Extreme Homo sapiens (male) makeover


Just Browsing
Feb 9, 2010
I thought I should be more specific about the exercises I used all those years. I started with simple grab head behind corona and pull very tautly and hold for a few seconds, then relax, then repeat several 100 times every day. When I got tuned into the communities that have been doing this elongation for a very long time I switched to several more complex stretches but my favorite three are briefly described below.

Foot long stretch. With outturned right or left hand grab penis tightly behind the corona encircling with thumb and first finger (others also if you need them), pull outwards from body with elbow of that hand pointed outwards. Then grab bare foot on opposite side of body and place the heel on the back of hand near your dick and then use leg muscles to push outwards very forcefully, relax after a few seconds and repeat as many times as you can stand.

Cross handed stretch. Start as for the foot long stretch, but forget the foot; move opposite hand with palm down under the outstretched dick and work the hand up and on top of wrist that has your mighty meat in its grip. Then pivot the dick downwards over that hand supporting the dick and repeat a bunch of times.

Twisted stretch. With both hands grab alternately with left then right hand near the dick head and twist 2 to 3 complete rotations until your dick looks like a wrung out dish cloth, grab behind the head with either hand and stretch out this coiled cock as straight as possible. Sometimes I was able to get 4 rotations but even 2 will do wonders to give lateral as well as longitudinal stretch to your dick.


Sexy Member
Apr 21, 2008
69% Gay, 31% Straight
what a load of horse shit..someone call a moderator...this is just silly....no fotos...bullshit i say.....


Just Browsing
Feb 9, 2010
Entirely too little is made over low hanging big balls for a more complete, knock off the socks cock image to impress the guys and scare the girls but give an extra measure of play things during foreplay or during being given head. The sexiest fuck I ever saw on porn was the reknown fucker who was most admired because he could fuck with suck lightning quick thrusts and also could keep up the fucking for 1000's of thrusts. But what I noticed most was his swinging nuts that made a loud slapping noise on each thrust into the very welcoming pussy. God was that dick stiffening!

I knew I had to had something other than a long dick with a cluster of two little balls tightly bound at the dick base during erection and fucking. Lots of extremely well hung guys in porn have that ball posture so that they are worthless in the overall sensory effects of fucking or being sucked.

Here is what I did to remedy my situation. I started with weights but they were too painful and sometimes fell down my pants leg in public places and turned my face bright red too many times. Then I tried the ball stretchers which are leather bands of varying width fastened behind the balls around the ball bag. I called the dealer and I asked for suggestions of which sizes to get. He strongly recommended starting with 1 or 2 inch widths and then incrementally larger ones but not more than 3 inches. He said he knew of no one who had ever successfully used the ones that had to be custom made wider than 3 though lots of foolish guys ordered them. That was all I needed so I got smaller sizes and custom up to 8 inches. I never made it to 8 and that would probably have looked ridiculous anyway. But over 2 years I worked up to 6 inches. The balls don't stay that much distance from body but each larger size got a longer hang. Not only do I have a ball bag that hangs about 3/4 way down my 8 inch flaccid cock but the balls have gotten much bigger. I had sub size ones anyway so doubling width was very welcome. Apparently the agitation and irritation of the leather straps cause the balls to thicken -- had heard that was glad to witness it. Now I can feel both my balls and that super long cock even at flaccidity in various locations that they work their way into my slacks. I usually just pull cock and balls out of my briefs and let them hang inside my slacks wherever they want to hang.


Just Browsing
Feb 9, 2010
I am not exactly sure that the new measurements are permanent but I surely do hope so. I had not been doing stretching exercises for a long time but decided to try a new one to get a little more boost to sexual ego. I fabricated a traction device with pieces of elastic and small circular clamps that can be easily opened. The clamps come in packages of about 1/4 to 1 inch in closed diameter and you have to wrap the band in sort of cushiony material to keep them from cutting your damn cock off. But you loop the elastic of proper length through clamp (sometimes two side by side eases the pain of just one cutting into your manhood) -- then fasten clamp and loop other end below your heel. You have to experiment to get the proper tension. If too much, you will have some very painful recovery from the several hours each day that I wear mine. I could tell after about 8 weeks that my stretched dick was probably about an inch longer based upon where I could stretch it too along back side of thigh into the bend behind the leg. But I did get a fairly good hard measurement and for a few seconds I got 11.25 inches so if this will last then I have gained another .75 inches. Somewhere in my warped mind I still have this image of a 12 inch cock and maybe someday I can sport one, who knows.


Just Browsing
Feb 9, 2010
I told of removing my frenulum in a previous posting. That was a real blessing since that damn nerve-dead tissue covers a lot of really hot meat near the cockhead. I have now managed to gain most of the attributes of a circumcised male but retain all that good skin to play with.

I typically have been keeping my cock outside of the briefs hanging down one leg or folded downwards inside so that the cockhead gets lots of rubbing of cloth. This has added lots of size to the cockhead as the tissue has toughened as it thickens. Now even when I let the prepuce partially cover the head, there is quite obviously a big head under that cover (never could much discern it before). A big advantage besides having a cock head that is now not purple but more like the shaft color is that i can do dry jerk with my pain whatsoever. And with the reduced sensitivity, I can last for as long as I want. This has a slight downsize also as I cannot jerk off in less than a minute, when urgency requires as I used to be able to do.

All in all I love the look of my semi-circumcised dick and would recommend it to anyone who wants the best of both worlds. (and of course if you want to protect your woman from cervical cancer, this will greatly improve the effectiveness of hygienic cleanliness of your cock prior to any sex.)