For the american questions and others, maybe!!!
I grew up going to primary school and singing God save our Queen. Later it stopped. I liked singing full stop but no real concept when younger except that 'royalty' ran the show.
Later one learns that, that wasn't/isn't the case anymore and it the government and politicians and bureaucrats that run the show but the Queen - in my life - still had some say when it came to the end and that wasn't always public knowledge - so it seems!!
(Mostly I do not believe in Royalty anymore but (to stir the pot maybe) is it any better really now without Royalty.. but things need to change and humans need to be less authority driven **my opinion only)
I lost the Royals aspect many years ago and now that I live in Switzerland where most people do not understand it and 'maybe' because - in Europe - the kings and queens were sent packing many years ago.
Then I visited Denmark and saw where the Queen and her family lived and it was quite open.. not this big palace like in England she was more down to earth and a spritely woman - despite the many negatives and conspiracy theories... just to put it here...
Then we had Queen Elizabeth and Donald Trump incident... many were mmmm shocked, horrified that he treated the Queen.. remember they were walking somewhere... ??? and people were horrified about this but I for one thought ... she fronted him and just made it light and a 'joke' type of thing and that to me was the Queen.. no matter what one says about her (friends of mine are already bitching about Lady Dianne - such a tragic accident), the Queen remained Loyal to her position whether we understand/approve/want/need it, she was there... and 'maybe' behind the scenes she was a right royal bitch/battle-axe, but she remained true to her position and that I think is what made her one of the greats on this earth... it is more complex I think but many people do not seem to understand the Position she was in and we saw / see this with Harry and Meghan (good luck to them really, but...) the Queen had a Role to play and she did it until the end... She was still active until the end...
I hope I have explained something of what I feel?
But how do I feel?
I feel a deep sadness in me about her passing and I don't understand it... it is like there is something in every cell of my body and hence "it's hard to unlearn something you have been taught all your life".
I accept that things have to change now and I think I am glad that Leaders around the world 'maybe' have waited to make a move to change society - example: less commonwealth and more republic!!!
Ich weiss es nicht! I don't know!
The other thing I like, even if it was only public show, is that she really stuck to her Role. I wish I could stick to my principals as much as she did... maybe it is the consciousness that I liked in the end. To rise above ones Lower Emotions. I'm not trying to bash Trump here but I think the Queen knew exactly how to handle him. It would be like me going to visit her and being a smart-arse and she sees straight through me and handles me without making me feel small. That was the Queen!!
That is a little bit of my life of living in a country that was part of the Commonwealth and part of the English royalty System....
End of ramble.
RIP Queen Elizabeth II