I only post true experiences i have had.


Mythical Member
Jun 12, 2006
San Francisco (California, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
I used to have a bunch of experience written about things that have happened to me. It is kind of like a diary for me. But I inadvertently violated one of the board rules and the moderators took them all down. I was kind of disappointed to have them all go away, and wondered if I wanted to start all over again. It has been a couple of weeks, and you guys have always been nice to let me know how much you enjoy my little adventures. So, I decided to start again. Some of the experiences I will write will be new ones, and some might be ones I have written before. If you have already read one of my adventures, well think of it as a "classic" and enjoy it all over again. In any event, I hope you enjoy what I write. The one promise I will make is that everything I wrote actually happened. So kick back, and let's see where this all takes us.


Mythical Member
Jun 12, 2006
San Francisco (California, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Gym Showers

I certainly have my share of locker room sex encounters. I could probably write a book about the number of times something sexual has happened at the gym. I go to 24 Hour Fitness here in San Francisco. There are about 5 or 6 locations spread around the city, each one has it’s own vibe depending on the neighborhood they are in. You will usually find me at the one on Post and Van Ness. These are not gay gyms, but something seems to happen about two or three times a week either in the showers or in the steam room. You put enough naked guys together and something is bound to happen.

I think the hottest experience this week was actually at one of the other locations. I was showering and this latino guy across from me started jerking off. He was just washing his cock and trying not to do anything overt until I smiled at him. Ok and maybe I teased him a little with my big soft cock when he kept staring at me. It was fun watching his dick get rock hard as he went into complete, I gotta get off mode. He had a fat uncut dick which was definitely his best asset, pretty average in length. Then this tall white 20 something guy walks in that kinda freaked the guy out. He covered up with a towel and was out of there. As it turns out he had nothing to worry about.

This white guy was movie star gorgeous. Dark preppy cut hair, blue eyes, and one of those bodies that just screams fuckin hot. All muscle hunky body. Well he starts to jerk off as well. His dick gets so hard. You know the kind that not only sticks straight out, but is at such an upward angle that it has to be pushed down while he beats off. When he lets go, it slaps his ripped abs. What was hot is when he shoot his load. It shot with such force that it hit the other side of the shower straight on. A couple of strong volleys of cum splattering the wall. He just rinsed off flashes me a million dollar smile, and walks out of the shower. His cum still dripping down the wall. Damn.

But that is not even what I want to write about. What I want to tell you is what happened this morning. It was just so strange. This time I found myself at the gym on Market Street. It is by far the smallest 24 hour gym in the city. There is a few guys finishing up and when I go to the shower, I was the only one in there. But a few minutes, this 30 something guy walks in and takes the shower across from me. I could tell he was more the towel dancer kind of guy. He had on shorts that he didn’t take off until he was safely in the shower. And the whole time he is either facing away from me or, when he turns around has his hands covering his dick. I give him the privacy that he seems to want and pretty much ignore him. I get out of the shower and dry off. He gets out and reaches for his towel. This towel dancer ends up having a rock hard dick. I have to admit, I didn’t see that coming.

So I am drying off and he comes up to me and tells me my dick is too damn big. I am like what? He has a strong accent and I think maybe I misunderstood what he said. Not quite sure where he was from. I am thinking maybe Russian or some other slavic country. He tells me again, “Your dick is just too big.” Then he asks me what did I do to get such a big dick. I tell him the damn thing just kept growing. He says, well it is just too big. How could a woman possibly take a dick that big. Ok this is a weird conversation don’t you think? By a complete stranger. I though he was going to grab my dick to just feel it, but he doesn’t. Then he asks me if I have ever had a woman fuck me. Is that really what he asked me? With that thick accent, I am not quite sure. I told him no, but I have fucked guys before. The conversation kinda ends and I wrap my towel around me, and go to the sinks to shave. He goes to the lockers and gets dressed, and ready to leave.

