t be … she’s … not …” Replied Leonard. Barely twenty one years old, it came as complete shock. He clearly had no prior knowledge, Charlotte hadn’t contacted him per my request. The video from Discount Tire was provided by the owner. Leonard’s boss John, though John didn’t know we had secured the video that cleared Leonard of any wrongdoing, we got that straight from the franchise owner.

“Well Leonard. That’s why were here. I want to find this son of a bitch. I know you were her Sunday before last. I know the approximate time of your stay and I know the place.” I stated, as Leonard’s brow furrowed, as he thought back, and began to understand how I had known, and the why. Amy had filmed them together, so of course. So surely I knew he had a massive cock, easily the largest I had ever seen, as Leonards’ expression changed.

“Sooooo … you saw the video? From her phone?” He asked, as I had to acknowledge the obvious.

“Yes. It’s just a small part of her rather extensive collection of homemade video’s from her iPhone, and a GoPro.” I replied, relieved that we were past that part of the interview. As I rushed to back to business.

“So, Leonard, did Amy ever comment on anyone following her, pestering her, anyone that was a person of concern for her?” I asked, allowing him time to answer.

“No sir. None that I can recall. Ummm … no, but maybe … no. You know. She never shut the curtains. I mean, she left everything hanging out there.” Replied Leonard, as I prompted him to continue.

“Go on Leonard. Tell me what’s on your mind, anything, no matter how small may be significant.” I replied, sitting back.

“Um, yeah, she didn’t care one bit if anyone watched us, but … well, I guess, the only person that could see us going at it was the guy right across the street. He was a nurse or doctor or something. He always had scrubs on. She told me he worked at the hospital.” Said Leonard, as he scratched along his left leg. Already, he completely dwarfed me. I had seen the video of him with Amy, and portions of a few more, this ‘kid’ is hung like a fucking elephant.

“Did she ever say that she knew him? Spoke to him? Maybe shared a drink or meal?” I asked.

“Nope. Can’t say that she did. You know? I think she was embarrassed to a point. You know? I think she was uncomfortable with that idea. I mean. He had seen her naked hundreds of times. He had too. No, I don’t think she would’ve been able to … be around him like a friend might do. She did leave the drapes open all the time. My first time with her, I was rather self-conscious about the drapes being open, but she told me not to worry, that the guy across the street lived alone, worked the night shift, and was probably already off to work. She kind of knew his schedule, but … well, when I was with her the second, or was it the third? I forget. But anyway, it was early evening, he was there. He saw us go at. She got off on that, and after a while. I did too. I got …” Said Jimmy, leaving his sentence unfinished, he realized his audience, and he also knew that I had seen his huge cock, and could imagine Kyle seeing that heavy massive cock from across the street, wishing it was his own.

“So, she understood the neighbor watched. Did she ever see anyone else over there watching?” I asked, as Jimmy paused to think it through.

“No. Not that I recall. It was just him. I think, maybe he had a girl there once, when Amy was with another guy, and the two of them watched her going at it with him.” Replied Leonard, as I surmised that the entire team of employees of the store had made one pass to look inside John’s office, their curiosity peaked, as Leonard spoke to two policemen regarding an unknown matter.

“There were some men working next door to her place. Did you ever see them? Interact with them?” I asked, already, it was clear Leonard was well mannered, well brought up, considerate, and that he wanted to help.

“Um, yeah, I did see them a couple of weeks before. It was a Saturday. I had the day off. Amy and I had a ‘date’ with Amy, and we, well, I don’t remember if she filmed us or not that day. I don’t think so, but when I left, the two guys came out and gave me the once over. Amy was loud, always loud, she liked it … you know … big.” Said Leonard, indicating the obvious for the first time, for his huge cock was withing a few feet of me. He is a fucking monster down there, even when soft, as he is now.


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
“Did she mention any other men?” I asked, as Leonard didn’t hesitate.

“Yes sir. Um, I think four or five others, but I only heard one name mentioned … Randy? Does that sound right? Something like that. I guess he was a regular, like me.” Said Leonard, his first slip. I had put him at ease, and he knew the second it left his mouth.

“As in regular? What does that infer? And just you know, I’ve been on this case since Sunday morning. I do know things.” I replied, as Leonard’s shoulders dropped and he sat back.

“Opps. Well, then you know about Charlotte?” He asked, as I nodded that I did.

“Well, then you know that she was the supply line for Amy, and other women whom like it … you know, big. Sometimes I get paid, sometimes I don’t. She’s not like a pimp or anything. It’s more like a network of friends sharing … friends. It’s not what you think.” Said Leonard, neither defensive nor worried, he clearly thought it was all good clean fun, and to a point I agreed with him, though I didn’t admit it.

