
  1. G

    Fernando Escobar

    Hottest MLS player imo. Great body and an even better face!
  2. C

    Franco Videos

    Does anyone have the other parts of this series? Was this guy ever arrested btw?
  3. likwid

    Stock Bar - Franco

    Welcome to the collection of my favorite dancer Franco I have collected over several years. Enjoy!
  4. J

    Franco Roccaforte Gay And Homoerotic Scenes

    Starting this thread for people to post clips, scenes, and links to scenes with Franco Roccaforte doing gay stuff or any homoerotic moments in his scenes. If you post a link, please leave a time stamp to the part of the scene you’re referring to. Also, if anyone has his gay only fans clips...
  5. S

    Oscar Franco

    Really needs to be more appreciation for him...
  6. ODOX

    Photos & Videos Insta Francovfit

    Hey does anyone has subscribed to his onlyfans? is: He is a chilean straight personal trainer with a daughter. I think he might be bi, but whatevs, he is really hot.