What...another introduction?!



Inwood: I've been to this site on and off. It's actually the first site I've joined. Being between 6 and 7 when erect I don't have to deal with some of the issues discussed by a lot of the members. I've only had "second hand" experience with a very large cock. A friend who was about the length of a forearm and bigger around then a fist (when soft). He was glad he was big but he said it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Mainly difficulty in finding partners. So I'm happy with my size and most people who've played with it seem to be satisfied too. Now if you want 20 by 10 obviously I'll disappoint.

As to why I decided to join this group. Well I'm getting back in the market to meet people. And since I wouldn't hold a big bank account against a potential boyfriend I don't see why I'd hold a big dick against him either. Still the dick's not the whole person just like a lot of money won't make me fall in love with you (I've had that situation before).

So as to why I'm listing...I'm intrigued and I figure why not. If I meet someone and we hit it off, great. If not, no skin off either of our noses. Maybe some fun, maybe a chance to talk with some other people, at worst, I'll get flamed really bad and have to sulk off to lick my wounds.

I guess I should tell a little bit about myself.

Southerner now living in New York about 13 years. Always thought I was more New Yorker then most New Yorkers.
I work in video production -- mainly stuff for cable.
Shoot my own (humorous?!) shorts and soon a feature. What I call my no-budget spectaculars.
Versatile. That seems to be the new code word but it fits me.
While I am gay my friends run the gamut. Married men are quite comfortable with me for some reason (No sex. Gay or straight--I don't mess with relationships).
Looks--I think I'm average but some people have said otherwise. I shave my head -- was losing hair in the back. Wear what I call a shovel beard. Not as hairy as I would like to be (on the back etc.) but a fair amount.
I've been told I never look stressed. Mainly like jeans or camouflage but do wear a tux or suit occasionally.
I work out and am reasonably pleased with the results.

I think that covers most things that anybody might be curious about. If not...


awellhungboi: Good luck to you, Inwood. Welcome aboard!


sammygirly: I've got enough welcomes to go around - and here's one for you too ;D


7x6andchg: Yes, welcome Inwood...hopefully you find what you're looking for, and enjoy yourself along the way.

And wait...someone who doesn't HAVE enough body hair? You can have some of mine. Seriously. Comes in only one color, though...black. :D



dfox7.3x5: Welcome, Inwood! You'll find that this is a cool bunch of guys. Always call up anything Pecker has posted; he has an endless supply of one-liners that are wonderful.


jackinman: :D :D That's one of the longest introduction I've ever read, and I love it. Inwood, from one New Yorker to another, welcome aboard. Enjoy yourself.

I'm assuming your in the Inwood section of town?????


wvalady1968: Welcome, Inwood! You sound like a nice guy.


gigantikok: Hey hey hey hey...

I'll give you a little kissy face too, but understand, it means NOTHING! ;) Just greeting you the European way. :D