“So, these other men. Did she ever say that she was worried about any of them in any context?” I asked, as Leonard leaned forward again.

“No. They all had something to lose, at least, that’s what I believe. Most were married, or had girlfriends, but then again, she had something to lose to, she had a boyfriend.” Replied Leonard, setting up my next question.

“Did she ever mention the boyfriend in a negative light? Did he harm her in any way, was he at all abusive?” I asked.

“No sir. She loved him, but …” Stalled Lenny, as he wondered if he should say what he was thinking. I didn’t reply, I just waited for it.

“Well, he wasn’t hung. He was average at best, and she liked the big boys.” Stated Lenny, leaving it there, just like the stud he was, he may be little, but he knew we knew, and in his own way, he was using the near mystic ‘power’ of his huge cock even now.

“Was he aware she was seeing other men? Well equipped men?” I asked, as Leonard paused.

“No sir. Well, not at least … until … well … oh shit you’re probably going to find out anyway. He caught me with her about half a year ago. We had been going at it pretty good, probably a half hour in, and we picked up on it at the same time, that it seemed someone had entered her bedroom. I turned around, and there he was. He freaked out. It was over for them right then and there. I ruined it for them. I felt pretty bad about it. I know she did too. She never wanted to harm him, never wanted him to see her with another man.” Said Leonard. Though he didn’t want it to happen, I could sense the mischief. He had shown her boyfriend his huge cock, and about that, he was proud. I had seen his cock in all it’s glory, and he knew it, and I knew that he was thinking that very same thing. He wouldn’t admit it, but he loved showing off his huge swollen prick, longer and thicker than any he had ever seen, and it was his own. His pride and joy.

“You had direct contact with her?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yes sir. We exchanged phone numbers a couple of years ago. Charlotte was out of the loop by then. We were supposed to meet up this upcoming Sunday.” He replied, confirming text messages the two had shared from last week.

“Did you have a thing for her?” I asked, just being thorough.

“Um. Kind a. What’s not to like? She was my height, slim, attractive, fantastic naked, she knew what she liked, and she went after it, but … she was out of my league. I was there for her pleasure. Not that I didn’t enjoy it too, but she was killer smart, and she loved her boyfriend, even if he lacked, you know … the other thing she loved.” Replied Leonard.

My questioning continued for another half hour, but there were no insights nor new information gleaned from our interview. I handed him my card, asking him to call me if he remembered anything, anything at all, no matter how small or insignificant it might be. Jimmy and I left him, and walked from John’s office, all the workers there stared at us, and at Leonard as he returned to work. The look on the face of the receptionist as she eyed Leonard as he walked into the back, they all looked at the little man. They all knew he was hung, that story is saved for later, but now they wondered what he had gotten mixed up in.

“Jesus. Did you notice the size of his package?” Asked Jimmy, as we barely made it outside. It only confirmed that Jimmy wasn’t paying enough attention and easily distracted.

“Hell yes I saw it, how could you fucking miss it once you noticed the damn thing?” I replied.

“I know … but to actually see it up close, and in person. Holy shit, the little guy is packing a whopper.” Replied Jimmy, clearly affected by it, but who am I kidding, so was I. There is something so primal about being around a man of such great endowment, and it is ‘great’, I felt I lacked something, that something was taken from me, I know I shouldn’t feel this way, I’m bigger than that, but I’m not bigger than Leonard, I’m a pitiful fraction of the man he is. I know it sounds crazy, but it seems that rational thought is diminished around such a show of manly sexual force, men are always conscious of their cocks, and to be upstaged like that, to know something so much greater and larger exists, is humbling, troubling, I felt like I had been run over.

I thought of something that Jimmy would find hard to do, a task that goes with the job. He wasn’t with me before, and now is as good as time as any, as Jimmy and I went to visit the morgue. If Jimmy was going to continue in his quest to be a detective, then he was going to examine the victims body, still encased at the morgue. This isn’t an easy job, and seeing the dead, is every bit as important as seeing the living. He wanted this, so he’s got it. Captain Bob Peele got his wish. Jimmy is with me for the day, and I plan to punish him along the way.

I got a call from the coroner. He thanked me. I had stumbled upon the murder weapon. Not the exact murder weapon itself, but one exactly like it. Sure enough, it was the ten in one tool. The contractors across the hall from Amy’s apartment had one taken from them alright, as I quickly called Daniels during our drive to the morgue.

