Justice Stevens Retires


Experimental Member
Nov 8, 2007
100% Straight, 0% Gay
As they should.

Obama putting people on the supreme court means this fiasco of a presidency could have effects for decades.

I know you feel differently so we'll have to check back with each other in 30 years and then you can apologize. :)
haha... That's really rich, coming from a conservative... Criminy, you conservatives let King George put up his personal attorney, who literally had no compelling qualifications for the USSC! And it's not like Saint Ronnie was any better. He tried to put that 'originalism' crack pot Robert Bork on the USSC. And as we all know, minimally qualified Clarence Thomas was put up by Bush II literally to fill a racial quota, and everyone knows it, including Thomas himself.

The only way Obama's nominees could be any more radical or out of touch than the nominees of Republican presidents in the recent past, is if he nominated someone who wasn't even an attorney. (which is possible)

So thanks for the concern, but unfortunately not nearly enough voters have forgotten how incompetent and corrupt you clowns are when you're in power.
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Sexy Member
Oct 22, 2007
No Response
haha... That's really rich, coming from a conservative... Criminy, you conservatives let King George put up his personal attorney, who literally had no compelling qualifications for the USSC! And it's not like Saint Ronnie was any better. He tried to put that 'originalism' crack pot Robert Bork on the USSC. And as we all know, minimally qualified Clarence Thomas was put up by Bush II literally to fill a racial quota, and everyone knows it, including Thomas himself.
Did you perhaps mean Bush I, since Thomas was brought in back i 1991?

The only way Obama's nominees could be any more radical or out of touch than the nominees of Republican presidents in the recent past, is if he nominated someone who wasn't even an attorney. (which is possible)

So thanks for the concern, but unfortunately not nearly enough voters have forgotten how incompetent and corrupt you clowns are when you're in power.

The Democrats have over the years made some spectacular blunders in their selections, and some have been turned away, even by Democrats.

In a way taltlpaguy, you and those who share your approach (note, I say your approach, not merely the sentiment) may well make the ease of a Republican gain in both houses, via your constant usage of 'clown' and 'incompetent' (and other negative wording) in your speech. This will not only galvanize Conservative voters to get out and vote, it will take the Independants and cause them (as well as many center leaning Democrats) to ask, why are the Dems being so vitriolic and loud, what are they trying to hide, is another Charles Rangel skeleton about to fall out of the cupboard?

So, keep on shouting, it will be a loss earned by the Democrats. Then, in the final 2 years of Obama's Presidency, with Republicans now in a more balanced seating, Obama and his Presidency to have any hope for a second term, it will hinge upon how well he can learn to actually reach across the aisle. Looking at the last year plus, the Democrats have done very little, even though they have had complete control- do you think the voters haven't noticed this?


Superior Member
Sep 30, 2008
United States
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Did you perhaps mean Bush I, since Thomas was brought in back i 1991?

The Democrats have over the years made some spectacular blunders in their selections, and some have been turned away, even by Democrats.

In a way taltlpaguy, you and those who share your approach (note, I say your approach, not merely the sentiment) may well make the ease of a Republican gain in both houses, via your constant usage of 'clown' and 'incompetent' (and other negative wording) in your speech. This will not only galvanize Conservative voters to get out and vote, it will take the Independants and cause them (as well as many center leaning Democrats) to ask, why are the Dems being so vitriolic and loud, what are they trying to hide, is another Charles Rangel skeleton about to fall out of the cupboard?

So, keep on shouting, it will be a loss earned by the Democrats. Then, in the final 2 years of Obama's Presidency, with Republicans now in a more balanced seating, Obama and his Presidency to have any hope for a second term, it will hinge upon how well he can learn to actually reach across the aisle. Looking at the last year plus, the Democrats have done very little, even though they have had complete control- do you think the voters haven't noticed this?
You have got to be kidding. I don't think that a few comments posted on a large pee pee site will have as much effect on voters as the almost daily vitriolic nonsense spouted by those on the right.
As to your other comment about Obama needing to learn to reach across the aisle, all I can do is ask if you've been locked in a cellar for the past year. It has been the Party of No that has refused to work with the opposition. I love how bipartisanship means back down and give us what we want to a Republican.


Sexy Member
Nov 30, 2007
Boston, MA / New York, NY
90% Gay, 10% Straight
THIS is what the majority of American people have noticed.

The people on the right are claiming that Obama and the current administration are jamming through their agendas with no regard to the opposition. Meanwhile, there is plenty of evidence that proves how disingenuous that statement really is. From the record amount of filibustering, to blatant comments made by key players on the Conservative side that clearly stated that they planned to obstruct everything the Democrats try to do. We won't even talk about Senator DeMint's "Waterloo" comment for that was just downright ridiculous. Plus, Obama rabidly adamant in trying to get a bipartisan deal. So much that the Senate was willing to water down the original bill submitted by the House and take out many of the radically progressive items to appease conservative Democrats and the Republicans. In fact, most people compare the current HCL to a similar bill proposed by Republicans in the 90s. The fact that Republicans said no to this after more than a year of pandering speaks louder than any line of political rhetoric they can muster. Hell, the Republicans are already threatening to filibuster Obama's Supreme Court nominee and he hasn't even made one yet!

