Painful Sex w/ girlfriend


Just Browsing
Jul 24, 2007
I have been away for work for approximately 6 months. My girlfriend and I have only seen each other a few times in that time. Each time we go to have sex I can get the tip of my penis in. Once I try and put the rest in (where it gets thicker on the underside) she gets severe pains. We have plenty of foreplay before. She is extremely wet before I enter her. We've tried missionary, her on top when starting to penetrate and they all hurt. Once we finally give up, she's goes pee and something she says there's a stinging sensation down there. She has already asked her gynecologist one if there is anything wrong. The doctor said that she checked out okay, but I'm starting to second guess that diagnosis.

Is this something I should be concerned with or is it that she hasn't had any penetration so her vagina has gotten tighter?


I experience something similar myself with my gf, and lube sometimes seems to be the only way in but if she is that wet then maybe it isn't so much a issue of being aroused or lubed, but a issue of comfort. Maybe she has sometime on her mind, maybe something is bothering her, talk to her see if that might be it. Hopefully if thats the problem then she might be more relaxed next time and you'll both enjoy.
I don't know if Ive been of help just speaking from my experience really.
Good luck