An Angry Black Woman!

Just read a blog by my buddy Goodwood and it set my blood to boiling. This is the second time in 24 hours a white man has plucked my last nerve on the topic of reverse discrimination and alleged handouts. Mikechicagoman7 was the other if you're curious. He's got a darn nice cock, unfortunately he's a dick. :mad:

And as for this reverse discrimination bullshit you white men keep crying about. :rolleyes: This alleged racial and feminine preference due to affirmative action has yet to work in my favor! I have 3 degrees and the student loans to prove it. I have never been given a scholarship, grant, job or anything else that one of you whiny, white men allegedly deserved more. :angryfire2:

This country was founded by white people. White men. The fact we now have a black President does not erase or negate the past 400 years of your sovereignty.

I as an incredibly attractive, well educated, and well spoken black woman have enough rejection letters and 'thank you for coming in for 4 interview letters' but we've opted to go with someone more qualified i.e. a white male that I could wallpaper the White House! :mad:

I asked one woman at an interview some 23 years ago if she would be honest as to why I had not been chosen to be a receptionist. She said because I was too imposing. That I shouldn't wear a suit on my next interview but a dress in a nice small floral print with a jacket or sweater. :wtf2: I tried that for a while much to my parents chagrin.

Then a Jamaican neighbor set me wise. She said no one wants a black as a receptionist because you are the first thing people see. You represent the company. :yikes: Damn! Crush my little 20 year old heart why don't you. Here I thought the reason I wasn't getting hired was because I'm dyslexic and on a good day type 30 wpm at best. :biggrin1:

Eight years and a BA degree later I was told by a career counselor (a white male) that I shouldn't wear a pant suit to a job interview. Apparently the black pinstripe one which I had worn to our meeting made him uncomfortable. :rolleyes: He said it made me look too aggressive, as if I already had the job and was looking to move up the corporate ladder. :wtf1: What happend to dressing for the job 'you want to have', not the one you had ten years ago. :angryfire2:

Historically in the United States, when the economy is at it's lowest race and hate based crimes flourish. :frown1: It's true, mark my words and watch sites like the Southern Poverty Law Center for updates on what is really going on in the United States of America. :cool:

Or as Chris Rock once said, "There ain't nothing a white man with a nickel hates more than a 'N-word'with a dime."

"If you are free, white, and over 21 and can't make it you have no one to blame but yourself." Ma Ollie



As I just told Goodwood. It is tough out here. Yes you may have been a victim of discrimination. THough it was cold blooded we both know that there are people who will turn and leave when they see a black woman serving as the face of the company. Is it right? NO . Is it real. Oh yeah. The stereo type and in some cases the reality of the Angry Black woman have reached that ears and mind of some folks before you got there. It pervades all aspects of society. But the thing is until you see what happens to every other applicant in your position you may never know exactly why you were rejected. Someone with a BA might look at your list of degrees and be intimidated and not think you will be satisfied doing that job and may leave as soon as you arrived. Truth be told you probably might have.
I dont think someone who has not experienced the beauty and the dilemna of being a woman of richer hue may think you are being melodramatic, but I know your concerns may well have much validity. Hang tough and keep strong.
Just because you personally haven't benefited from the effects of a phenomenon doesn't mean that it isn't real.

Trust me, I'm still waiting for my White Male Texan Landowner membership card to show up in the mail with a multimillion dollar check attached.

And 400 years? Check your maths, P. :rolleyes:
Hazelgod, you are absolutely right. Now put the shoe on the other foot and try to apply the same thinking as Patsy. I know empathy is a superhuman leap for you, but nothing beats a failure like a try, buddy.
it exists , it exists...... descrimination exists with ever group.... people will always look out for their own b4 they worry about any one else. thats just part of being that master race, the human race that is. look at locak gov, go to the sheriff's office, a black personwill feel like a flake of pepper in the salt shaker, walk to the D.M.V. a hoonkie will look like a grain of sand in an oil slick........ but to quote bullworth, "the answer is a system of total racial deconstruction, everybody just keep fuckin everybody else till we all the same color"

any nubian goddesses wanna start with me?, i'm handsome, smart, indapendantly wealthy and i rooted for ohmar epps in higher learning?
I know the feeling. I have a brother who wrote a book alleging that some hiring practices of minorities is a bad thing, easing out reliable white people who might have more skills.

