Summer After Senior Year


Sexy Member
Jan 6, 2022
Minneapolis, MN, USA
80% Straight, 20% Gay
"Damn bro. Ya look like a stud," said Chase.

Casey grinned as he looked into the mirror at the new diamond earrings in his ears. He was a jumble of emotions, knew his mom would be pissed, knew his dad would be even more disappointed, might mutter something about his kid turning into some sad little fag and running away from home instead of going into the family plumbing business. They'd stopped even pretending to understand him years ago. But what did he care? He was finally getting out of Iowa in two more months, headed out to California for college where he'd finally be free.

"I like it," he said, fingering the studs and flipping some of his hair back off of them. "Nah. I fucking love it."

"That's what I like to hear." Chase stroked the stubble on his chin and nodded at him, thrusting out that jawline that made all the girls swoon. He leaned up against the wall in his muscle tight shirt and gym shorts, his hair freshly buzzed and the tattoos snaking down his arms. How the hell had he wound up here, Casey wondered.

He and Chase had been on the soccer team together through all of high school but had never really hung out. Chase was usually off partying with older kids, got himself benched a few times for drinking or drugs. Casey stuck to himself, working hard and getting good grades and staying away from all the parties. His teammates respected him but they were never tight. His friends had mostly been nerdier good kids, fun enough for movie nights or going to a diner after games but never willing to push any limits. Only this summer, after Casey and Madison had broken up and he'd started hanging with some of the boys on a whim, his hair growing out into thick dark curls and his chest finally filling out after all those weight room days, did he feel like he might have been wasting his time. And suddenly Chase had been wanting to hang out with him, telling him he was a boss for getting out of town, even as he made fun of his baby face and hopeless inability to grow any chest hair.

Casey looked at himself in the mirror and could barely recognize the boy who'd gone home the night of his senior prom and caught up on some math homework. He glanced down and saw his hard-on was popping up through his board shorts along his left leg. He glanced up to Chase just in time to see his eyes flitting away from it. He blushed and looked away himself, willing his dick to calm down even as it made him even harder.

"Bro. You're coming to Alex's party tonight, right?" Chase asked, his gaze off toward the window. Out of the corner of Casey's eye it looked like Chase was bulging too, but he made sure not to stare.

"Yeah. My parents don't come back till Tuesday."

"You gonna slay some pussy tonight bro?"

Casey gulped. "I mean...I want to. So bad."

"How much did you and Madison get it on?"

Casey blushed. "Uh...well..."

"Don't tell me you're a fucking virgin."


"Shit. You were together for like two years."

"She's too good. You know that. And I respected that."

"Your loss bro. We gotta make up for that."

"It's...I'm not..." Casey spluttered. "I want to make sure I do it right, you know? Find the right girl. Not some sloppy mistake."

Chase rolled his eyes. "Yeah bro, we gonna get it for you. You fuckin deserve it."

"Hell yeah," said Casey in what he hoped was a confident voice. He went to the counter to pay for his piercing and pulled his hat on backwards, parking it high above his curls to show them off. His dick got even harder. "Who's gonna be there? Do you know?"

Chase shrugged. "Does it matter? You'll have options. We'll get someone to suck your cock. You gonna come pregame at Jake's?"

Casey frowned. "I need to pick up my little bro. And make him dinner. And my mom said she'd call around 7."

"Whatever bro. You'd better not fuckin flake out."

"No fuckin way bruh," said Casey in a voice he didn't recognize as his own. "I want it."

The next few hours were painfully slow. His little brother gave him a weird look but didn't say anything about the earrings or when he said he'd be going out that night and not to tell their parents. Casey heated up the meal for the two of them, made painful small talk with his mom on the phone, then he ran up to his room and jerked off. Normally this would relax him, let him get it out and move on. But this time he came in less than five minutes without even using any porn, and even that didn't really lessen his hunger. He was tempted to run to the pregame but decided it would be better if he waited a little, had the new Casey make his appearance at just the right time during the party. Instead he opened the liquor cabinet. The level of booze in the bourbon bottle was mostly behind the label, so he chose it, took off the top, and took a swig. After a moment he had a coughing fit, but forced himself to down more. He'd had a few beers before, but nothing like this, and before long he had an even bigger dose of confidence.