As for negative words? Sorry... all one has to do is look at the hundreds of signs being held up by the Teahadists in order to see where the true negativity is being sparked. Thanks to them, I've learned more political codewords for n***** that I ever knew existed. Also, it doesn't help the Republicans that they have failed to gather any real minority base. In fact, they have driven most of them away the more they allow the Teahadists to take center stage. They may be loud and getting a lot of airtime... but every time the cameras are on they show just how illiterate, uneducated and paranoid they are. Hell, one of them couldn't even spell the n-word properly. I mean, if you're going to racially slur someone, get it right. I'm sure if a black man held up a rally sign at a Jeremiah Wright sermon with the word cracker spelled with a "K", the right would be all up in arms about it. But I digress, of course...

For more than a year now, Republicans have been chasing the number of angry people instead of focusing on the quality of the message. So much that they have pandered to every single conspiracy theory surrounding global warming, birth certificates, bowing to foreign officials and "wise Latinas" in order to do it. Tea Party Candidates will not have the funds necessary to run a proper campaign for seats in 2010 and the presidency in 2012. Thanks to all of the negative imagery they continually put out there of themselves, no major corporations or organizations with big endorsement checks would ever touch such a candidate on a national level in fear of protests, boycotts and international shame. Imagine the propagated commercials that could be created if an organization such as Wal-Mart decided to put a few million dollars behind someone like Dale Robertson, one of the major tea party organizers and creator of the poster with the misspelled n-word? It would be comedic gold to watch them try. And if they do manage to get their names on the ballot, Republicans would have succeeded in creating their own version of Ralph Nader. Just ask Democrats and Al Gore about that.

Independents have no choice but to stay home (which they won't do) or vote for the lesser evil since there is no viable third party. Any other vote is a waste and a guarantee that someone they completely hate will represent them. They don't favor either side's ideologies, as demonstrated by their repeated duty to bash both sides over and over again. To claim that one side is yelling and screaming is ridiculous because BOTH SIDES are making noise now. So, what does that leave for a person to choose from? The image. Democrats can at least say they tried to reach out to Republicans and even tried using some of their ideas in legislation. Republicans, if they don't want to look like hypocrites, can only embrace the fact that they've been obstructionists. They have to somehow convince everyone else that Democrats didn't try to work with them (which would be a lie) and that every major bill they tried to pass was "ultra liberal" (which is also a lie). It also doesn't help matters for Republicans that the unemployment rate has been dropping, the Dow Jones is nearing 11,000 and that the current administration has been able to get terrorists to actually talk without water boarding or torturing them.

We're in the Information Age, where all of this stuff is at everyone's fingertips. No more do we have to listen to any radio station or cable news pundit to figure out what's really going on there. Our government can't even keep up with the number of news blogs and opinionated political sites that generate on a weekly basis. More people are actually informed about politics now than ever before. So ask yourself... you think the American people will magically forget all of this in the next 7 months?

To make a long story short, unless Obama is exposed to being someone's "baby daddy" there will be no power shift come November.
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Sexy Member
Nov 9, 2004
Indianapolis, IN
100% Gay, 0% Straight
My impression is that judical activisim is politically charged code for judicial review. Accurate?

The right is happy with "judicial activism" when it goes their way. There were no riots or tea parties when the court usurped Florida's right to conduct it's elections with Bush v. Gore. I warned a lot of celebrating Republicans that they'll go apeshit some day when that decision comes back to bite them in the ass. They'll be screaming about the federal gov stomping on state's rights, wah, wah, wah.


Sexy Member
Nov 9, 2004
Indianapolis, IN
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Then, in the final 2 years of Obama's Presidency, with Republicans now in a more balanced seating, Obama and his Presidency to have any hope for a second term, it will hinge upon how well he can learn to actually reach across the aisle. Looking at the last year plus, the Democrats have done very little, even though they have had complete control- do you think the voters haven't noticed this?

Item #1: The loss of congress in 1994 and Clinton's subsequent shift to the center made him more desirable in 96 and he was re-elected.

Item #2: It would help if everything the Democrats tried to do and most of the apointments Obama has tried to make weren't held up in the Senate thanks to obstructionist procedures. Do you think independents will think it's fair that Obama wasn't even allowed to put his team in place more than a year after he took office? The bills that are being held hostage aren't earthshaking programs. They're simple measures to help people get back to work, extend benefits to people who can't find work and provide basic funding for programs the public really likes. When all the tea party talk wears away, how will the GOP answer for these lapses? Reasonable people aren't going to be impressed.