The whole thing boils down to: were there no discrimination, there would be no reason for affirmative action.

Being a dyslexic bi sexual who is half deaf, former drug addict married to a Jewish woman with a Puerto Rican background, I can assure you, I understand differences.

Be angry on on certain surfaces. Good will can open other areas. Just watch where you go.
oh exists in all racial groups. My partner was turned down for a few jobs right out of college because he wasn't asian. Also, for a couple of others because they wanted a minority, even tho he was highly qualified for the positions having multiple degrees and experience. Oh he's Blond, blue-eyed, white boy. Imagine that. Ironically, where we live in California...THAT makes him a minority, yet he's not considered one. ALSO, what makes me irritated is that people expect others to pay for what SOME peoples ancestors did to their ancestors. THAT is rediculous. People today cannot account for the sins of their relatives nor should they. Everyone is accountable for their own one elses.
OH!!! and current trends suggest you look at what people at the place wear to work and show up dressed similar to them so you can be looked at and pictured as someone that would fit in during an interview. Overdressing for a job does make people feel inferior on certain lvls. Kinda like you're trying to outdo them or show them up.
OC made a good point in his last post. More people in hiring positions look for someone who will properly fit in with their currently staffed group instead of someone who's only focused on upward mobility.

Now, what I see is that racism still exists, but calling "racism" is far more popular today. From everyone including the formerly major caucasian race. People feel like that is the easiest way to get their point heard or to at least get a second chance if they play the race card.

On "reverse discrimination" in general, I personally wouldn't call it as such because discrimination is discrimination no matter who it's happening to. There's no one way to discriminate.

Corporate America has been hiring mediocre, unqualified, to just plain dumb white people for decades and nobody complained except maybe the smart people who were forced to pick up their slack.

IMO this country will truly have reached racial equity and equality when an HR person thinks it's fine to hire a black or hispanic person who isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. As it stands in order for a black person to be hired over a white person they literally have to be twice as good.
wow... i think you need to step outside the box NJ and look at other areas than where you're located. I've been to MANY MANY places where your last couple statements are more than a reality. Even my Dr's office has some real winners. Whats sad is when my Dr. comes to me and makes an untru statement about a subject I know about and I have to correct them. And I do :) hahah Seriously, being on the minority side here in California, many places their employees cannot, rather, WILL not speak english. I think it's cool and all for everyone to keep their heritage and languages alive...however, when you're dealing with the public you should speak the language of where you're at. I do understand you being upset when you're more qualified than the next person for the job, I'd be too. NOW try tacking the gay onto the job search. My friend was fired from a coorporate job in Florida that he'd been working at for years...when they found out he was gay. No notice...just you're's your check. Imagine how pissed he was.... It happens to all of us...some area's are more harsh on different races/genders/sexual orientations...but then again...THAT is why i choose not to live in those places and work for myself. I've even had prostpective clients that were coming to me stop or cancel when they found out i was in a relationship with a man. hmmm ponderous...
Yeah, HB...let's see you empathize with this nonsense. :rolleyes:

My imagination is vivid, and my love for hyperbole runs deep...but this whinging, self-indulgent pity party is just too much for me to take part in.

@NJ: Life isn't fair. At your age, you should already know this. Your power lies in how you respond to these inevitable iniquities. The rant you've put on here today isn't the path I would recommend.
you know, I never try to tell black women they are not persecuted largely because I am not a black woman
I think it would be nice if you extended that same respect to white men, instead of telling us because we are white men we clearly have never been descriminated against
as that is, bullshit
I hear ya babe.."
But, don't let it make you angry.."
You made it this far!!
do you think maybe it was just because you actually were too agressive? it seems like if people keep telling you that you are too agressive over a couple decades, maybe you should tone it down just a little bit. That being said i am unfamiliar with race in the US as i just recently moved here, and i know very well that some asian people(a minority) particularily in Japan can be very racist towards other races. but that is mainly older people who are assholes anyway.

mai tu senz.

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