Q. Restarting Penis Enlargement after an year - Help appreciated

Big Al

Sexy Member
Jul 1, 2008
No Response
I started PE doing 5 minutes of basic stretching and 10 minutes of jelqing; I progressively added time and exercises to my stretching (new directions, A-Stretches) and girth routines (progressively added isolated compression squeezes along the jelqing time, toilet compression after, switched wet jelqing for dry...).

The duration of my last training sessions were about 15 minutes of stretching and 30-35 minutes of jelqing in compound with other manual girth exercises.

I always warmed (rice sock) before the stretches, after the streches (before the jelqing) and after the jelqing.

My total PE time was about 4 months (or maybe a little more).
I never got ANY girth growth. In length, as I said, almost 0.8".

That, I must say, leads me to the obvious conclusion that this type of work don't make my penis grow in girth-way.

I would really like to know what you think about what I'm going to say, so, here's my two cents: if we put ANY stress or submit our bodies to any external influence (sorry for the poor words =/), our bodies will respond. This is a fact. It doesn't matter HOW they're going to do it, but they will. If you cut yourself, a whole process of cicatrization begins, etc. If you do this, that, anyway, ANYTHING you do will make your body react.

Having that said, let's put PE in the arena. If we believe that we can direct our penises reactions into a growth factor (either in length and girth), this means that there is something we can do to make it grow.

If my penis NEVER had any kind of external stress, either mechanical or chemical, and I put some, it will react. My first reaction (at least the ones that I could see) after my girth sessions, for instance, was an increased volume caused by I don't know what — maybe fluid, maybe blood, maybe both. After my stretching, a kinda longer flaccid penis.

If I added stress to my penis (and I believe that a mechanical stress can make it grow) and it didn't responded the way I wanted, the OBVIOUS thing is that I didn't do quite the right thing for it to respond in the desired way. It surely responded, but not just quite the way I wanted.

O.k., so what can I do? If my penis was new to PE, it was suposed to grow at least a little bit, since the stress was going to cause some newbie gains. Even the smallest ones I must say. So o.k., I'm not growing, not having any newbie gains, maybe I already have a super-conditioned penis from I don't know where, so, what can I do? Following this line of thinking, I should try to add more load to my penis so it can react (since it's super-strong). I did, and it didn't worked. And I kept doing it and it wasn't working, day after day, so, I ended up in what I guess was kind of a standard routine which gave me no gains. I was squeezing my penis further it's original limit every day for 35 minutes and it wasn't responding the way I wanted.

Having all that said, I think it's silly to think that I should keep adding more and more load (time and stress) to my workouts. It's unrational, it actually makes no sense... I would eventually end up doing PE for 1 hour, 2 hours, conditioning my penis to PE, not to grow. Makes more sense that I should either change the type of stress and/or the time/duration of it to LESS since the hardcore everyday wasn't producing any gains.

That's why I'm willing to try clamping or/and ADC (with cockrings) to see if my penis grow. Maybe the fact that it will stay more time in an expanded state (with adc, for instance) will make it grow. Maybe the almost complete depravation of oxygen in clamping will, I don't know; what I do know is that training everyday more and more (with my hands) makes no sense since I did that and couldn't grow. Maybe I try this IPR theory, I don't know... if you could give me a light...

I'm very sorry the text got that long, I would really like you to read that and give me your opinion since you seem to be an experienced guy

Thanks a lot, always

The key is to find a balance between doing too little and doing too much.

Quantity doesn't make up for quality! You don't need lots of exercises in one session to make your penis grow. Many men make the mistake of thinking that if a little is good then more is better. Look at your initial post where you stated "On the other hand, in length, I gained close to 0.8" with basically manual stretches" this should tell you something- that doing more is often detrimental. From appearances, you were doing SEVERAL movements for your PE per day. I'm amazed you didn't hurt yourself!

You've been recommended to go back to the basic routine. I definitely agree, and this time you should focus on adding reps and intensity (not exercises) slowly but regularly to force gains. Keep accurate records and regularly try to best the previous workout.

A good PE workout can consist of as little as:

-A thorough warm up

-One good girth exercise

-One good length exercise (maybe an extra finisher exercise to target ancillary ligs or the tunica- you can also rotate exercises from session to session)

-A small amount of specialized work (e.g.- glans increase) a couple of times a week

-Stamina work

-Cool downs

You'll get more out of a workout like this and you'll spend less time doing it.

I didn't see any mention of stamina work in your posts. Stamina work is the most important thing that you can do for your penis. It strengthens the supporting muscles for PE which allows you to increase and improve blood flow to the penis. It also addresses any venous leaks and other local circulatory issues that may cause erectile problems. This is vital if you're on an enlargement program since you're going to need more blood as your penis gets larger. Think of it as needing a bigger engine for a bigger car. This improvement in circulation also speeds healing from the microtrauma casued by PE exercises.

Once you're past the basic stage, you can focus on prioritizing your girth work. This'll mean focusing on pure girth exercises (like any of the "squeeze" family of exercises) and lots of stamina work to ensure that your penis is as full of blood as possible during your erections to further stretch the tissues.

With all this in mind, a good way of gauging whether or not you're doing too much is to check the status of your erections. If your penis is getting bigger it should also be getting "fitter". For a checklist of what to look for, I'd recommend reading this very informative article: Penis Enlargement Gym - Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to Help Growth! .

Keep things in balance and you should see growth.

Big Al

Sexy Member
Jul 1, 2008
No Response
Why can't we be content with what we've been gifted with - God doesn't make any junk!

Sorry for the bluntness!

The same thing can be said about an unstimulated brain or an unexercised body. There's nothing wrong with trying to improve yourself and maximizing your potential.


Experimental Member
Aug 14, 2007
The same thing can be said about an unstimulated brain or an unexercised body. There's nothing wrong with trying to improve yourself and maximizing your potential.

I aggree with you Al,

I Wonder in million/billion years of time if we are going to end up with arm length penises as human brains and technology developed over time?