Do your Astrological? Horoscope traits describe you?


Sexy Member
Jul 4, 2006
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Daily Horoscopes |

Mine do.

General Features for Sagittarius:
Sagittarians are basically positive, optimistic and freedom-loving people who are interested in knowledge and travel. They usually seek out lively projects and interests that broaden their horizons. Yet once they have mastered their tasks, they tend to lose interest and start looking for new challenges. Sagittarians dislike having their freedom compromised. This includes getting stuck in confined spaces, doing routine tasks and having to sit still for long periods of time. They don't like people who try to "own" them, tell them what to do or are always complaining and talking about their problems. Sagittarians avoid negativity. Indeed, they like looking at the brighter side of life, laughing, having fun and being carefree. It's important for Sagittarians to be mobile and active. They should take part in sports or other physical activities and travel as much as possible. They are the great travelers of this world: free-spirited and positive, forever seeking new knowledge and experiences.


Cherished Member
Sep 10, 2006
Kansas City (Missouri, United States)
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Mine do - both pisces and aries! I'm born on the cusp, and depending on the day, I'm one or the other.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Aries[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The spring equinox, March 21, is the beginning of the new zodiacal year and Aries, the first sign, is therefore that of new beginnings. The young ram is adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom. They welcome challenges and will not be diverted from their purpose except by their own impatience, which will surface if they don't get quick results. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Aries subjects are courageous leaders with a genuine concern for those they command, being responsible people, it is rare that they will use their subordinates to obtain their own objectives as leaders, but occasionally it does happen. They do not make very good followers because they are too "take charge". They may be unwilling to obey or submit to directions for which they can see no reason, or with which they disagree. They are much concerned with self, both positively and negatively - self-reliant but also self centered (sometimes) and concerned with their own personal advancement and physical satisfaction. Their immense energy makes them aggressive and restless, argumentative occasionally, headstrong, quick tempered, easily offended and capable of holding grudges if they feel themselves affronted. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As the first sign in the zodiac you, as an Arian (as you are referred to), is to simply "get something started and lead the way". The Sun in this zodiac position gives your will free rein to express itself. You could be doing this in the form of some leadership role, or by forcing others to look at themselves in a new way. You can accomplish this by knowingly carrying out a deliberate act in the name of some cause that moves you. A negative effect of this sun sign is that you could sometimes unknowingly make it hard for others to relate to you, as you really are. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In your personal relationships Arians are frank, direct and candid, and make enthusiastic and generous friends. You are liable to have a high sex drive and make passionate but fastidious lovers. There is, however, a negative side to your associations with other people. You can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in your companions and, though yourselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others. The intensity of your sexual urges can drive you to promiscuity and a Don Juan-like counting of conquests of the opposite sex. It can also trick you into early unwise marriage which may end disastrously. Arians are highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives, so that they might live. You will not find a more defensive and loving parent in all the zodiac. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]It is preferable to be aware of your pioneering spirit and not disregard it. For in acknowledging it you not only enjoy life more, but you avoid being pushed around by others. Your nature is usually push or be pushed, with little middle ground. This can at times be objectionable to others, but you must have the freedom to act, rather then just thinking about it, getting pent-up in the process. At all costs you need to avoid negative emotions such as resentment, regret and self-pity, for they would deny you what is essential to your nature: straightforwardness. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mentally Arians are intellectual and objective, but can be in rare situations bigoted and extremist in religion and politics. They are good champions of lost causes and last-ditch resistance. They are quick-witted but sometimes foolhardy and over optimistic, lacking thoroughness and the ability to evaluate difficulties in the undertakings into which they often rush impulsively. The great need of Aries natives is to exercise an iron self-control, to discipline the qualities and tendencies of their character to the advantage, not the detriment, of the society in which they move. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]As an Arian, you like a challenge that will stir you to action. This challenge may just be frustration; or at a more controlled level, you may have clear direction and know what or whom you're fighting for. If your direction is not clear, then ask yourself and listen to your inner voice. You will come up with an answer. An Arian without a direction in which to go, or a without a cause to fight for, would be against your nature and make you more a "sheep" then a ram! [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Arian, do not be afraid to be forceful, for this is the very core of your nature. If you feel fear in your heart, then look for a history of negative events in you personal history, such as violence or abuse from others. Being fearful may also indicate a household in childhood that negated independence and personal initiative in you. This could have inhibited your natural urge to go forward into life as the leader and champion you were born to be. Conversely, such bad influences could also have led you to be overly forceful, or to be unsympathetic to your own need and sensitivity. [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Much as you are the Ram, there is still the little lamb in you, which means that at times you would attain your goals more easily by gently giving in without resistance to the demands of a given social situation, rather than getting your horns entangled in something larger and more powerful than yourself. This is a talent akin to knowing the difference between what you can change, and what you cannot. This of course takes patience, the acquiring of which is definitely your greatest achievement, along with your sense of your own inner softness.[/FONT]

But I am more Aries than anything.


