I maintain a pinterest board, and it has a pretty much like all kinds of the things that I find aesthetically interesting, alluring, beautiful.

I have lots of boards devoted to like architecture and design, music and musicians, interesting people like civil rights leaders, great authors, actors, comedians, etc, lots of illustrators and their work, cars that I like - which mostly consist of luxury cars from the 1920s-1970s - but I also have a lot of boards dedicated to male models and porn stars that I find particularly cute, handsome, or sexy.

Before we all knew how prudish Pinterest was going to be, I played a little bit fast and loose with it, but I mainly just reposted things that were already on the site.

Stuff kept getting removed right and left.

I kind of come and go on Pinterest. There'll be long periods of time that I ignore it or all but forget about it. But sometimes I get kind of obsessive about it and go on little binges.

At some point, I realized that Pinterest mainly wants to keep things mostly PG, so I kind of made an effort to take down anything that was too revealing or saucy.

I kept one group of boards that was just called "Men," that was for general things male form related, and there were like three or four boards underneath it. One of the boards was just called "Handsome," and it had, like, photos of David Niven and Douglas Fairbanks Junior and Carey Grant.

Another was called "Eye Protein" and had more like sexy, athletic figures, underwear models, sexy stuff, but it was pretty tame.

The entire "Men" group got deleted a few days ago, and I just found out today.

Seriously, it couldn't have been more PG. Sure, there was a lot of hot stuff, but it barely got into NSFW territory. Maybe some of the images dipped their toe in the water, but I had gotten it down to just stuff that was well below the Instagram standard. Instagram is, of course, a bit inconsistent, and also sometimes unreasonably prudish, but let's face it, sometimes you can practically see two guys fully naked and fucking each other on there - almost.

But like, I took down anything with jockstraps or thongs, or anything that I considered to be on that level of revealing. Still got taken down.

Pinterest, come on.

The other thing is, there is stuff that I put on some of the other boards - the ones devoted to individual models and such - that are way more steamy that the stuff that I even electively removed.

I don't understand. I guess it's because there are kids on Pinterest. I notice that some people have boards that are protected with an 18+ block - which I was never able to figure out how to do, and it might be a paid feature, in which case, fuck that sky high. Pinterest is also really slow with this stuff. Most of that stuff has been up there for years. I kind of got bored with using Pinterest as a place to look for pics of hunks, but I would occasionally still pin the occasional pic of some nice pecs or a handsome face. But it was mostly just done during moments of liminal time to abate boredom.

Point is, I might be a bit disgruntled with their decisions, but I'm also kinda like..."meh."

Pinterest might be prudish and inconsistent, but at least they're moderately more consistent than Instagram. If you have a lot of followers and make money for Instagram, you could practically jerk off and hose the camera lens with your jizz on an open live video, and you'd be impervious to any reports of breaking the rules. But if you're unknown, not conventionally attractive, and/or not monetizing yourself, if you so much as have a nipple slip out of the side of your tank top, there's like a 99% chance the photo will be reported and at least reviewed, if not taken down.

Its all just symptoms of the seriously wonky ways that sex and sexuality are treated in most public spaces.

A lot of things have improved in the past ten, twenty years, but there's still so many double standards and whatnot. Certain kinds of perfectly healthy, consensual sexual activities are still demonized, while a lot of concepts of domination and conquest and "getting away with something" are still seen as fun and charming. And once again, I don't mean domination as it is explored in the BDSM community - which requires consent - I mean domination like male privilege, class privilege, straight privilege, grooming, and the like. You know, the whole "I grab them by the pussy" type of shit.


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