my first post.

D_Taylabus Tuberash

Account Disabled
Mar 12, 2010
Hi. Not quite sure what I'm getting into here. I live far from home, friends, family and culture, and rely on the internet for a lot of substitute social interaction. I am a child abuse victim, and as such my sexuality was compromised at an early age. Penetrative sexual interaction (either active or passive) is for other people - I never felt able to take part in any form.

However I look at male sexual organs with a mixture of fascination and fear - content that doing so from the comfort and safety of behind a screen means I don't have to apologise for my own lack of prowess in this field.

I have gravitated to a particular site known as Cam4 and orbit it like a small planet, caught up in its attraction, almost unable to break free. Its a bit like the Eagles' Hotel California - "you can check out any time you like, but you cam NEVER leave.... !"

I have met a few online buddies who share my fascination, and maybe even might find a few of you here. I invented a one-liner than has made a few people smile over the years "I don't care what size it is, as long as it points in my direction from time to time...."

Cheers folks.