To those of you who have the time to reply, please can I ask you to comment on your preference of male body type. The types will follow below.
The reason I ask is because recently Fiona and I attended a 'fun' party where we experienced all types of sexy fun.
We hooked up with a couple, where the girl was petite and the guy was top end muscle bound.
Fiona enjoyed the time she had with him, because of his rippling muscles. Which made me think whether I could do a bit more to make my body more appealing. She commented that she wouldn't like to be with a guy who is muscle bound but it was nice as a one off. This view was repeated by others in a friends discussion but was also balanced by those who didn't like it.
Now I made the body types below quite simplistic and would say I am in the category of, fit and have basic musle form. The type that could carryout the everyday needs of manly responsibilities, but nothing to be able to show at a muscle contest.
I would say I am sexually over active.
I have seen very lean puny guys with huge sex drive and muscular guys like the one described above who can't do too much sex wise.
I would appreciate your comments and choices of preference.
Body types.
1. Fully top end muscle bound. Competing grade.
2. Well formed toned body showing great developement of defined muscle.
3. Fit and muscle adequate to perform as explained above.
4. Puny to the extent of being under weight, but able to perform.
5. Have no preference what so ever.
The reason I ask is because recently Fiona and I attended a 'fun' party where we experienced all types of sexy fun.
We hooked up with a couple, where the girl was petite and the guy was top end muscle bound.
Fiona enjoyed the time she had with him, because of his rippling muscles. Which made me think whether I could do a bit more to make my body more appealing. She commented that she wouldn't like to be with a guy who is muscle bound but it was nice as a one off. This view was repeated by others in a friends discussion but was also balanced by those who didn't like it.
Now I made the body types below quite simplistic and would say I am in the category of, fit and have basic musle form. The type that could carryout the everyday needs of manly responsibilities, but nothing to be able to show at a muscle contest.
I would say I am sexually over active.
I have seen very lean puny guys with huge sex drive and muscular guys like the one described above who can't do too much sex wise.
I would appreciate your comments and choices of preference.
Body types.
1. Fully top end muscle bound. Competing grade.
2. Well formed toned body showing great developement of defined muscle.
3. Fit and muscle adequate to perform as explained above.
4. Puny to the extent of being under weight, but able to perform.
5. Have no preference what so ever.