Casey ran up to his bedroom and dug through his dresser drawer to find the one condom he'd stuffed in there over a year ago. He tucked it inside the brim of his hat, ready to go. He spent most of the next half hour back and forth between his bedroom and the bathroom mirror, brushing his hair into place, cocking his cap at just the right angle, trying on a few different tank tops before settling on the right one. His dick was bulging up again, sticking up out of his shorts. He suppressed his urge to stuff it back in, smiled down at it, proud of it. He grabbed a ruler off his desk and measured, then googled average length. He grinned in delight when he saw the results.

Alright, he said to himself. Time to fucking do this.


Sexy Member
Jan 6, 2022
Minneapolis, MN, USA
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Part 2.

Casey parked his car down the block from the party. Driving somewhat buzzed for the first time had fueled his nerves again, and he was upset with how easily his cool front came down. He took the bourbon bottle from the front seat and took another swig, flipped his cock around a bit with his other hand, and narrowed his eyes, willing himself into a state of cool. He threw open the car door and marched up the sidewalk, head held high. He pushed the door open and found a group of boys his age and older standing around the living room holding red Solo cups, their chatter interrupted by Casey’s arrival.

"Well that's new."

"Holy shit."

"Casey's tryna be a thug!"

"That's cuz he fuckin is," said Chase. A few of the boys were laughing at him and it took everything Casey had not to blush, but when he looked around a little further he saw that was the ones laughing were a minority. A few just shrugged it off, went back to what they were doing. But more than a few others were eyeballing him: one of the ripped football players gave a nod of respect, and a casual gym buddy practically looked at him in awe.

"Get him lubed up, Luke," said Chase. "We gettin Casey's cock wet tonight."

"Fuck yeah we are," said a boy named Luke, leading Casey back into the kitchen and grabbing a cheap beer for him from the fridge. "Guess you're a free agent now that you're done with Madison?"

"Sure am," he replied. "It's just...dude. I realized how much time I was wasting. I've only got a little time left here. Why shouldn't I be the person I want? Why should I hide who I really am?"

"There was a different Casey hiding there all along," Luke laughed. "I love it. You been lifting, I can tell...and shit, I tried to get my mom to let me pierce my ears a couple years back. She said no, but now I bet I could go for it...shit, me and you gotta hang some before you leave."

Casey grinned and took a sip from his beer. Luke had been a receiver on the football team, a tall blonde all-American boy with a girlfriend whose videos of herself singing had a modest following. He'd always been nice to Casey but never gone out of his way to talk to him. And now here he was sounding impressed by him, someone he can be useful as he got what he wanted.

"Who should I try and fuck tonight?" Casey asked. The words came out of his mouth automatically, and again he didn't recognize the voice that said them. But he liked them.

"Damn, you horny," said Luke, laughing. He stopped to think. "So Tori just broke up with Brett, bet she's lookin for a rebound. And then there's Faith, she's home for the summer...she's kind of a hot mess but she'll give you what you want. We call her Old Faithful cuz she's always blowin. Gave me my first one."

Casey grinned. “Now I could use some of that.”

“Just let the night come to you, man,” said Luke. “Excited for you. You deserve it.”

Casey settled in to the party. He played some beer pong and usually lost, but it was fine because he felt like one of the boys. It was easy, no pressure to be the center of attention, just in with them in way he could have been but chose not to all through high school. Luke egged him on, while Chase just leaned in a corner, sucking on a vape and tracking the action with halfhearted interest. Casey saw Luke chat up Tori and nod in his direction, saw her eyes bulge as she registered who he was. When she dipped into the kitchen for another drink, he followed her.


"Luke says you're on the hunt."

"On the hunt and ready to snipe. I don't miss."

Tori laughed. "Who are you and what did you do with that quiet nerdy boy I went to high school with?"

