How do I find straight married guys who want a cock sucker??

Phil Ayesho

Superior Member
Feb 26, 2008
San Diego
69% Straight, 31% Gay
PhilAyesho, who is to say what percentage of married men who break their vows are being denied at home?

I was once with a particular guy before my I met my husband. I used to fuck that guy almost every day, for hours. He still found the time and desire to cheat. We've since become friends again, and the mother of his child has become tocophobic since her pregnancy was traumatic, and no longer desires sexual contact at all. Even before their child was born, she was seldom interested in sex. She strikes me to be one of those women who claims she wants and needs a big dick, but in reality, can't handle one. Anyway, he cheats on her, because that's the kind of creep he is. He'd probably cheat on her if they had sex every day.

I think this is an interesting post...
On the one hand, you claim he cheated because he is a creep... on the other you point out that his wife does not put out...

I am not saying that every man who cheats is being held out on... certainly, it is possible, and common, even, for a guy to simply be a fuck-around asswipe. However... you point out that your dalliance with him was when he was young... and that he regretted having lost you thru his own selfish actions.... A young man doesn't necessarily know a great thing when its the fist thing he finds... he might assume all sex s that great, or all women that sexual...
He is likely to be inexpert at mastering his own passions, or dealing with a situation where a woman is throwing herself at him...

I made that mistake... once.

But it is also possible that that regret your creep may experience will cause him to change his behavior.
Your creep may cheat on his current wife because of her sexual problems... and have come to the point where he would never feel the need to cheat if he were lucky enough to have a woman like you.

Altho we survived that initial infidelity, for a time... there were many times in the following years where she 'tested' my change of heart with protracted periods of non-interest... how many men here would go a year or more without, just to prove they could be true to a woman who was trying to prove they could not? Eventually, what tore us apart was her cyclical denials of affection and indulgence in drunkeness... the constant testing and proving over a single event, a single mistake... and the resentment that built around that mistrust.

Did I deserve that mistrust? Yes. And no.

Did I deserve to be so repeatedly punished? No. and yes.

Please do not think that I am suggesting that men are innocent. Or that women holding out is always the problem...
I am pointing out that the circumstances and the dynamics are complex and varied...
It is impossible for me to accept an absolutist statement like the cheater is always the person in the wrong...
It depends upon the circumstances.

I can have compassion for a woman cheated on despite being sexually available to her husband. I can have compassion for a man who cheats on a sexually aloof wife, rather than destroying a family he values.

And, altho I think it would be best if folks always talked it out and came to some workable accommodation... I can have compassion for the fact that very few people can speak rationally with each other about their own sexual situation, much less about the idea of an outlet outside of the relationship.

In traditional marriage... there is no mention of diapers or raking the leaves... no one specifies the disposition of the toilet seat or the toothpaste cap...
What IS in the vows is what matters... the men promise to provide, and the women promise to cleave. That right there tells you what each side places the greatest stress upon.

Either party can be the culprit when it comes to not doing their part.