“Daniels? I want you and Howard to look back at the street side videos. I know we’re focused looking at the time after Randy left the victim, but I’m of the belief, after confirming the weapon used, that the killer was there before Randy arrived, possibly hours before, and it’s also possible, he took his time to leave. He had wounds to hide, to repair. Look for anyone, male, female, whom came in looking one way, and left in another. I’m talking new outfit, or maybe wearing a hoodie coming in, or leaving, or wearing a scarf, or dark towel around their neck, anything to hide the wounds from being scratched. I’m assuming it was on the attackers right side, face, neck, shoulder area. Like I said. They came in one way, and left in another. Great work so far. Keep it up.” I stated.

“Thank you sir. On it.” Replied Daniels, as we pulled up to the morgue, I wanted Jimmy to see the body in it’s present state, and give me his opinions, I stayed outside in the hall, and took a seat. I didn’t need to see the body again. I left Jimmy inside with the morgue staff. He was in there barely five minutes, as he came out, white faced, I stood, and told him to wait, while I went in, and waited for the doors to shut behind me.

“Hey George, thanks for giving us a look. How did he do?” I asked, as George rolled his eyes.

“Do you want an honest answer?” Asked George, as I nodded I did, already knowing the answer.

“Nice kid, this temp. guy, but he’s … he’s not cut out for this line of work. He took one look, and seemed about to throw up. The sights, the smells, the whole thing … he’s not cut out for this.” Replied George, as I nodded along. No reply required, as I thanked him again, and went out into the hallway, where Jimmy had sat down, collecting himself, he was shaken by what he had seen.

“Come on Jimmy. Let’s go.” I commanded, as he steadied himself, and followed me out to the car. I was right from day one. He’s not cut out for this stuff. Either you got it, or you don’t, I can’t wait for Rivera to return to duty.

I got the sense Jimmy was beginning to see the light. As for Leonard, that little shit’s junk was a total distraction. I had seen some portions of the videos he was in, and he was the star. I barely saw Amy’s body even when it was all there to see, the real attraction was the impossibly huge cock that his little body somehow managed to maintain at a stupendous size.

I conducted a few more interviews with Jimmy in tow, we returned to the office, and sat in with Daniels and Howard, reviewing what they had come up with, and so far, we had little to nothing to go on. But it had to be there, somewhere, on the street, we had a killer, right in plain sight, if we only had better angles entering Amy’s building, but we had enough, still, we couldn’t put it together. Shit, we have solid DNA, all we need is one fucking break.

Just as Captain Bob asked, I had Jimmy follow me throughout the entire day. I purposely made it a tiring and long day for him, and at the end of it, he came to me and shook my hand, and from his manner, it was as if for the last time. I think he finally got it. He called me a ‘good man’, and bade be farewell, as it turned out, after sleeping on it, he asked for reassignment the next day. I know the trip to the morgue did it, and for all concerned it’s for the best.


“Hey baby.” I said, and by my tone, she knew I was beat. We kissed, and had a late dinner as a family, and after watching some TV, I retired to my home office, to review some film, and take it easy. I found it difficult to think of anything else. I had been with Leonard Matthews, and his huge package, even in full repose, it was playing games with me. I had never considered myself anything less than a man until this case started, and I found myself overwhelmed by well-endowed men. I feared, probably incorrectly, that’s what women preferred, and I had at least a few examples of those who did. One was dead, the other, a striking beauty who played the part of ‘pimp’, a woman that I wanted to know more about, since she possibly held the key to this case, without know it.

Sandy didn’t ask about the case at all. She knew that time had passed. I went to the recordings from Amy’s phone, and perused through them, seeing if anything in particular caught my attention. But the only video that held any promise in the case, had to be the last one. Maybe she said something during it, anything at all, that may lead to a mystery person of interest. Or maybe, it was just about the sex, and nothing else. No surprises. She was all business, it was only about the sex, huge cock sex.


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay

I paused only for a second. This is wrong, but I had so much pent up sexual energy, and curiosity, I tried to convince myself its only ‘business’, but who was I fooling, I needed a release. I had to watch her final video, the one that was the most recent, and from the initial image, I concluded that it couldn’t be real, it must be an optical illusion.

I hit ‘play’, and was greeted by the longest and fattest cock I had dared believe existed. It wasn’t simply the phones point of view, it was Amy’s and now mine, as this massive fat cock swung dangerously heavy and menacing over Amy’s heaving chest. Swaying, and bobbing about, the head was huge, leaking, veins encased the entire length of it, slick, monstrous. It was Leonard Matthews, the little man I interviewed earlier today. He pulled that heavy prick up with both his hands, and there was plenty left over, and what lay underneath was just as incredible. Huge soaking wet balls, most likely lathered up by Amy’s mouth and pussy. This was his second erection of the day. He had crushed her only minutes before, and she wanted to capture his massive tool to film. I could see why.