But my friend is not quite done with me. He comes up to me while I am shaving and tells me he wants to fuck me. I am still not sure I am hearing him right through his thick accent. And quite honestly few people ask if they can fuck me. It is always them asking me to fuck them. So I clarify what he is saying. And he repeats, that he wants to fuck me. Then he grabs my hand and puts it on his dick. His cock is still rock hard. This guy is fuckin horny and is ready to have me drop my towel and take it up the ass right there. lol.

It all starts to make a little more sense to me. He is obviously from one of those countries that believes that you are still straight if you fuck a guy, but if he fucks you, well then, you are not a man at all. It is amazing how your culture determines what is ok and what is not when clearly this guy was wanting something else. And yeah, I kept my towel securely wrapped around my waist.

If you want to hear more gym stories, let me know. Like I said, I got a lot to tell.


Mythical Member
Jun 12, 2006
San Francisco (California, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Wet Underwear Contest
If you have been following me at all, you know I love adventures. For me, sex is just fun and nothing to be ashamed of. I will tell you about something that happened to me a while back. I was working out at the gym. When I went to shower, someone stuffed a flyer in my locker about a wet underwear contest at a gay bar in a neighboring town. Now that was a fantasy that I had thought about. So I decided to go. I had never been to the bar before. It was mostly a neighborhood bar. It seemed like most of the guys there were regulars and knew each other. I was kind of shy and felt out of place, but decided to stick it out. At about 9, this guy came around collecting clothes from everyone. Almost everyone in the bar stripped down to their underwear. He asked if I wanted to be in the contest, and I said sure. He handed me a sheet that was a questionnaire. It asked things like what my favorite position was, what I thought my best attribute was, what kind of guys I liked etc. I filled it out and gave him my clothes.

After that, things totally changed. Guys would come up to me in my underwear and ask if they could buy me a drink. Or want to dance with me. It actually turned out to be a very friendly group. Maybe I should go out to bars in my underwear more often. Late in the evening they announced that they were going to start the contest. A bunch of guys, including me went up to the front and a crowd gathered around. This one guy was very friendly and fun. He looked at me and asks; "How the Hell are we suppose to compete with that thing he has in his underwear" It was all just fun.

Each guy was called out and they read the answers to some of the questions from the sheet we filled out. When the guy read mine where I said my best attribute was my smile, everyone started to laugh. Guess they thought I had other attributes that shouldn't be overlooked. The announcer pulled open my boxers and checked to see if I had stuffed anything extra in my underwear. The audience was all yelling and screaming. It was very erotic. After they read everyone's information, they lined us up and shot water all over us with one of those soaker blasters. The water was freezing cold. While the other guys were complaining about the cold water affecting their dick size, t didn't matter much to me. My dick is always big when it is soft. What couldn't be seen before, now with wet underwear became pretty clear. I ended up winning the contest. And just as they announced my name, the guy that had made the earlier comment about my size and the guy on the other side of me grabbed my briefs and pulled them down to my knees. The audience went nuts. My long soft dick was hanging out for all to see. I wasn't embarassed at all. I just pulled them up slowly like I didn't care. It was just so much fun and so surprising. He later told me that he had planned the whole thing with the other guy when we were standing around before the contest started.

Well the rest of the night we all danced in our underwear. Everyone had a great time, and I enjoyed dancing with a lot of guys. This one guy asked me how I kept my dick hard the whole night. I asked him what he met, and then realized that he thought my soft cock was hard. I told him this is just normal size for me. He made me show him that it was still soft. So I flopped my soft cock out right there on the dance floor for him to see. He reached out and squeezed it to make sure it was not hard. This straight girl came up to me with her cute boyfriend and said she had never seen such a big dick in her life and asked if she could see it. I told her she could if her boyfriend took it out. He just smiled and said no problem man. I have to say, all the attention was fun, especially in such a public place.

Towards the end of the evening, I had to take a piss. This cute guy that was watching me on the dance floor followed me into the restroom. When I was pissing, he came up behind me and grabbed my dick while I was still pissing and held it for me until I finished. He whispered in my ear that he had wanted to suck me all night, and now was his opportunity. So I let him swallow as much as he could take. Damn that was fun. The whole night was just really a fantasy that I had wanted to do. And it couldn't have turned out better. So my advice? If you always wanted to do something, but were a bit afraid, just do it. You will never regret what you do, you will only regret what you don't do.