"Sniped him too. Rum and coke?" She nodded and Casey mixed her a drink as if he knew what he was doing. He tried not to linger on her boobs for too long; they were a little small, though everything else about her body, from her tall athletic frame to her carefully teased natural blonde hair to her high-boned face, was right what he was looking for. It was especially hard to keep his eyes off her tight ass in yoga pants.

"I hear you're single now," he chanced.

"Nice try, boy. I'm not like that."

"Wasn't saying you were. C'mon, you think I gave up all my standards overnight? I know I gotta put in the work."

“You just trying to go out with a bang before you go west?”

“I like bangin.”

Tori cackled and before long the two of them were lost in conversation, him on his plans for life in California and her on her own venture to the University of Iowa. It all felt so easy, not forced and careful like it always had been with his old girlfriend Madison. Was it really that easy to flip the switch when he wanted to?

Someone has started blasting a rap soundtrack in the living room and the two of them wandered in. At school dances Casey had usually lurked on the sidelines if he even bothered to go at all. Now, though, helped along by however much booze he'd had, he started nodding to the music and pulled Tori out into the middle of the room next to three others feeling it out. Before long a small crowd started to form, dancing to the music and signing along. Two songs later, feeling the moment, he started grinding up on Tori, pushing in, and could barely contain his grin when she let him, even laced her fingers between his and guided them toward the waist of her yoga pants. She went along with it for two songs before she stopped and said she needed water.

Casey stepped out of the growing dance party and took his hat off to rub a hand through his sweaty hair. Chase appeared out of nowhere to nod in respect, then seemed to swoop another, older girl out of thin air. She was short but had tits that bulged almost all the way out of her bra and tank top, straight shoulder-length brown hair, a big cross on a necklace, and a haughty look on her face.

“Bro. You know Faith, right? Luke said ya did.”

“Not really,” Casey admitted. “Maybe in passing.”

“You’re from here?” the girl asked. “I don’t remember you.”

"Didn't party much till this summer. You might not recognize me."

"My bro's too fuckin humble. You miss out on Casey, you missin out on one of the best."

“We’ll have to see about that.”

“Bring it,” he said. On instinct, he reached out and began grinding on her, making sure his hard cock pushed right up against her ass. Chase laughed with glee as the two of them worked into the center of the growing dance floor. She was more natural than Tori, and they were quickly the center of attention. People were gawking at his moves, catcalling, and Faith ate it all up. Before long she started giving him neck. He moaned in pleasure and looked up just in time to see Tori staring at him. He stopped suddenly.

"What is it babe?" Faith asked.

“Got a few options tonight.”

“Game on.” Faith followed his gaze and gestured for Tori to come over as Casey’s boner shot up even harder into her leg. She approached them reluctantly, eyeing up Casey as if to ask where his allegiances were. He was torn. Tori was sharper, probably more his speed, a bright girl with a future. But Faith, he knew, would give him exactly what he wanted that night. Was there a way to have both?


Sexy Member
Jan 6, 2022
Minneapolis, MN, USA
80% Straight, 20% Gay
An hour later, Casey took a moment to slip away from his position between Tori and Faith, who’d both been grinding up on him. He stumbled off the dance floor, took off his cap and brushed back the sweat now coating his thick curls before cocking it back into place, breathing heavily, bleary-eyed from exhaustion and booze. He accepted some embraces from the other boys, all of them impressed by his conquests.

“Best party ever,” one declared. “It’s turning into a fucking orgy,” said another. “Look at fuckin Casey, makin this all happen.”

“Only getting started,” he quipped. He glanced around; the living room dance floor was packed, and a few couples were in corners making out. Luke had disappeared with his girlfriend into a back room. His eyes darted around trying to find Chase, but he couldn’t see him. He mumbled something about needing another drink and slipped out on to the back deck. Here he found Chase and three others passing around a bowl.

“What you doin out here?” Chase demanded.

“Just needed a break,” said Casey with a laugh. Why was he so turned on when Chase sounded aggressive like that?

“Fuck that bro. Get back in there. You got two girls hangin off your cock and you runnin from it?”

“It’s hot…” he mumbled.