But I was still wasn’t convinced that the image wasn’t distorted or altered in some way, for the damn thing jutted incredibly far from his body. It was my first full introduction to Lenny. The scrawny one, the one that ultimately ended Mark and Amy’s relationship. This was the little shit, the one with the mammoth dong, that imploded a long term relationship, this was the dick, the incredibly beautiful, and grossly endowed fuck wad, that wasn’t normal, he was freakishly fucking enormous. I was right to be intimidated by him, and to fear him.

This was my first view of Lenny’s ungodly huge tool about to go into action, young, boyish face hidden behind the blue mask, incredibly endowed, really hung, really huge, a monstrous, skinny white ‘kid’, barely 21 years old, short, skinny, whose massive fat tool twists a little to his left. A blondish to brown pubes surrounded the base of the massive fat shaft, it looked so heavy, it’s volume shredded my own, I had never seen bigger in any porn venue. He is a fucking monster.

Mocked in school due to his lack of height and body weight, but all that changed when puberty hit. While he barely grew an inch or two in height during that time, his huge dick exploded into dimensions that should have him barred from physical education within the school system. He probably should’ve been removed from showering with the others, but the school didn’t want to single him out, to make him feel ‘different’, but he was different. He was wasn’t much to look at, but all his other shortcomings became mute, and were overlooked due to the tremendous size of his flaccid cock and massive hanging balls.

As for Lenny, he lived with it, initially, he didn’t take advantage of his enormous endowment, though he thoroughly enjoyed it. It was his hobby. His life outside of school. But there was drawback, a big one. The one girl he loved was his childhood sweetheart, they were best buddies ever since she moved into his neighborhood back they were both 5 years old, but word had spread, things became awkward. It was only towards the end, their senior year, did she accept his invite to their senior prom, but alas, it was not to be. Prom night, she got to see him erect for the first time, his tool was far too thick to enter, it’s countless fat inches all but useless. She had previously dated boys during that time, and it ripped Leonard’s tender heart, but she heard the rumors, and she could see the tremendous bulges within his pants. While curious, she was also small down there, and knew that she couldn’t handle the ‘rumor’ within Leonard’s pants. They remained close friends, they remain friends, but sadly for Leonard, he was way out of her league.

As for Leonard, he was not a virgin, he lost his virginity long ago. But there were false starts along the way, for those brave souls whom attempted to ‘date’ the little man, doubtless found him too much ‘man’, far outside their comfort zone. A few his own age tried to mount his gargantuan organ previously, but women near his age were taken aback by the enormous fat prick.

Cursed with too much of a good thing. Lenny’s early sexual encounters were anything but satisfying. A MILF encounter changed his mind about being so large, for she appreciated his monstrous organ, even though she fell well short of accepting all his titanic prick he had to offer. She also became clingy, and for Leonard, that became a familiar pattern, for his size, once accepted and appreciated, became more like a drug, a ‘need’ developed, and the frequency of his encounters and their duration, resulted in his experience level skyrocketing to those of a much more seasoned, older man, much older. He was ‘special’, he knew it, and he ultimately became to master the art of handling such a massive fat tool.

Lenny’s other surprise to his first lovers, was noticed only after he had been aroused for a time, and neared his own orgasm. His already huge prick could extend out over a full half inch in length, and the girth nearly as much. It was a ‘gift’ only the truly well-endowed encountered. It wasn’t noticed so much by the ‘feel’ of his victims, although there were some whom noticed as the huge prick expanded as he approached orgasm. It was when he pulled free after his orgasm, did the other party become aware of how large Lenny’s mammoth cock had swelled.

In a sense, he ‘evolved’, and as time passed in his young life, he could pass ten inches long, and his girth midshaft would pass that of a soda can. At times, he became so hard, that it physically hurt him, though he loved the ache his bloated prick provided when ‘full’ hard. There was an inner pride only he could fully understand as his fantastic organ reached it’s peak, for he had seen his share of porn, and his combination of length and girth easily exceeded all Lenny had ever seen in video’s or pictures. For if he saw one larger, he correctly assumed it was photoshopped or manipulated in some fashion.

