the buyer (MM, little kinky)


Superior Member
Nov 3, 2009
Ramsgate, England, GB
Miles couldn’t help feel a little sad, he was getting rid of a lot of stuff but he needed the money and if he was honest now that he and his ex had broken up he had little use for some of their more adventurous toys

For the most part the sales had gone well, he met each buyer at the coffee shop in town, exchanged the money for the goods and both parties left happy, a few of the buyers had got weird, asking for photos of him wearing or using the item he was selling

He only had a few bondage kits left to sell, but they were a little pricier, having been far from cheap when purchased

One evening he received an email from someone requesting more information on the items

The pair exchanged several emails, the guy seemed keen to buy the whole lot

The guy insisted on pick up from miles’ home, because the items combined would be bulky and conspicuous no matter how they were packaged up

To be safe miles requested a photo of the guys ID, along with a selfie, and sent them to his work email detailing the exchange, he had seen one too many true crime documentaries he was going to be as safe as he could

The guy had a kind face, he was middle aged, a little bit of a belly, thin rimmed glasses, his hair was cropped short

The day of the exchange came and he arrived right on time

Miles lead him to the living room and showed him the many bondage kits and implements he and his ex had accrued over the course of their relationship

“wow, this stuff isn’t cheap why are you selling?” the buyer asked

“my ex moved away, he was big into kink, now hes gone its just gathering dust in boxes under my bed so figured I may as well make some money”

“so you aren’t into kink?” he asked sipping the glass of water miles had offered him

“oh sure, but its tough to find someone else whose into this kind of thing, someone safe, build that bond of trust, that rapport”

The buyer chuckled “I hear you, im very new to all of this and so far the guys I have met…..” the pair shared a knowing look and laughed

He reached into the box and pulled out one of the kits, “how does this work?” he asked

“oh that’s an under bed restraint kit….”

After several attempts to explain miles decided to take the buyer to his room and show him

This dude was harmless and deffinitley not a murderer, he looked like he wouldn’t hurt a fly in his leged of Zelda t shirt and cargo shorts

“You just lift the mattress…. Put the square part underneat, leave the straps out the sides and now your bed is ready for some action”

“like this?” the buyer asked gently guiding miles to the bed and binding his wrists to the headboard and his feet to the foot of the bed

“exactly!” miles smiled “you’re a natural at this!” he waited for the buyer to untie him, to laugh at his joke

The buyer instead stroked his face

“this isn’t funny” miles scowled

“do I look like im laughing?” his face had turned ice cold

“your ex told me all about you, told me to keep an eye on you, keep you safe, said youd be needing a new dom in your life with him moving across the globe for work”

Miles shifter as best he could “he never mentioned you”

“every man is allowed his secrets, who do you think taught him to be the dom he was? Taught him that move where he flexed his cock just as you were cumming so it intensified it?”

Miles blushed, recalling that move all too well

The buyer slowly undressed, placing his glasses on the chest of drawers

Removing his shorts revealed he was commando under his shorts, and wearing a heavy metal cock ring, his semi hard cock

Miles ex had been big, but this cock made even his look small, and it was only semi hard, he walked over to the head of the bed his cock only just out of reach

“I assume everything he told me remains unchanged, your likes, dislikes, safe word etc”

miles nodded

“excellent, now if you consent I will show you why I should be your new dom, and we will have some fun, however if you say no that’s totally fine, I will buy the stuff as promised and you will never see me again….. do you consent”

“yes” miles said breathlessly, he would be lying if he said he hadn’t missed this

“yes what?” the buyer growled

Miles looked up “yes…..sir”

The buyer stroked miles face “good!”