In order for me to have sex with someone, I have to be attracted to, if there is no attraction it doesn’t matter how big the cock is, or how gorgeous the ass, or body, or face, or how horny I am, if there is no attraction on both parts there is no sex period, I had told someone ones..”I have to like you in order to fuck you” and for the must part I let them take the lead. they have to iníciate it, and can be as simple as eye contact and a smile or smirk … I can pretty much manage my self to let them know there interest, so they can take the fist step.. other wise I won’t start…and it won’t happened.
I met my gorgeous husband in the must unlikely place to meet someone, Im
not gorgeous or even very good looking guy I think my self as a reg joe with a big bulge between my legs. I guess the butt is not hideous either, nor my face. But I met the must beautiful man in SoBe… now my husband . being there many times and lots of times I’m almost invisible, till I met him, innyhe pass it was like I wasn’t there at all, almost nobody even see me. but is ok I like the beach, and I love warm water, something I don’t have here in Southern Cali the water here is very cold..