Vitamins Bad for you?


Experimental Member
Nov 10, 2006
60% Gay, 40% Straight

November 20, 2008, 12:45 pm News Keeps Getting Worse for Vitamins

The best efforts of the scientific community to prove the health benefits of vitamins keep falling short.
Consumers don’t want to give up their vitamins. (Tony Cenicola/The New York Times)
This week, researchers reported the disappointing results from a large clinical trial of almost 15,000 male doctors taking vitamins E and C for a decade. The study showed no meaningful effect on cancer rates.
Another recent study found no benefit of vitamins E and C for heart disease.
In October, a major trial studying whether vitamin E and selenium could lower a man’s risk for prostate cancer ended amidst worries that the treatments may do more harm than good.
And recently, doctors at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York warned that vitamin C seems to protect not just healthy cells but cancer cells, too.
Everyone needs vitamins, which are critical for the body. But for most people, the micronutrients we get from foods usually are adequate to prevent vitamin deficiency, which is rare in the United States. That said, some extra vitamins have proven benefits, such as vitamin B12 supplements for the elderly and folic acid for women of child-bearing age. And calcium and vitamin D in women over 65 appear to protect bone health.
But many people gobble down large doses of vitamins believing that they boost the body’s ability to mop up damaging free radicals that lead to cancer and heart disease. In addition to the more recent research, several reports in recent years have challenged the notion that megadoses of vitamins are good for you.
A Johns Hopkins School of Medicine review of 19 vitamin E clinical trials of more than 135,000 people showed high doses of vitamin E (greater than 400 IUs) increased a person’s risk for dying during the study period by 4 percent. Taking vitamin E with other vitamins and minerals resulted in a 6 percent higher risk of dying. Another study of daily vitamin E showed vitamin E takers had a 13 percent higher risk for heart failure.
The Journal of Clinical Oncology published a study of 540 patients with head and neck cancer who were being treated with radiation therapy. Vitamin E reduced side effects, but cancer recurrence rates among the vitamin users were higher, although the increase didn’t reach statistical significance.
A 1994 Finland study of smokers taking 20 milligrams a day of beta carotene showed an 18 percent higher incidence of lung cancer among beta carotene users. In 1996, a study called Caret looked at beta carotene and vitamin A use among smokers and workers exposed to asbestos, but the study was stopped when the vitamin users showed a 28 percent higher risk for lung cancer and a 26 percent higher risk of dying from heart disease.
A 2002 Harvard study of more than 72,000 nurses showed that those who consumed high levels of vitamin A from foods, multivitamins and supplements had a 48 percent higher risk for hip fractures than nurses who had the lowest intake of vitamin A.
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews looked at vitamin C studies for treating colds. Among more than two dozen studies, there was no overall benefit for preventing colds, although the vitamin was linked with a 50 percent reduction in colds among people who engaged in extreme activities, such as marathon runners, skiers and soldiers, who were exposed to significant cold or physical stress. The data also suggested vitamin C use was linked with less severe and slightly shorter colds.
In October 2004, Copenhagen researchers reviewed seven randomized trials of beta carotene, selenium and vitamins A, C and E (alone or in combination) in colon, esophageal, gastric, pancreatic and liver cancer. The antioxidant users had a 6 percent higher death rate than placebo users.
Two studies presented to the American College of Cardiology in 2006 showed that vitamin B doesn’t prevent heart attacks, leading The New England Journal of Medicine to say that the consistency of the results “leads to the unequivocal conclusion” that the vitamins don’t help patients with established vascular disease.
The British Medical Journal looked at multivitamin use among elderly people for a year but found no difference in infection rates or visits to doctors.
Despite a lack of evidence that vitamins actually work, consumers appear largely unwilling to give them up. Many readers of the Well blog say the problem is not the vitamin but poorly designed studies that use the wrong type of vitamin, setting the vitamin up to fail. Industry groups such as the Council for Responsible Nutrition also say the research isn’t well designed to detect benefits in healthy vitamin users.

Hmm I knew I resisted taking vitamins for some reason
mostly I never thought they worked all that well.
Guess I was right!
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Sexy Member
Oct 22, 2007
No Response
Interesting. Too many links for me to adequately look at and absorb for now; however, I will get back to those studies.

It all comes down to what I've suspected for years-a healthy balanced diet takes care of most nutritional needs, with supplements only occasionally being needed. Additionally we find, too much of anything, even a good thing can be more detrimental than helpful.

Thanks for posting.

D_Pubert Stabbingpain

Account Disabled
Jun 24, 2007
Some people simply don't have good eating habits and some people have food allergies or can't eat certain foods. I doubt there is a doctor alive that would not recommend these persons supplement their diet with vitamins. Our bodies depend on all kinds of interactions gained from nourishment. To single out 1 or 2 constitutents of literally millions of cellular interactions is kind of pointless.

There are known deficiencies and supplements for them, hence, why, for example, is milk fortified with vitamins? If a person lives in a climate with little to no sun exposure, that person will need Vitamin D supplemtation or they will get Rickets. If a person does not get enough Vitamin C due to a lack of fruits and vegetables they will get Scurvy. These are scientific facts that the majority of the medical community agrees upon.

You can quote all the studies you want against something and there will be another study that proves it works. Seldom does any news article present its readers with all the facts. Picking and choosing headlines is best left to headline news agencies whose bottom line is getting you to read their paper or watch their news program in order to buy the products that are advertised therein, many of which, BTW, are vitamin supplements!

D_Garmanswait Glassnads

Experimental Member
Mar 5, 2007
I think I'm going to stop taking vitamins. People have survived for thousands of years without supplements so why would the general population need them now when our diet is potentially better then ever. I have one question though, I don't eat diary except for the odd exception (the occasional chocolate bar, yoghurt), will I be liable to have a calcium deficit? I don't understand how milk from other species can be beneficial to young humans let alone adult humans.


Hmm I knew I resisted taking vitamins for some reason
mostly I never thought they worked all that well.
Guess I was right!

Funny how the public tends to lag behind the public information. Vitamin mega-doses (not those contained in a well-adjusted diet) will still sell for years before it dawns on the adepts that they do more harm than good.

Feb 2, 2008
I take one multi and a small assortment of dehydrated organics greens. These help my body heal faster from eczema breaks outs. That and greens such a spinach I eat fresh, blended with apple and carrot juice 3x's a week..has actually helped with my condition.

I eat raw veggies when I can and take the multi with those meals in order to extend the nutritional value of them. That is what a vitamin is meant to do basically. In any case, I stick to what works for me and that is a very simple nutritional regimen.

I won't stop taking the one multi I do take, the alternative is going back on meds that make me ill.

D_Gunther Snotpole

Account Disabled
Oct 3, 2005
I don't eat diary except for the odd exception (the occasional chocolate bar, yoghurt), will I be liable to have a calcium deficit? I don't understand how milk from other species can be beneficial to young humans let alone adult humans.

Some people say that, contrary to the general understanding, milk is not an efficient way of building up calcium in the bones.
Milk and other sources of animal protein have large amounts of sulphur-containing amino acids which raise the sulphur content in the blood.
To neutralize the sulpher, the body draws calcium from the bones and releases it into the urine.
As the urine is excreted, the calcium it contains passes out of the body, of course.
In this way, over time, a great deal of calcium can be leached out of the bones.
One gets a lower level of calcium from vegetables but, because vegetables don't trigger the same kind of leaching action, more of it remains in the body.
So vegetables ... particularly green leafy ones ... are actually a better source.
Broccoli, cabbage, bok choy and watercress are particularly good.