Mythical Member
Jul 27, 2013
Los Angeles (California, United States)
No Response
He is obviously from one of those countries that believes that you are still straight if you fuck a guy, but if he fucks you, well then, you are not a man at all. It is amazing how your culture determines what is ok and what is not when clearly this guy was wanting something else.

WOW!! Since you're well traveled, I'd love to here you speak more to this.

I tell guys this all the time and they think I'm trying to make people gay with my sexually fluid talk. And I say, Man, you need to get out more.

I have friends who couldn't get laid in America to save their lives. They travel to Brazil at least twice a year to be fucked by some of the most beautiful men on the planet.

Hell, I know gorgeous Marines with wives/ girlfriends and kids, that when they are in Brazil will whoar themselves out to dudes to make money to "take care of their families", but I digress..


Mythical Member
Jun 12, 2006
San Francisco (California, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
How Much

I will tell you something that happened a while back. Are you ready for another adventure? I was on line one afternoon chatting with some guy. I sent him a couple of photos of myself. He loved the photos and asked how much I would charge to let him suck me off. No one had ever asked me that before, and I thought it was hot that he wanted to pay me. That my dick made him so horny that he had to suck me off no matter what it cost him. I had no idea how much he would pay, so I asked him. He said $100. I was like what the fuck? $100 to do something I loved doing? But part of the fun of this was the adventure. How bad did he want my dick? How far would he go.So I replied that I would let him suck my big uncut cock, but only for $150. Would he take the bate? Yup. In a heartbeat, he agreed. Damn, I should have asked for more.

Now I was a little nervous. Who was this guy? I had never done anything like this before. It was a bit scary and a whole lot exciting. I drove over to his house. He lived in an upscale neighborhood and had a very nice house. That gave me a little courage. The door was answered by a very distinguished man, a little older, white shirt, black slacks. He didn’t look like a slasher. As it turns out he was very nice. Obviously a dad and a doctor that just wanted to suck a big dick.

I knew immediately I had complete control over this guy and I was going to show him how much control. I was going to make him unwrap his little fantasy with no help from me. There on his knees, in front of me, he undoes my belt and unbuttons each button on my levis. Tugs them down slightly. He could see my big soft cock filling those white boxer briefs. I thought he would pull my cock out and shove it down his throat. But this guy had other ideas. He wasn’t in any hurry. His hand reached up and started to slowly and very lightly trace the length of my cock with two fingers. It was very sexy and my dick started to respond to his touch. He kept doing it very slowly, and with such anticipation. Watching my dick swell and lengthen with each pass of his fingers. I could feel my dick break through the underwear as it pushed out the bottom of my boxer briefs. He had gotten my dick completely ridged, and that is when he grabbed the waist band of my white underwear and yanked them down, with my fucking big dick slapping his face as he released it.

The next half hour was filled with pleasure as he tried to swallow my big uncut cock. Damn this guy was horny. I would grab the back of his head and push my dick deeper down his throat than he could take. As soon as I could feel him start to tighten up, I pull back just a little as he gagged. He knew I was in charge, and it was his job to satisfy my fucking big cock. With each minute, my load was bubbling to the surface. I whisper trying to control my voice that I was about to cum. It just made him go deeper on my dick as I started to unload my cum into his hungry mouth. Then he just stayed there with all my cum and dick filling his mouth. I could feel it soften and relax. It felt so warm and so satisfied.

Eventually I pulled up my boxer briefs and my levis. With each button, I knew I was getting closer to the end of this little adventure. When he handed me some folded money, I felt cheap, like some drug addicted prostitute, and yet very powerful knowing that my big cock had so much control over this desperate man. I left feeling not only great from the sex, but filled with some kind of excitement from this whole adventure.

So what did I do with the money? Well I looked at it like free money. Something so unexpected. Something so cheaply earned. The last thing I wanted to do with it was to buy food or gas or something so mundane. I ended up blowing on it on the most frivolous thing I could think of. It seemed like just blowing the money from a paid blow job was the right thing to do.