“So take your goddamn shirt off and give em even more of what they want.”

Casey nodded. “And then…?”

Chase rolled his eyes. “Do I need to babysit you the whole fuckin night and tell you when exactly to take your fuckin cock out?”

“Um. No. Yeah. I got this.”

“Don’t be a pussy bro. Go get it.”

“Yeah. Yeah!” Casey hated how he sounded like some eager little puppy. He stopped in the bathroom to unload a gallon of piss, fondle his cock a bit, and check himself out in the mirror again. Deep breaths, not that it was easy when he was this drunk. It was time to make his move.

When he got back to the living room, Faith and Tori were standing by each other in an awkward sort of stand-off. Tori, he sensed, was just about ready to abandon the whole exercise. Casey gave them each a peck on the cheek.

“Feelin awful hot in here,” he said. He stripped off his shirt and smiled as Tori leaned her head into his chest. She closed her eyes and settled in, and somewhere in the back of his head he could appreciate what she was doing: making a deep play for his affection, something warm and inviting that Faith could probably never muster. Faith, meanwhile, was visibly put off, stepped back from him.

“This what you want?” she asked, hurt.

Casey tipped his head sideways. “I bet you can guess what I really want.”

“Hell yes boy.” Faith pulled his shorts and boxers out and shoved them down below his cock. He was at half mast, almost too shocked by the moment, but he got over it when Tori reached in and ran a finger gently up and down it. Holy shit, he thought, it’s really going to happen.

Faith slapped Tori’s hand away. “He’s mine.”

“He’s the smartest kid this town’s ever had, you think he wants some slut?” Tori asked. “You even know where he’s going to college?”

“All I care is that he’s a hottie who wants it bad.”

“Hey now girls. It big enough for two.” Casey reached out and pulled them both into an embrace, a threesome huddled right there in the middle of the throbbing dance floor, Casey’s now fully erect penis now sticking out. Tori leaned in and kissed him on the lips, pulled back for a second, then began to make out with him. Faith sank to her knees and began nibbling on the tip of his dick.

His cock was rock solid and somehow getting even bigger now. It was as big as it had ever been, his veins bulging and then suddenly disappearing into Faith’s mouth. Suddenly a few people around them realized what was happening, and there was some shock, some muttering, some incredulous laughter. Casey didn’t care. He lifted his arm off of Tori and she too sank down. The two of them went to work, both licking, Faith on the left side of his dick and Tori on the right. He took his hands and ran them through their hair and threw his head back in pleasure. “Aw fuck! Yes!”

Somewhere beyond him the music cut out. People were yelling, laughing; a few went to leave the room but most just stayed there and gawked. He let the two girls settle in, leaned back, and let an easy smirk play across his face. He looked around the room, made eye contact with Luke and his girlfriend, who’d emerged from their sex den, Luke laughing in delight and his girl with her mouth hanging wide open in shock. He picked out Chase in a back corner, nodding in cool respect.

Tori stood up and started to make out with him again. He could taste his cock on her lips and loved it.

“You can do way better than her,” she hissed in his ear.

“She’s got some experience down there,” he whispered. “But I want you up here where it matters.” He went in for a giant, slobbering kiss even as Faith got deeper on to his dick. He had one hand on Faith’s head and the other was non massaging Tori’s tit, struggling to keep up with the action on both fronts but in love with all of it. Casey wanted this feeling to last forever, but he knew it wouldn’t be around much longer. It was a miracle he’d made it this far.

“Help me finish,” he whispered to her. “See if you can get more.”

Tori obliged. Both of them were on the tip of his cock now, and he tensed up and then unloaded. Cum shot into both of their faces and all around them, some landing toward the feet of the nearest onlookers. Faith eagerly licked up whatever she could, eyes crazed as she stared up at him in glee. Tori choked some down and wiped some off her face. Disappointing, but no matter.

“Here,” he said to her. “Let’s go find a room.” Dick still hanging out for the world to see, he took her by the arm and guided her toward a convenient bedroom. He could hear hooting and yelling in the background, somewhere picked up on Faith wailing that she’d given him more and deserved more, but he was single-minded. He closed the door behind them and they made out aggressively, Casey allowing his hands to explore every part of her body and Tori stroking his chest, his cock, snaking fingers through his curls of hair and nibbling at his earrings. He was content.