Expert Member
Nov 22, 2006
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Newspaper horoscopes rarely if ever have anything to do with my life. However, that said I am now and have always been the epitome of a taurus woman.

The TAURUS Woman

Without, the frost-the blinding snow, The storm-wind's moody madness- Within, the firelight's ruddy glow, And childhood's nest of gladness.

A Taurus female is a tall woman. Even if she measures under five feet, she can reach tall enough to meet almost any emergency life chooses to throw her way. In many ways, the Taurean female is the salt of the earth, a combination of most of the sterling qualities every male looks for and seldom finds. She may have a violent temper that would frighten a strong man into running for the woods (or at least ducking under a table), but she won't go on a raging rampage without god provocation. Ordinarily, if you don't torment her beyond human endurance, or if Fate doesn't hand her a realIy rough bunch of cards, she'll play the game of life fairly, with cool, admirable calm. Her candor and basic honesty are undiluted with normal feminine tricks ay tears. The Taurean girl has more moral and emotional courage than many a tough male, but she has enough confidence in her own sex to let you be the boss, if you want the job. If you don't fill it, she may grab control and run things herself, but she'd much rather have it the other way around. She seeks a real man. That's because she knows she's a real woman, and she's proud of it. To her, being a woman doesn't necessarily mean being an incorrigible flirt, a mental fluff ball or a mewing kitten who pretends to be weak to get her own way. It won't be long before you see she has a mind of her own, and it's quite strong enough not to have to resort to teasing to gain an objective.

There's enough self-control in the average Taurus womans make-up to hold back a team of horses (a fair idea of the force of her hidden will), if she chooses to exercise it. Let's hope she does. Her normally placid exterior conceals a sensual nature that could stand a little checking.

Men always appreciate her gracious tendency to take people as they are, without quibbling. She's as much at home with a scientist who studies tsetse flies in the Congo as with the sword swallower in the side show. They're doing what comes naturally; they're not phonies and that's what counts with her. Her close friends may be weird Matures straight out of the world of Toulouse-Lautrec, or they may be Norman Rockwell paintings come to life.

But they will be real people, not stuffed shirts or statues. When she runs across someone she dislikes, she doesn't start a big campaign to destroy him or challenge his ideals and motives. She simply avoids him. The Taurus woman can show frigid indifference to her enemies, but if she counts you as a friend, she'll be loyal through all your ups and downs. Her determination to stick with you would make the relationship between Damon and Pythias look like a casual acquaintance.

You can drive a Maxwell, climb a flag pole, get locked up in the pokey or wear daisies in your hair. You are her friend, and somehow she'll justify your actions. There's just a small catch here. She'll doggedly expect you to return her blind allegiance and unswerving loyalty. If you don't give her your complete devotion in return, she can sulk in the comer like a gloomy, gray cloud of repressed re­sentment.

This isn't the same thing as jealousy, however. The average Taurus woman will take the masculine hobby of girl watching in stride. She'll have to be really pressed to the wall in some way to explode in typical Taurus fury. You can go ahead and wink at that attractive cashier, but don't test her patience too far. It does have a limit, boundless as it appears to be. If you've never seen her mad, leave well enough alone.

These women aren't dominated by strictly mental goals. That's not meant to imply that the Taurus female isn't smart and clever. She can match brains with the brightest men and women, but she's not fiercely interested in figuring out the theory of relativity or delving into abstractions. Multiple university degrees don't impress or thrill her. Just one is sufficient to gain her respect. Practical common sense and the ability to understand the fundamentals of any subject is, to her, essential. But the typical Taurean girl isn't an intellectual who reads the philosophers for kicks, and intricate ideologies are not her forte. She's a solid, practical thinker, with no frills or showy mental gymnastics. Her feet are planted on terra firma, and there are definitely no wings attached to her solid heels. Taurus women are seldom restless-they keep their heads and their balance. The Taurean perspective remains normally straight and true, with no twists and turns or distortions (though a Gemini Moon can put her in a bit of a whirl).

She's strictly a physical creature. That will undoubtedly interest you, but to interest her, an object or an idea has to appeal to her finely tuned senses. She doesn't want to hear that it's "good for her," that "everybody else is doing it," or that it will "stimulate her mentally." That sort of persuasion will make her yawn. To respond with genuine excitement, she has to derive some sensual satisfaction from everything she does.

Colors send her senses soaring, too, the richer the better. Every shade of blue, from powder to indigo, will weaken her strong resistance. So will rose and pink. Wear a blue tie and a shocking pink shirt when you visit her, but not at the same time. Remember, she also has a sense of harmony, and you don't want to look like a co-ed nursery.

Her food must taste just right, and she'll usually sprinkle on the seasoning generously. Be sure to take her to places with the best chefs, because flat hamburgers and bland pea soup leave her emotionally cold. If you're lucky, she'll invite you for a home-cooked meal, and you may propose before dessert is served. When this girl ties on an apron, it's not just to make cinnamon toast. It's always a good idea to drop in on her with an empty stomach. A typical Taurus woman can cook her way right into your heart, and her kitchen is a real man trap.

