
  1. B

    Who is he? P&B Model

    He appears on Pull & Bears website as a model for the brand, does someone know who he is?
  2. Chris Levin

    ID underwear brand

    I was watching this porn and the bottom had a nice pair of underwear but I could not figure out the brand. You can see that the first letter is "b" and finishes with "kit", but I can't figure out the rest... Thanks
  3. 4

    Glass Cock Ring Where To Buy ?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone of you knows where to buy a glass cockring. I know that years ago they were sold by Falcon (I guess that was the name of the brand) but now it's unavailable. Do you guys know if there's any other glass cockring I could buy? Or do you sell a used one maybe? I'd buy...
  4. H

    What's His Name? (hawai Underwear Model)

    He looks hot. So anyone knows his name? Thanks in advance!
  5. B

    Help Id Model

    Found him on a clothing online shopping app Myntra Plz id him asap
  6. J

    What is leoluckettxxx wearing?

    Seen on his twitter and IconMale porn scene (Daddy Times 2 - Icon Male Gay Porn Video). Want to know what brand that is and maybe even where I can get those exact ones.