
I started dilating the other night, hoping we could have sex soon. I asked TheBF to pull out the blue jelly dildo from the toy box. He held up two, the one I was talking about and the one that is almost as big as him, which is actually purple. I could see the hope on his face, the poor guy, as he looked at the bigger one and looked at me, but I just knew I couldn't do it.

Afterward, I set it on the table. It was wobbling back and forth and TheBF was looking at it.

I said, "How much bigger are you?"

He said, "Half an inch."


I nudged the table and it began wobbling again. He said, "I feel like it's mocking me. It's saying, 'I've been where you can't go!' "


ROFLMAO :biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1:. Tell him not to worry, you'll get there soon enough :tongue:.
That's the funniest thing I've read on here in a loooong time.
Yeah, but TheBF no doubt has better ways of filling you & then some. You should remind him of that. Till that toy can cum, TheBF has nothing to worry about I should think.

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