WANTED - Hot Man to Scratch my Itch

He should be taller than I am, skinny but I am not into paper cuts, have shorter hair than mine, any colour eyes/hair, witty, clever, who is into fast cars, music & sex.

Someone who thinks for themselves and doesn't swallow the mindless, liberal, politically correct stupidity that the majority of our generation uses..

.. Someone who liked pubs better when they were full of smoke and smelly..

.. Someone with a bit of imagination, that dress, talk and think in unusual, exciting ways and make the lives of those around them brighter with their style and grace, that look beyond the mediocrity of day to day life and see the world as a story with them as the main character...

..last but by far the least, well hung & cut

Apply within ;)


Have to say - I think I pretty much meet all your critera!

Love the line "Someone who thinks for themselves and doesn't swallow the mindless, liberal, politically correct stupidity that the majority of our generation uses.." - we are certainly kindred spirits here.

o0fred@yahoo.co.uk for IM chat :)

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