Rate My Cock

I want to know what you all think! I have never had any problems satisfying any of the women that I have been with unless they were faking or dishonest, which I doubt. But, I've noticed some huge dongs here so I would like to get a lil feedback. So, what do you think!



Nice...but for this site...it is really average! These fellas are packing 3-6 in girth and on average 8 1/2 to 9 in not fully erected!

I know that my length is average for this site but how about my girth at 6.2 inches compare?
not at all average...in fact BIG.
do not get a big head though...there is always
bigger,as you know.

however you got alot and by alot i mean
majority of men beat.
I think we're cock twins. Check to make sure. Needless to say, it looks great and definitely above average at least for this site
you have an average girth for this sight, and you not legitimately 7 inches, measurements are taken on top of the penis, no bone pressed into the side, but still props for getting the photo with a ruler there, i personally cant do it, i have my lpsg photo at half erect to justify my size (8.25" x 6")

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