Mythical Member
Aug 15, 2010
Auckland (New Zealand)
60% Gay, 40% Straight
I have been offered money for someone to blow me in the past several times. One guy offered $200. A somewhat confusing, yet very gratifying thing to happen. I haven`t taken them up on it as yet, even though I get blown by guys for free quite regularly. I think I`m probably ready to get over the mental conflict and let myself have it. And yeah, I totally get thing about spending the loot on something frivilous. Enjoyed the story, Thanks


Loved Member
Sep 2, 2007
New York (United States)
I have been offered money for someone to blow me in the past several times. One guy offered $200. A somewhat confusing, yet very gratifying thing to happen. I haven`t taken them up on it as yet, even though I get blown by guys for free quite regularly. I think I`m probably ready to get over the mental conflict and let myself have it. And yeah, I totally get thing about spending the loot on something frivilous. Enjoyed the story, Thanks
You need to be very careful doing that. In some places getting blown for free is consensual and no one cares. But the minute you get paid for it, it's prostitution and you could get arrested. For all you know the dude is an undercover cop, just waiting to pounce, as soon as you accept his money.


Sexy Member
Nov 5, 2008
Brussels (Brussels Capital, Belgium)
80% Gay, 20% Straight
It really depends on the country you live in. I can't think of a place in Europe (well, EU I mean, I wouldn't risk it in Chechnya...) where cops would lose time on apps trying to catch male prostitutes, let alone try to "trick" non-escort guys into accepting paid intercourse just to catch innocent guys.

Even in the countries where there are tough policies against sex-workers, usually they go "hunting" for those who do it in parks of bushes, or the profiles of actual sex-workers who are openly looking for customers on dating sites.
+ I think in countries where there are no homophobic policies, the cops are kinda "scared" by male escorts, and don't act like customers because they're not sure how to deal with a gay prostitute without risking heavy charges for homophobic behavior.


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2017
Los Angeles, California, US
100% Gay, 0% Straight
How Much

I will tell you something that happened a while back. Are you ready for another adventure?

View attachment 918622

You already know how much I wanna be the guy servicing you (for free, I hope!) :) But what makes you even sexier and hotter is A) being a nice person (yes, we can tell these things), and B), being able to write and communicate so well! I actually appreciate both these things in guys I meet. All my best to you in 2018, and I hope it's the year we get to meet!


Mythical Member
Jun 12, 2006
San Francisco (California, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight

A while back I was talking to a guy online. How long ago? Well we were chatting on AOL. Yeah that long ago. Kyle wanted me to meet him and a friend of his over in Berkeley for some sex. Do you know where the aquatic park area is right along 880 freeway? There are trees surrounding the place where they do waterski competitions. I guess it used to be a pretty cruisey spot.

I told Kyle that I wanted to meet him, but I wanted to pretend that I was a cop and bust him and the other guy that wanted to meet. Kyle was up for the adventure. He told me what kind of car he was driving and what time he would be there. I got there before he did, and saw him pull his green truck into the parking lot. We had never met before, so he had no idea who I was. Kyle got out of his green truck and I saw him meet the other guy. They started walking down the trail and I stocked them from quite a distance. I didn't want either one of them to catch me. I also wanted Kyle to wondering if I was really going to show up. This was already turning out to be fun.

So they ducked into this tree area. The branches are pretty low to the ground and from the trail you could not see them. I waited there for a while, trying to gauge how long it would take for them to start messing around. Then very quietly I snuck up on them. Caught the guy on his knees with Kyles dick in his mouth. I totally acted like a cop. Telling they were busted and that they would have to come down to the station. I made them show me their ID's. The guy was scared shitless. Even Kyle was wondering if I was a real cop after all and he had been set up.

They both were trying to appeal to my sympathies and begged me to not take them down to the station and book them. The funny thing is, even as scared as they both were, I could also see them sneaking glances at my crotch. I had purposely worn tight faded jeans that showed off my big dick. A lot.

