First Entry...

I've not written in this fucker yet, so I figured I'd throw my two bits in on this strange, yet lovable site.

Why am I here? Well, honestly, I'm a man who suffers the usual self-confidence issues, with a healthy dose of paranoia. Of the few girls I've slept with, they all made some mention of my size, but I never really completely believed them for some reason. Fuck knows why, but that's the sort of crazy weirdo I am.

Anyway, learning a bit on here has been informative, and of the few of you who actually know who I am, you're awesome and the reason I keep coming back to this site.


Well thanks for coming back and welcome to the world of blogging. Can't wait to read more of what you've got to say and getting to know you more. :)
Self-conscious? Paranoid? Pull the other one! That's certainly not the impression I've received...

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