bad jacqui... tsk tsk...

yes, the title is a third person reference.

Mr. Snakey said:
Please do not post any more theads about such a topic as Rape in such a laughing manor. Mr. Snakey Moderator

this was waiting for me, in my inbox....
for those who dont know, last night, i was following a dark train of thought... sue me if i have dark, twisted, often unatural fantasies...

i wanted to reach out to find all the other kinks on this site, maybe have an enlightening discussion, more of a support group or whatev.

laughing manner? wow, i was curious about something i found on wikipedia... i dont know if this blog will get me banned.... he just said don't post anymore THREADS....

and its NOT just rape, more specifically, i was talking about rape fantasy. its pretty much accepted in most BDSM circles as one of the many facets of roleplaying senarios...
trust me, ive been doing my homework, it isnt as bad as it sounds...

mostly it satisfies a deep innate need for submission, and the rapee, if you will, actually is in more control, because they are usually the one who ask for it [[in healthy adult sexual relationships]] and they set the limits && boundries.

i did my homework damnit.

[[One form of sexual roleplaying is the rape fantasy, also called "ravishment" or Forced Sex Role play (FSRP). Ravishment has become a more preferred term in BDSM circles, as it makes a distinction between consensual roleplay and nonconsensual assault.
Since the illusion of non-consensuality is important to the fantasy, one or more safewords are typically employed. This way, a participant can protest without stopping the scene, unless the safeword is used. Often a variation on the "stop-light" system is used, with different colors designating different messages: "red" to stop everything, "yellow" to slow down or take it easy, and so forth. For scenes where there is an element of surprise, the top or "ravisher" may use a "startword" or other identifying signal.
In healthy ravishment scenes, all participants carefully negotiate what will transpire beforehand. Limits are respected and made very clear, to maintain safety and consensuality. Such negotiation would also include discussion of emotional issues for both partners, especially if there has been a prior history of actual sexual abuse or assault]]

it's been real, im out for now...


A laughing manor sounds like it would be great to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

Rape fantasy roleplay can be fun!
The reason he said do not post such threads is because it does not have a proper category. If there was a fetish category, then it would not matter to the mods. But posting it in a section where we all see it and are stuck with looking at it is not okay. You posted it in a laughing manner, as if rape is something to laugh about. You had despicable taste when you posted that, and I sincerely hope you think about what you're posting, next time.
But p_gf, if you had posted an excerpt from the wiki (like you did here) or even made an attempt at starting a discussion rather than just saying 'rape fantasy - discuss', which is what you did in that thread, I don't there would have been half the negative reaction there was.

You just need to learn that if you want to inspire people to share their thoughts on a topic (especially a potentially sensitive one) you need to lead them into the discussion with some of your own thoughts. That's why your thread was seen as trivialising the issue / concept.

Make sense?

Edit - I don't agree at all with Young N Sassy's comment. I don't think it showed 'despicable taste' at all. It is a valid topic of conversation and 'Et Cetera' was not a bad place to post it - I would have chosen 'Relationships...' myself but I can see why you didn't. The point of a Fetish forum, were one to be created, would not be to hide stuff away but to categorise things more neatly. I don't see why having a 'rape fantasy' thread is incongruous to this site anyway, we've discussed it before and doubtless will again. It's not like p_gf said 'who here likes getting raped?' now, is it?

A question, p_gf - someone made a comment about the title of the thread having been changed by a mod, is that true? I only ever saw the title as it stands now.
When it comes to BDSM, folks interested in that have a robust community online. I, however, am not into BDSM, and do not appreciate being confronted with stuff like rape fantasies.

I would, however, like to see you get the satisfaction you want from playing that out however you want to, so please go find a place where such fantasies would be more welcome. I'm sure there's folks here with similar interests who can guide you in that direction.

LPSG doesn't need to be all things to all people; that would only water it down. There's stuff that I'm into that I don't bring up here 'cause it doesn't fit.
thats why i put it in ect- it doesnt fit.. i just wanted to hear what people had to say on it... which is why i made a blog to it...

&& i cant answer you manlybanisters-- i havent been back to check it... i'd rather stick to my blog....

another one will be up tommorrow, im distracted at the moment...

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