Boston Medical is a scam?


Just Browsing
Jun 22, 2009
Live in NYC. I have ED problems because of an injury i sustained while jelqing too hard and masturbating 5 years ago. I been to so many urologists and none of them seem to really help me. The currently urologist i see did all the test, blood test, urine test, doppler ultrascan of testicles and penis, and the noctural erection test.

He tells me the nocturnal erection test shows my problem is related to something physical and not psychological. However, he tells me he does not know what is the actual physical cause. His only solution for me is viagra, cialis or injections.

A very respectable person in this forum recommend me to see Boston Medical. I know insurance does not cover it and it cost about $3000 to do all the test. I don't care because i can pay the money but i heard online many people say it is a scam. They alway diagnose you with E.D and they make you buy the injections. I have a problem with this because i heard they do this with every single patient who sees them.

Does anyone know if they would suggest something else like surgery or what not or do they all do the same thing and just make you buy the injections and not give you the real problems?

I read someone said after seeing Boston Medical, they just told them to see a urologist.