
A couple of days ago I had a strange dream. It involved a high altitude house that I reached via a flying/gliding vehicle vauguely of a dune buggy. In this open framed, high altitude house was a woman dream-knowledge stated was Skytiger and her children. I grabbed a paper and though the words I read on the page were different, my mind read the article as "Resident of Ontario, Canada sues for custody of Bast, his firstborn son."

So I had a dream where involving people I know who didn't look like their earthly selves, were not called by their given names and were nowhere near where they actually live. Yet, in the context of the dream my mind connected each person with their alter-ego.

It was strange and kind of disturbing, given it was one of my few dreams that involved flight of any kind, and the funny thing is, my sense of balance always follows whichever way I'm oriented in my dreams as if that is how I am ACTUALLY moving. Then there is the unlikelihood of Skytiger's mate continuing to live after any incident that should separate them.


Sounds like you had an out-of-body experience.

I had one before. My spirit fell like I was skydiving only I crashed into my terrestrial body. I woke up sweating with :eek:. I used to get a lot of those when I was a kid. Night terrors of falling.

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