To hell with it!

After years of not being certain of where my life is heading career-wise I've finally made a decision to stop being scared and have decided to pursue writing. When I go back to school in the fall I will switch my major to english and start on the road towards a career.

I thought about it a lot and it's about the only career path I can see that will actually work out for me. I'm terrible at math and science. I have no mechanical talents whatsoever and am not a "people person". I enjoy writing and more than one person have told me that they like my writing as well. I figure that it's life's way of pointing me down the right path.

I hope it all works out and it's the right choice but at this moment I'm just glad that I've finally made a choice. Next on my 'to do' list, find a girlfriend...


"After years of not being certain of where my life is heading career-wise I've finally made a decision to stop being scared and have decided to pursue writing. When I go back to school in the fall I will switch my major to english and start on the road towards a career.

I thought about it a lot and it's about the only career path I can see that will actually work out for me. I'm terrible at math and science. I have no mechanical talents whatsoever and am not a "people person". I enjoy writing and more than one person have told me that they like my writing as well. I figure that it's life's way of pointing me down the right path.

I hope it all works out and it's the right choice but at this moment I'm just glad that I've finally made a choice. Next on my 'to do' list, find a girlfriend..."

Writing is a good creative art. There are so many things you can do. I am not much of a math or science guy...but I learned that I could do it and be a math and science guy. I just needed to learn it proper and understand the concepts of math and science.

Because you say that you aren't good at those subjects, doesn't mean you aren't good at those subjects. You don't like those subjects. That is a distinction.

With writing, you have to write the right kinds of things to make some sort of money. And never know, you could be the next Robert Ludlum. James Patterson. Shane Black. Joe Eszterhas. Whoever.

You can have girlfriends anytime.
Go for it dude........"if you dont try you will never know"..........GOOD LUCK. :smile:

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