You're right. I didn't explain how the survey work, I'm sorry.
The data gathering method is really simple. I confirm that the outcome is the same for all, 'cause it's not a personality test in which the outcome is based on your answers.
It's a survey to collect data on how men from all around the world perceive themselves, others and even the test itself. So everytime I get submissions, I simply use the answers to draw a general spectrum diagram that shows common points and differences.
It's not all black and white as it may seem. If you deny the statement you have mentioned, that wouldn't make you automatically a liar at all. Lying is an action you do intentionally. Instead, it may happen that you don't feel to have experimented any type of attraction towards the same sex and it's totally fine, because when we talk about human mind, we talk also about the subconscious.
The phrase you mention, in particular, indicates different types and levels of attraction, even just identification of the beauty, not necessarily all conscious and not necessarily all in an age in which someone can remember.
This entire concept is also not from me. I've used tons of resources before writing in it in the survey. But again, it's not intended like a black and white statement and I'm deeply sorry if you felt that way about it
Moreover, the test sometimes purposely stresses the submitter in order to push his thinking to get over the judgemental part that resides inside us, the one who make us see black and white, good and bad, while psychology today tells us that there's some good in the bad and viceversa (like the yin and yang philosophy)
For instance, psychology today tells us that sex and love are two separate things that may or may not go together but if you don't feel that way, you just don't feel that way and it's fine. It's not a rule. There are no rules in the human mind. It's just what crossed studies tell us so far. But if this survey exists, it's because there's no such theory 100% stable and we need more and more answers
The society that we know today, its morals, its religions are based on a binary principle of good/light versus bad/dark but human mind is more fluid than that. And so it's the sexuality as all the other aspects of human mind (passions, desires, aspirations, expectations, tastes, fears, emotions, etc.)
Thank you so much for taking the time to do the test and to give me your feedback, anyway
I'll try to restate some of the statements to clarify concept