Lenny wasn’t aggressive in nature, nor a show off. He was blessed, and cursed all at once. Girls his own age were afraid of him, it was their mothers, and older women whom sought him out. Some were put off by his small body, and boyish features, but that mostly evaporated once they saw the heights his cock could reach. He looked like he belonged in high school, even at his present age of 21, he looks underdeveloped, youngish. His huge tool was more a curiosity, part myth, part legend.

There are so many dynamics to the mystery of relationships, that a lasting one eluded him. He wasn’t dumb, but he wasn’t physically attractive like Randy. His preference were young women his own age, but they were ill equipped to handle such an enormous weapon, and men, well, they did nothing for him. MILF’s, that was the answer for his early sexual encounters. It took a swimming party at a friends when the mother noticed Lenny’s prominent bulging prick and enormous balls. She discretely placed herself in a position to proposition him, and with her fine body, her offer was accepted. While not what Lenny would’ve wanted this for his first time, it was an opportunity to finally place his giant cock into the place where it belonged, inside a grateful pussy.

Needless to say, she paid the price, her pussy left raw and gaping as the virgin laid in his mammoth pole. Rough, awkward, her responses were cursing, and crying out, as the voluminous monster hit all the targets. Learning as he went along, she tried to guide him, but his size so great, her responses so intense and quick, that all she tried to do was a step too late. She ultimately gave in, allowing Leonard to push in his monstrously long and fat organ, for at some point, she would run out of space to contain the gruesome mammoth prick.

He realized it as well, as he pushed her body up the bed, impaled on a cock so painful, she dared not think of the consequences. She never came so hard in her entire life, her body exploded in waves of both pain and pleasure while on the end of him, the insertion of the game changer that Lenny possessed pushed aside prior sexual memories, those times seemed so long ago, and not up to snuff, for Leonard put her husband to shame, and all those before him, as Lenny’s telephone pole sized cock left her in ecstasy, but in the end, battered and tattered for days afterward.

The ungodly stretch, the depth, every nerve in her body turned up to high, exhausted, overcome, she took all she could handle, as Leonard’s massive hot prick laid in all forms of emotions, but in the end the bitch, the real pain, the regret. Conflicted, confused, she had no one to tell. She couldn’t talk about it to anyone, until the urges hit her with a guilt so deep, she went to the one place that offered absolution … confession.

When at the church, she hesitated, she sat back down, but she came here to confess, so that’s what she would do. It’s what good Catholics do. It’s what she must do. Gathering all her will, she entered the confessional, and when the little window opened, it was now or never.

“Father … I have sinned. I have engaged in sexual congress with another man.” She explained, her voice tortured, her soul suffering, for the priest surely knew whom it was.

“I’m glad you came forward child …” He began, but she didn’t let him finish.

“He’s so much younger, barely nineteen years old. His cock … his cock is so … so big, so long and full. I’m unable to forget, it’s so good, it hits every spot, it haunts me so much, and it felt … it felt so good, sooooo very good. I never knew it could be like that …” As she too was cut off.

“Okay. Okay. I have a good idea of what you’re going through, but you must cast away your sinful thoughts and …” But alas, his sentence went unfinished, the emotions she was undergoing were far too strong, for her pussy was wet, her body and mind cried out in need for that little fuckers giant fat cock.

“You don’t get it father. I’m not responsible. It’s like he tricked me. I feel empty, so empty without his huge cock inside me. My body cries out for it. Is this normal? Is this type of thing something you go through with addicts? I can’t stop the want, the need to have him inside me again. It’s crazy, that damn thing hurt me afterward for days, but I crave it, I want that huge fat cock deep inside me, again and again. I’m dreaming about it, it’s compelling me, forcing me, you’ve got to help me …” As her voice trailed off, she was rubbing her bottom about, trying to think of anything to avoid from cumming right then and there. Simply talking about it, and the visuals that shot through her mind with such rapidity, she was being taken away, even here, in this ‘safe’ space.

“Easy child, this too shall pass …” As he once again was forced to stop. Her voice becoming louder and louder …

“You’re no help. No one can help me. If it feels that good, how can it be sin? God sent him to me. I’d be a fool not to take advantage of his gift. Why did I come here? I knew you couldn’t be of any help to me. Only one thing can fix me.” She replied, as he heard the door open, and her hurried footsteps as she made a quick exit. She texted the little shit, whom said he was working, and wouldn’t be able to leave until past 7PM. She waited, all moist and sticky, so thankful the little man agreed to see her again.

It was the first time Lenny considered ‘used’ someone, for as he left work, and met up with her …

“I’m hungry. I need something to eat first.” He told her, as she followed his car, and they met up at a diner nearby. She knew he was testing her, it didn’t matter one fuck, and she didn’t want to fail, nor upset him in the least.