With an unexpected jolt Casey realized just how drunk he was, how much the world was swimming around him. It was all a blur. He settled into the bed and Tori spooned up against him. He reached down and put a few fingers into her pussy, massaging gently. He was very tired, and he felt her shudder against him and finally relax, nesting into his body. The two of them played a little more as they drifted off to sleep.


Sexy Member
Jan 6, 2022
Minneapolis, MN, USA
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Casey woke with a start the next morning. Sunlight poured in through the window of the bedroom, which he now realized was that of Jake’s parents. Tori was nowhere to be seen. His head was absolutely pounding, and he was sick to his stomach. And yet he had never felt better.

The entirety of the night before rushed back to him and he laughed out loud in pleasure. Yes, that had all really happened. Yes, he, Casey, that quiet and tentative good boy, that kid who’d skipped the winter formal to work on college applications, had two girls blow him in front of a room of twenty people. Forget all those prizes from the school, the college acceptance letters, the soccer section championship sophomore year. That was the most legendary thing he’d ever done.

He wrapped a towel around himself and brushed his mess of hair into some semblance of order, pushing the curls back off his ears to show off his earrings. He ventured out of the bedroom and found the house strewn with the detritus of the party: empty cups in corners, scattered plates and pizza boxes, a stain that reeked of vomit on the living room carpet, and his shirt and shorts, abandoned in a corner. With no one in the room, he tugged them back on and tossed the towel back in the general direction of the bedroom. In the kitchen he finds a few other stragglers who must have spent the night: Luke and his girlfriend Haley, Chase, and their host, Jake.

“Morning champ,” said Luke.

“There’s our playa,” said Chase. “Dope lil mothafucka.”

“You payin for it if you wrecked my parents’ sheets,” Jake grumbled. Alone among the three he seemed less than enthused about what Casey had done the night before. Casey decided he didn’t give a shit.

“Aw, we got him if he needs it,” said Chase. “How ya feelin bruh?”

“Like shit. But also awesome.” Casey leaned up against the wall, feeling lightheaded.

“First hangover, bro?’ Luke laughed. “Never seen a more badass first time.” He shoved a plate of bacon in front of Casey, though the grease didn’t exactly settle his churning stomach.

“So,” he chanced. “Anyone know when Tori left?”

“Maybe an hour ago,” said Haley. “She has to work today. Super hung over.”

“Did she say anything…”

“A lot of things,” Haley cracked. “She had some regrets, I think. But not about you. She was worrying about if you’d forgive her for leaving.”

“You got the fish on the line,” Luke added. “Don’t worry bout that. And you should have heard Faith after the two of you went in the room last night. So fucking bitter! It was awesome, someone needed to take her down.”

Casey just shrugged. “Doin what I do.”

Chase rolled his eyes. “Hey lil fucker, let’s get you home.”

“I’m good, I think.” He fished his car keys out of his pocket, thanked Jake for his hospitality, and moved toward the door.

“Nah. Don’t drive hung over. I got you.” Casey gave Chase a confused look; he’d heard Chase brag about driving drunk several times before. Luke was giving him a weird look, too, but there was no chance to ask him about it. Chase gave slapped his ass and ushered him out the door toward his souped-up pickup parked on the street. Casey felt a little queasy climbing into it, this redneck wagon with its AR-15 and Don’t Tread on Me bumper stickers. The drive back was silent, with Casey alternating between staring vaguely out the window before his eyes flitted back to Chase’s tattooed arms, his beefy chest, his day-old stubble. Something felt off.

“Let’s go in,” said Chase when they pulled up. This was getting genuinely uncomfortable. Casey mumbled something about being fine, but Chase followed him up the sidewalk. They found Casey’s little brother sitting at the kitchen table after a night home alone, looking at him with worry. Casey was a little disappointed his brother hadn’t gotten into his own adventures, and at the same time at a loss for words to explain where he’d been.

