Three questions for women regarding circumcision


Experimental Member
Jul 16, 2006
rear view mirror!
100% Straight, 0% Gay
I think its time that our society end this brutal castration of men. I mean what is visually appealing has much to do with our environment. Magazines, especially today with the digital enhancement, portray women with an unnatural level of symetry, especially with the face, that we are in many way misrepresenting what is beautiful.

And breast jobs have so distorted men's (and some women's) opinion of what breast should look like that, again, the natural beauty is misrepresented. Sure, in the past we have seen symerically perfect boobs from mother nature, but along with far many more teardropped, uneven, natural boobs along side of them. While we may have really admired the symetrically perfect one, because of its rarity, THAT was more of freak. Now today, you see these round orbs jutting from women with size 0 waists.

i'm not debating people's tastes or opinions, here, I think they are more than entitled to them. however I think this notion of altering, or just downright mutilation of natural beauty is wrong, especially in the case of male circumsision since its done at a stage where the individual had no choice, and medically its been proven as removing part of the organ repsonsible for sexual stimulus.... some would argue for both partners...

I just felt that it needed to be said because a few of the uncut men here have felt some sort of pressure or influence by their "cut" counterparts, and i think these men should stand as ambassadors for what is proper as far as normal rather than succoming to peer pressure for something that is really so vain.

Furthermore, I've seen many women just reject uncut penis' just because its "ewwh, gross", which to me displays such a lack of sophistication. Its one thing here that we dicuss these things near academically, where woman are just honest in regards to what they prefer... i think thats fine... but this notion that of what is natural as "ewwh, gross" is something that is a bit epidemic today.

The greeks of past celebrated the human body by simply displaying it... and I'm sure some specimens were far more appealing than others. However at least it was nature's choice, with the beauty also being the diversity of what is perceived as beautiful.. there is so much truth regardig how initial beauty fades while another beauty sort of growing over time. I think we are loosing that reality by chasing after more and more unrealistic examples of "beauty" and not stopping to smell the roses...

sorry for the rant... that 4 am mental munchies sort of thingie... man my friend's pot was strong!