“Come on in. You’re buying.” He stated with an authority she had never suspected from the then 19-year-old could parlay, and pay she did. She was famished, but her need was different, she was starving for huge dick, her face was flush as she found the waiting painful, she knew what was opposite her. It was silently consuming her as he patiently ate his dinner, and leaned back as he finished.

“Okay. I live with my parents. Is your husband home? Or do we go to a hotel, or maybe … we do it outside. It’s nice out tonight.” Said Lenny, with such utter confidence to a woman clearly older, as a couple at the diners lunch counter looked back, wondering if it’s exactly as they think. Is this little man, whom looks so dangerously young, about to take this older women to bed? He sure as fuck was.

“My husband is out with a friend of his, I don’t know when he’ll be home, it could be at any time.” She replied, not wanting to rent a hotel room, but Lenny took care of it.

“I want to fuck outside. I think I know a place.” Said Lenny, as he waited for her to pay, then had her follow her to the destination. The counter couple looked at each other in total surprise at the arrogance and domineering manner of this ‘little man’, but as he arose from the table, the male at the counter noticed a massive bulge along Lenny’s left leg, he didn’t mention it to his significant other, he didn’t dare, for what he saw easily eclipsed his meager offering, as over eight inches of semi erect fat dick easily dwarfed his own cock, and made him question his sexual worth. There was no mistaking it, it was man meat, a giant helping of huge fat dick. He didn’t want his woman to see the damn thing. No sane man would dare tempt that kind of fate.

She followed Lenny until they ended up behind a deserted stand-alone dress shop. One of many businesses that Covid lockdowns had killed off. By the light of the city, and the moon, she would service his gigantic meaty cock, and she did so with gusto and great relief.

A blanket she kept in her trunk was adequate to lay upon the broken asphalt driveway behind the establishment to protect her knees, as she knelt at his feet and went to work. Leonard stood with his arms crossed, she did all the work, as she unleashed his massive inflating pole, just as she remembered, long, meaty, ungodly beautiful, and well worth the wait. Lenny didn’t say much, he loved showing off his huge prick, and having it honored and adored. Life, is just as it should be.


Superior Member
Dec 22, 2007
West Chicago (Illinois, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
It was quite a heady experience for him. He was testing the waters of control, as he ordered her to kiss, lick, and stroke the huge prick towards a very sizable sturdy erect state. He would stop her, and order her to continue, only this time, no hands, as she was instructed to lick and bathe his huge balls, as his mammoth cannon hung over her head, or shoulders, precum drenching her clothing. He didn’t need to see her naked, he wanted nothing but compliance in servicing his steadily inflating organ, which was approaching a very heavy state, as it closed in on ten inches of bloated horse cock.

Lenny loved the feel of being domineering, and especially the weight of his huge prick, which began to push further downward from the amount of fluids that continued to flow and fully engorged his meaty mast. She felt it too, her hands on his narrow thighs and hips, as she obediently serviced the massive hot tool and huge flexing balls. Her submissiveness was expected. Lenny was beginning to comprehend the power he could exert over women whom became obsessed with his outsized member. This one is fanatical, her capitulation firmed up Lenny’s ego as well as his inflating his huge prick towards truly mammoth dimensions.

In many ways, it was a first for Lenny, as he pulled up her hair, and looked down upon her gorging upon his incredible ensemble. The ‘twins’ were flexing, his huge prick bobbing a bit, trying with all it’s might to rise up, but being so large and heavy, it was simply impossible. Being so fucking huge has it’s drawbacks, as she was ordered to milk and pump his huge prick into her face. Her lips were raw from kissing and bathing his enormous balls, her chin was soaked, as she readily backed up, and grabbed the heavy prick with both hands. Must please the master.

It was her turn, as she prodded and enticed the monstrous prick to full size. Sliding past ten inches long, with body and soul crushing thickness. It was much like her first time with the now aggressive teen, but this time, only better, more primal, more ‘evil’, as she performed what was for her, was most satisfying release of pent up sexual tension imaginable. She came, hard, her head dropping slightly, as Lenny realized what had happened to her, he gathered her face with his index finger and pulled it up so he could look into her eyes …

“Keep going baby. Milk the cow. Work my huge dick … make me cum.” He would never talk to an older person that way. At least, not before today, but he understood the boundaries, and to him, they didn’t seem to exist anymore. Very soon, her masterful milking hands found a drenching milky load being shot over her face, body and hair. She sucked, she pumped, and savored each fat inch of Lenny’s bloated ejaculating tool. He dirtied her with his seed, her clothing in need of a good solid cleaning. She would require a full change of clothes, as his huge prick belched out a ferocious hot load.