“Here, kid. Go buy yourself an ice cream or some weed or whatever.” Chase stuffed a $20 in his brother’s hands and ushered him out the door.

“You didn’t need to do that,” said Casey. “I’m okay now.”

“No, I did. Let’s get you to your bedroom.”


“Cuz I want your little twink ass, that’s why.”

Casey’s eyes bulged along with his penis. He stammered again.

“Don’t fuck with me, ya little fag. You think I haven’t seen you bonin up at me nonstop? Lookin for me everywhere you go? Last night was fun and all. But I know what you really want.”

Casey felt himself going beet red. Yes, it was true. He’d always been attracted to hot guys, too. Admired them, wished he could be them. And now, for one night in his life, he’d even been one. Screw that, he thought: he still is one.

“What is it you think I want, exactly?” he asked, steadying himself with a hand on the table.

“My big fat cock to rip your ass to shreds,” Chase said. He dropped his pants and let an average sized cock hang out.

Casey appraised the penis before him and felt oddly unenthused by the sight of it. He could play this game too.

“Nah, I don’t think that’s it.” He pulled himself up to his full height. For the first time, Chase seemed a bit uncertain.

“You playin bruh? Come on, you know you want it.”

“Nah bro. You got it fuckin backwards.”


“Get down on your fuckin knees bro.” Casey also dropped his pants to show off his bigger cock. He fluffed at the curls of his hair with one hand and gave himself a few pumps with the other. Chase stood there, frozen in shock. Casey thrust out his chest as far as it would go and took a step forward. He knew that Chase was bigger than him, more muscular, could have easily overpowered him if he wanted to. But somehow he sensed that this was the moment that would take his conquest the night before and turn it into total domination.

He hadn’t been ogling Chase because he wanted to become Chase’s boytoy. He’d done it to lure him in so that he could own him, too. Casey didn’t lose. He was here to rule.

“You heard me,” he said. “Get down on your fuckin knees.”

Chase nodded and sank to the floor. He looked up at Casey with uncertain eyes. It was strangely pitiful, a look Casey had never seen in Chase before. He hated it. He wanted to wreck it. And he had just the tool to wreck it, thick and hard as it had ever been.

Chase leaned in and took a tentative lick of his dick. After the night before, Casey knew this was halfassed. And with the girls, he’d been tender, maybe too nice. He didn’t need to worry about being too nice to Chase.

“You call that sucking cock?” Casey taunted. “Come on, bro. Let me see what you really got.”

Chase crawled forward into a better position and began to suck on it like a popsicle. Progress, Casey thought. He put his hand on Chase’s buzzed head and pushed it in deeper. He slowly let it build up, gradually pushed his cock in as deep into Chase’s throat as it would go, gave a quiet moan of pleasure as he got in toward the base. Chase tried to pull back for some air, but Casey wouldn’t let him. He held him there with a single hand, willing him to suck harder and harder, firmly guiding him up and down his shaft to get just the right points of pleasure. He thought he might cum instantly but this time was able to hold it back, deepen the perfection, let it course back out from his dick and through his body. All his tension over their standoff drained away into sheer joy. He had won. Chase was his.

He kept pushing it. Chase was in agony, he could tell, and he loved it. A little bit deeper, a little bit deeper, right into the back of the throat, those lips working away, caressing as if their lives depended on it. Finally, when he sensed Chase could take no more, he gave a few quick thrusts. His cum erupted deep in Chase’s throat, and Chase jerked away, coughing and spluttering as the cum oozed off his lips and dribbled on to the wooden dining room floor.

“Lick that shit up, bitch,” Casey said. “It’s a fuckin privilege and you know it.” Chase did so, then collapsed on the floor, panting and gazing up at Casey with awed eyes.

“Didn’t think I had that in me, did ya?”

Chase shook his head slowly.

“Fuckin right. Now get the fuck outta here.”

Chase nodded, scrambled to his feet, and left with out a word. Casey just stood there, kept his cool till Chase was gone, then nearly hyperventilated with glee. That, he thought, was heaven on earth.