How much am I supposed to read into this?

  1. The guy is cute and quiet. Doesn't normally talk to anyone. He's a real mans man. But he will always talk to me.
  2. When me, him, and a group of friends went on a trip recently, he would follow me around like a baby It was kinda cute, and I don't ever use that word.
  3. He tells me stuff like... any movie with Ryan Reynolds is good...
  4. And he's a gadget whore like myself. On the trip we both took our Android phones, iPads, Canon 5D MkII's... etc.. it was nice to have someone that accessorized like I
What say you?


i wouldn't read too much into it.
at the very least, you two have common interests in tech. stuff. maybe he doesn't have too many other friends that understand the whole tech. knowledge he has. but you seem to, so that's great.
just enjoy having a friend that you can enjoy something in common with - would be my advice.
I think you both have really good points :) But I think goodwood hit the nail on the head. I think he's comfortable with me because he can talk to me about tech stuff and we understand each other, instead of feeling like a geek or something when someone doesn't have the foggiest about what he's talking about.

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