It was all worth it. Didn’t matter that she didn’t have a change of clothes, didn’t matter that he ordered her about, all that mattered was the spunk that came in such incredible force and volume from his fully distended, and fatally aroused organ. Lenny grunted his approval, and soon took his huge prick into his hands, and slapped it along the side of her head, the force of which should not be underestimated as her head bounced to one shoulder from the impact, but he didn’t care, he then forced her mouth to open wide to accept the still raging head of his incredibly hard cock, for he wasn’t finished with her. Not in the least.

Her lips strained, her eyes crossed, as she looked down the moonlit image of heavy hot monster cock, painfully hard and full, the head was all she could take in, it was simply too fucking big. He ordered her to suck it up, milk that huge fucker, as her hands milked his huge joint, until his own hands returned to pull it from her still sucking mouth, an audible ‘pop’, as the huge prick swung free of her mouth to bounce wildly about, mere inches from Lenny’s knees.

They left the blanket behind, as he led her to her car, ordered her to drop her jeans and panties, and had her grab a hold of her passenger side fender, and lean over, bracing herself with both hands waiting with baited breath for the forceful entry of Lenny’s gargantuan fleshy fat prick. No warmup, no sticky fingers, she was a bitch in heat, she looked over her shoulder, in awe at the massive dripping prick, no lube required, she was drenched, her own sauce leaked down between her thighs, she had never been so wet, nor so ready.

She couldn’t keep quiet, she couldn’t help but yell out into the night air, as the head of Lenny’s fat cock folded her pussy inwards, and began to slowly make headway deeper and deeper inside her trembling body. This wasn’t her first time, it only felt that way, as the mammoth prick made it’s presence known.

The incredible mind blowing stretch was pressing deeper and deeper inside her convulsing body. She forgot about the confessional, her husband’s little prick would never do, she forgot all else in her life, for what really mattered, was pressing deeper and deeper inside her, with an astonishing array of feelings that now consumed her entire body in a glorious, and never more full orgasm, long, and longer still, she was weak, her arms twitching, as the little man’s mammoth tool worked it’s wonders. She felt deliciously dirty, as Leonard’s new found aggressiveness was welcomed whole heartedly. This bossy approach relieved of some guilt, showed her the true boss, as all that was ever needed, beat, and ground her down, as she handled every fat inch that she dared take.

This is what she lived for, this, made it all worthwhile, as Lenny’s big cock was slowly pulled back, then reinserted, again and again, as nearly eight inches of the huge prick worked its miracles and wonders. She was like a kid at Disneyland, as those fat inches sawed, stretched, and plundered just as they had before. Again, and again she came, as the little shit drove home his bloated fat tool, every nerve exposed, every rational thought discarded, all that mattered sawed through like some fat flesh knife, a life altering, earth moving experience, that dared cross further than their first time together. This was no sin. It felt too fucking good.

No one heard her screams, no one saw the damage being done, no machine could measure the depth of Lenny’s sexual power, as he flawlessly pumped his heavy mighty prick into her so often and so deep, that she eventually fell forward onto the hood of her car, about to pass out from the intensity of her countess messy orgasms. Their union leaked onto the soil below, some insects came buzzing about, as Lenny’s hips delivered a fatal fucking, one that would leave her unable to comprehend the heights his massive bloated prick was forcing her to experience. She was helpless so fucking helpless.

Nothing quite like fat meat laid deep, and that’s exactly the abundance that Lenny had many times over. She couldn’t handle all he had, she could feel the bounce of his huge heavy balls against her thighs, and the incredibe stretch from his beyond soda can thick dick bringing forth the very stars, as they shot across her eyes. She was crying, she was nearly fucked out, as his huge prick left her body, as she slumped along the side of her car, falling into a heap. A wasted woman, whose blurry gaze in the moonlight saw only the huge swaying bloated prick, the very thing that destroyed her.

At that moment, as Lenny stroked his huge ass cock, he felt a surge of deep, deep, satisfaction. This, is what he can do, this, is what he’s capable of, as he aimed his huge prick at her exhausted body, and emptied his huge load upon her with both his hands. It was his time to scream, as his load came forth violently, in hot salvos, a drenching, a soaking, a seemingly endless stream of hot bolts of his cream, that laid into her body and face with incredible force and volume. The animals of the night dispersed as Leonard let loose his cannon, his salty sweet load drenched and covered her in it’s sickly wet warmth, only to be chilled by the night air as it lingered, and dripped upon her.

