Today was my first time . . .

...buying gasoline at over $3 a gallon, and man, it fucking hurt.

I know that $3-a-gallon gas is pretty common these days. Southwest Virginia is economically depressed; wages tend to be lower here, and so a lot of common necessities like rent and gasoline are more competitively priced.

The first time I saw gasoline above $3 was right after Hurricane Katrina in 2005; since then, it's bounced above and below the $3 mark a few times.

And so far, I've managed to "sneak by" the times that it was above the $3 mark by simply not driving as much and making what was left over in my tank last as long as possible. But the combination of cold weather and a crazy work schedule finally got to me, and I finally broke down and filled the tank at $3.019.

I feel like such a sellout.


Our gas price just hit $3.15 today. It's a bitch when you can't afford to fill up. I'm one of those guys that puts $10.00 in at a time.
$3.49 on the highway here. Time to master the art of driving on fumes, and learning to ignore that silly fuel light that keeps coming on.
lol...i had a little laugh when i read this because gas has been 4 something a gallon here in the Bahamas for a little while.
$3.059 here right now. I haven't gotten gas since it's gone up over $3/gal yet but will have to soon...within the next day or two. Good thing my job is only a half mile from my apartment! I can walk to work most days. (but too bad it doesn't pay more than it does!)
yeah gas is fucking expensive in LA. i've been paying more than $3.00 for over two years now. it's a pain in the ass, especially because i have a SUV as well (it was given to me, either this or no car). sometimes i wonder why i still live here.
Over £1 a litre in England (Over $7 a gallon for you Americans)

you guys get it cheap...
On the other hand, Europe has much better public transportation. If we had anything around here that was close to Eurail (Amtrak doesn't cut it), the burden would be a lot lighter.
I was paying abou $3.29 in LA... but outside of LA was a bit cheaper... but I don't think I paid less that $3 at all on my trip.

At home I think it's over $11 a gallon, so I was thinking it was all pretty cheap!! :tongue:
2.87 here in eureka missouri cost me 30.00 to gas up my small truck and I wont buy a new truck so I can buy gas and food!!!
get over it youv'e got it cheap in the us of a . here in australia we pay $1.49ltr.and at the moment the exchange rate is 94c usa to $ work it out who's better off.there is 4ltrs to the gallon for those that don't no.
$3.509 and above in the San Francisco Bay Area. Occasional stations less. Around the corner from where I live $3.899, probably because I'm close to the SFO car rental return. Drivers have to fill the tank.
In Germany the gasoline costs 1,40 Euro pro liter = 2,10 $ =8,40 $ pro galone!
One of the causes: the Americans need to much gasoline and buy additionally European gasoline in Rotterdam. this drives the price!!!

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