Harmonious sounds and beautiful visual effects draw her like a magnet. Most Taurean women have a marked talent for, or an appreciation of music and art. Concerts and art exhibits are a good bet on dates, and Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon are the best choices for a honeymoon. She'll be ecstatic at the sight of nature's grandeur.

If you can't afford Niagara, take her to an amusement park. She'll probably love to ride on a ferris wheel, feel the sharp wind across her cheeks, watch the colored lights and listen to the calliope music. It's a rare Taurus girl who has never been on a farm nor hiked in the country-who doesn't love horseback riding and fishing. With all her sensuality, the Taurean female is a tomboy at heart. The earth beckons her with a seductive call-and she responds by throwing her arms around Mother Nature in honest rapture.

Finally, there's the sense of touch. Taurus women are the ones who complain that your sweater is "scratchy." It doesn't "feel nice." They can almost tell the color of a fabric by stroking it with their eyes closed. The materials she wears will be soft and luxurious to the touch, never irritating, and she'll probably dress with simplicity and taste. Her sensuous nature may not stretch to include fussy lingerie and dainty clothing. She prefers sportswear and classic, expensive outfits with no excess trimmings, and she dresses mostly for comfort; her practical nature taking over in the costume department.

Motherhood becomes her nicely. It blends smoothly with her serene disposition and matches her bovine nature beautifully. This is a girl who will stay up night after night with a sick child and pray him back to health with a rock-bound faith-the kind of woman who can tenderly replenish a man's store of hope when the world has defeated him, in­fusing him with her own brave, dauntless example. She's as dependable and predictable as a grandfather clock, as capable of patching a broken pipe or fixing a blown fuse as she is of baking a cherry pie or sewing on a missing button. There's always room enough and love enough in her heart to welcome strangers and relatives to her hearth, and her house will warm you when you've just come in out of a storm. Like my friend said, a Taurus fe­male is "a tall woman."

Full Taurus Horoscope

Mr. Snakey

Expert Member
Apr 9, 2006
No Response
Thats uncanny. My horoscope for today wasnt good and i really had a bad day. As it is 11.20pm this day is nearly over with so i sit with a smile on my face


Superior Member
Jul 7, 2007
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Aquarius.... an air-sign... but NOT an air-head?


Don't they know that my love of bad puns destroys any attempt I make at appearing intelligent?!


Cherished Member
Sep 5, 2005
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Very much so I think. I was given a reading once as a gift--evidently my rising sign is Capricorn too, so what you see is what you get!

Randy like a goat;-)
Capricorn In Love:
In a relationship, Capricorns are a slow starters, but prove to be explosive performers and long-lasting, loyal companions. They are quite skilled with people, once they overcome their initial reserve. When aroused, Capricorns are enthusiastic and adventurous in the art of love, but can be possessive and jealous when threatened. Partners can sometimes be overwhelmed by the intensity of their passion, coming as it does from beneath such a cool exterior. In marriage they are loyal, good providers and strive to develop a strong home environment. Capricorns strive to conceal their vulnerability beneath a confident veneer of ambition and material success, but passionate Mars is always bubbling just below the surface. When the curtain is lifted, the passion flows like lava from an erupting volcano. Indeed, when they are sure of their ground, they delight in living up to the randy reputation of the Goat.


Superior Member
Jul 7, 2007
100% Straight, 0% Gay
LOL --

What do you suppose is an "unconventional body" !!!

"Even though deep down they seek security, their love of originality and exploring unusual new fields of endeavor gives them an attraction for partners with interesting, unconventional minds and bodies."


Superior Member
Aug 14, 2007
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Yes, i`m very much like the Scorpio in the astrological horoscope and the dog in the chinese callender. :rolleyes:



Experimental Member
Jun 1, 2006
No Response
this is definetely ME. :cool:

General Features for Gemini:
Geminians are basically curious and intellectually oriented people. Interested in learning something about practically everything under the sun, they like to meet all kinds of people, communicate and tell stories. One reason for their interest in learning is that they like variety and movement. This means that as they grow older, they are likely to be able to easily adapt to different situations. Geminians are usually friendly and positive in their attitude towards people, but they are also pranksters. For example, they might like to tease people in order to start discussions and keep things lively. It's important for Geminians to be on the move as much as possible while dealing with a number of projects and interests. Not only do they dislike sitting still all day dealing with repetitive tasks, but inactivity or lack of movement and variety makes them restless and tired. Geminians should focus especially on communicative tasks and projects that stimulate their minds or are connected to transport (such as travel and automobiles), as well as other forms of movement. Doing so insures that their vitality remains intact.


Experimental Member
Oct 1, 2006
No Response
I had a conversation with someone who was into astrology and they said that trying to describe someone by their birth sign is like trying to describe what someone looks like just by hearing their voice. He reckoned the only reliable way to model a persons dispositions was through natal astrology, and that is quite in-depth. Apparently using a birth sign is something made popular in the newspapers just to fill column inches and 'real' astrologers don't like that the papers do it as it brings astrology into disrepute:rolleyes:.