A heap of helpless woman, whom gladly welcomed the harsh wet load upon her sexually stricken body. Blast after blast, as Lenny’s warm seed lashed out in lesser and lesser amounts, milky white turning clearer and clearer as his huge prick ached, it actually hurt, but it hurt so good, so very good. How proud he felt, how dominant, how strong, and all this from such a small man in stature, but whom carried the biggest stick of all.

The moment hit him hard, almost as hard as it hit her. He milked out every last drop, shaking the huge prick’s head over her welcoming body, as the moonlight shown around him, and highlighted the magnificence of his tortured fully erect horse cock. He was fucking enormous. He fucking knew it, as his eyes closed as he released his massive spent tool, as it swung underneath him, pulling him forward and back, it’s mass so great, the tug of gravity pulled on it so, and Lenny, he loved the ache, as his heavy swollen prick slowly settled in underneath his little body, swaying about like a massive thick salami. But a few inches from his knees, and appearing to his victim, every inch of a full foot long. The damn thing was her salvation, she was convinced of it.

Her head collapsed onto one arm, her vision dominated by that of huge swinging cock, about to fall asleep from exhaustion, as Lenny took in all the damage he had wrought. He didn’t say anything, it was a warm and sultry night, as he stood proud, letting her gather in all that hung so heavy and huge from his small body. He showed her alright. He showed her who’s the boss. ‘Try and have any man match that shit.’ He mused, knowing full well no man could bring the goods like he could.

He gathered up what clothes he had discarded, and dressed, while she lay alongside her car. Exhausted, beaten, as Lenny’s threatening weapon disappeared within his pants, though the outline was sickly stupid, as the leaking head left a growing stain. Out of courtesy …

“You okay?” Asked Lenny, as she weakly nodded. She was so fucked up, so useless.

“Next week then?” He asked.

“Hell yeah. Anytime you want me. Anytime at all …” She replied, as Lenny turned for his car and drove off, a cloud of dust all that remained in his wake, of course the other ‘wake’ he left, was a sinfully aroused housewife, a near perfect MILF, whom lived for only one man. A little man, whom just so happened to harbor the longest and fattest cock imaginable, and whom bestowed upon her, the most sexually thrilling moments of her entire life, as she groveled and clawed herself to once again stand, and prop herself up alongside her car, covered in dirt, and cum, as insects of the night feasted on the leavings, and leaving her awash with feelings only one man could ever give her. Her knees weak, her pussy sore and raw from the thickness only Lenny possessed. She felt an emptiness as he drove off, a longing that had only one cure, she expressed her true feelings for the little fucker that he never heard.

“That little shit … he was better than the first time … HE WAS BETTER THAN THE FIRST TIME … HE WAS BETTER …” She yelled into the night, where no one could hear, where no one, outside of her, knew her new meaning of life. She was already imagining the ‘next time’, but what if … next time never comes? A thought like that barely entered her mind, but one thing she conveniently forgot, is that life is full of disappointments.

She was at church with her husband two weeks later, and as she was leaving the father found an opportunity to pull her aside, he whispered a single question into her ear …

“Have you made peace with your sins?” He asked, as she whispered back.

“Yes. Rather than fight the urges, I embrace them. I am free of sin. It feels too good, I know God forgives me.” She replied, her smile beamed, as a disappointed Father Paul, mused she needed more help, but for Father Paul, he would soon find a disturbing trend developing, for she wasn’t alone, she would be joined by two more parishioners, each spoke of a massively endowed young man whom was putting a strain on their conscience, that they hadn’t the will to resist. It sent shivers down his spine, since the same thing was happening at the Lutheran church just a mile away. By his count, that was five married women, and untold others that did not come forward. Who the heck is this little man?

The cause of all this, was currently fixing a spare at Discount Tire just a few miles away and checking the balance. His simple life, his unremarkable appearance, still living at home with his parents, and making a modest living, but inside that placid unthreatening little man, hid the beating heart of a monstrously equipped stud, a ‘little man’ with a growing hunger, whose only cure was pussy.

He didn’t look the part, nor act it, unless of course he became aroused, and aware of the sway he held over his latest charge, for he was young, and still learning, but his heavy prick left a deep shadow in it’s wake, the ripples of his influence had reached far beyond this night, to a new acquaintance, one Charlotte Ward. A soon to be associate, and ‘business’ partner. Pretty beyond belief, and instilled with a size queens' lust for the biggest and best, she would become well versed in the little man’s eye-opening appendage, which would easily dwarf all she had seen previously.