Heyas ^.^ I'm new :P


Just Browsing
Jun 6, 2009
Nashville, TN
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Heyas :) I thought i would introduce myself here, i stumbled across this forum and thought it was interesting :p. I'm 25 year old Transsexual who was born is a woman but was born in the wrong body. I'm sure there are alot here who find ( as a few threads i saw ) are grossed out or do not understand trans Woman so at this time i thought i might explain a little about myself and what i have been through. If you have any questions feel free to ask im very open and honest about myself and you will not offend me unless your being a ass, and trying deliberitly to challenge my gender.

I will start by just doing a short and sweet to the point of what i went through, there is alot more to it but i dont want to write a book here. I have known i was a woman since the age of 3, knew the body i was born in im not a stupid girl so i picked up fast how people treated people differnt so i tried to " fit in " by acting male.. that lasted till i was 24 years old and by that time i had sunk into a depression so deep i had isolated myself from ever making friends.. elementry, middle, high school i never had any friends and was called gay cause of how i acted.. I tried so hard to hide it but it never worked and only caused isolation, depresion, tears, hiding, never have had a relationship ( i could never be that mean and bring someone into a relationship with someone who was going through that kind of hell.. I knew i could finaly date once i came out and changed. cause then i would be myself ) i was very surcidal and no one knew what to do.

Since i have come out i have been happy, moving forward, making friends and trying to find love ( strait people, gay people, everyone else inbetween you think you have it hard, trying being yourself and most people, even people who are gay , in the GBLT group dont even accept you or would ever date you.. You want to talk about hard to find love, a preop transexual has very very little chance.) I'm a very honest and up front and if you have any questions feel free to ask to.. From since i could remeber to i hated my body, i hated everything about it, what was between my legs.. at age 12 i tried to cut it off ( that did not work very well ).. I now accept my body and body parts, cause you all think this transformation is easy or something.. hormones = 60$ a month + anti antigens = 100$ every 3 months, checkups ever month for a year, a extreme physical, blood work, endocarnologist visits ever 2 - 3 months. After 2 years you can do breast augmentation if you do not grow what you want , so another 8k$ there.. If your face ( im very lucky, i have to get a dna test but my doctors are sure i am Intersex, another 2k$ there) but if your face is masculane, 12k facial reconstruct ( allllooot of pain, good thing i dont need that). Then there is the last surgery you all im sure are aware of, you have to live as a woman full time for a year, see 2 diffent psycologist or psychyatrist ( sowwies for spelling this is fast typing, but thats another 175$ a visit). By the way, insurance does not cover any of this. the final surgery called vagoplasty is 25k$ , there is a 20% chance of looseing the ability to ever orgasm again, you loose aloooot of sensation down there, every day you have to lub it up and clean it up, every few days you have to put something inside you so the hole dont close up, its exruciating pain this surgery and extremly risky cause can cause all kinds of problems.. It takes almost 2 months to recover so in all actualy yo uneed ot save up around 30k$ for this surgery. Ftm trannsexuals there surgery is 50k$ to 75k$ so i feel even worse for them.

I hope thats a broad enough to go over the basics, i could talk all day what i went through, how life is so unfair.. I wish with all my heart, soul and body i was born in a female body.. On the other hand i do not take my femaninity for granite Like so many woman do, i had to work hard to get this far. I have faced discrimination like you all have not seen but guess what, there are no laws even in the great USA to protect transsexuals, there are no laws to protect us against hate crimes either. I lost my job for being myself and being happy as the woman i finaly am, they seemed to be more happy when i pretended to be male, was surcidal, talked to no one, made no friends, and was absent alot from work cause i did not care if i lived or died, why should i care if i went to work or not, now i do cause i am happy. Then there is another wonderful thing, I was born and raised in the wonderfull state of Tennessee, well if i get a vagoplasty surgery and risk my life for it to be who i am, my birth sex can never change even though i have every sexual organ of a female and i am a female.. So if i go to jail then i go to mens jail, I have seen trannsexuals had buisnesses refuse service to some of my friends who are not as lucky as me and are not fully passable, or call the cops cause they wanted to go to the restroom.. You woman may say yea they have a penis, they are not men and think about this, its 100x more dangerious for a trannsexual dressed as she is a woman and go itno the male bathroom then it would be for you to just wonder in. That kinda sums up alot of things about transsexuals and im not saying i have it any worse then alot of people out there, my entire life has been hell and unfair. I love who i am though and i push forward every day now cause i know who i am. Nothing any of you bigest who after reading this still cant open your eyes and accept us can say will ever put me back down to where i was. You know all of you preach how the USA is a free country, and everyone deserves the right to happyness, but the same peopel who say that turn around and say gays cant get married cause its against " MY "" relegion ( notice my is ""... guess what , not everyone in this country is your religion, if it was like this, then we would be no better then all the other contries over seas that the country is one relegion and thats it, if your not that your stoned, killed etc.. so maybe thats something to think about). I'm not here to start any huge discussion on anything or ruffle anyones feather but i thought i might put who i am, how i am , and how i have come to see the world. I am raciest against no one, i dont care who or what you like to fuck.. If it makes you happy, if its consinting adults then whats wrong with that? who cares what two consinting adults who are happy and in love, what they do behind closed doors?

It was nice to meet you al and i hope to meet alot of you and have a great experince. My name is Kristina and feel free to ask me anything you will not offened me. Huggles and kisses to all ^.^