Attraction between W/E men and W/E women



Rich2003: Hi guys and girls.

Just interested to know people's views of the relationship between well endowed men and well endowed women.

I got chatting to one of my mates the other day who said that he often gets slighty intimidated by big breasted women because hes fairly small down below. He tends to go for smaller breasted women in the beief that they would have gone through the similar emotional experiences associated with being under endowed.

This really got me thinking as I tend to go for large breasted women and have never experienced such feelings of intimidation. If I wasn't well endowed would I not have gone for the same type of woman????? Does your cock size determine the women/men u go out with.

Any views would be appreciated

Have a good W/E (thats weekend)



gigantikok: Ive already started a thread like this. Look back for a thread call "well endowed people".

In my opinion, i do think well endowed people are more attracted to each other pyshically. It is just pyschological. Some people tend to except that their partner will be well endowed like they are, it sure gives the two people something in common. But, then again, I cant speak for the whole of humanity...i am simply speaking for myself