Kyle broached the subject. Was there anything they could do to make me change their mind. I opened the door on that possibility. What could they possibly do to change my mind? Kyle was being very cautions just in case I was a real cop. The other guy was too scared to say anything. He could only see this headed one way. Him going to jail. Kyle looked straight at my dick and said "Maybe a personal favor? I responded, taking control. You two cock suckers would like that wouldn't you. I rubbed my dick and kept going. I have seen you two looking at my bulge. How badly do you want this all to go away. Kyle said, they would do ANYTHING. The other guy agreed.

I slowly unbuttoned my levis one button at a time, the whole time looking at the other guys right in the eyes. He was both scared and horny as hell. I pulled down my underwear. They could see my pubes and part of my cock. I went right next to the guy and pulled out my dick right in front of his face. I heard a small "fuckkkk" escape his lips. I get even closer and he just grabbed my dick and started to suck me off. Kyle pulled out his dick and started to jerk off watching. The guy struggled and was on the verge of gagging. You know that point where you are so close to throwing up, but just barely able to keep it down. He took it and I could get my semi hard dick down his throat. I was so turned on by how well this had worked out. Just a couple shoves and my dick was getting rock. hard. As soon as that happened, the guy just couldn't deep throat me any longer. I was brutal. You want this fucking dick, you better take the whole thing. I grabbed his head and pushed harder. His eyes were flowing with tears from my dick fucking his mouth. He didn't dare pull away, but there was no way in hell my cock would now go down his tight throat, After really working him over, I told Kyle to come over. Then I pushed the guys mouth off my dick and shoved it on Kyles hard cock. I jerked off watching and ended up shooting my load all over his face right before Kyle filled his mouth with cum. The two of us just stood there, recovering. Smell of cum filled the air. He took his shirt tail and wiped the cum out of his eyes and off his face. Both of our dicks slowly came down. I looked at Kyle, and he says "That is the hottest fucking thing I have ever done in my life." The guy was a bit confused. Is it over? Is he still going to jail?

We both grinned. We let him in on our secret. Is all he could say is how scared shitless he was. And how fuckin hot it was thinking he was sucking a cop off, one of his long time fantasies. He gets up and his levis were soaked. He had cum in his pants. That was hot, knowing that he was so turned on as well.

Never saw either one of the guys again. And never repeated that scenario again. Never went back to the Aquatic Park again. But I have thought about it a lot over the years. And I have worn those faded tight blue jeans again, which brought me more adventures.

I don't have a photo of me in my faded blue tight levis, but here is one of me in some darker blue ones. You think these are bad, you should see my dick in the light blue ones.

My 10i nchuncut cock stuffed in my levis.jpg


Mythical Member
Jun 12, 2006
San Francisco (California, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
So I think it is about time to post another adventure. I posted this one before, but it is one of my favorite adventures, maybe because I am kind of surprised that I even did it. But it turned out so amazing, I am glad I did. For those that remember it from before, I apologize for the repeat.

Porn Shoot
I was in the locker room at the gym, fresh from the showers and putting my clothes back on. This man walked over to me and started talking. He introduced himself and told me that he produced porn and wondered if I would be interested in doing some movies. I told him that I love the idea, but because of family reasons, probably wouldn't be able to do it. He gave me his card and told me to drop by the studio. They would do some shots which they couldn't use without my consent and we could just see what happens. Well you know me by now enough to know that I am always up for some adventure. This one sounded fun. So a couple of days later, I called to make an appointment and headed over to the studio.

I got there in the late afternoon. Shooting for the day had already finished. The producer from the locker room greeted me and told me that he was leaving, but introduced me to a young photographer who would be helping me. They gave me a clip board and had me fill out a questionaire, what kind of guys I liked, what I like to do, what I would be willing to do etc. Then he asked if he could take some photos of me just for their records. He said they would and could not be used for anything since I was not signing a model release.

So we went to the studio. It was just a black room with a big bed in the middle. He told me to just relax, and jerk off for him. Well I am good at that, and felt pretty comfortable doing that. I could tell he was getting into it, so I scooted closer to him. I started teasing him a bit with my hard cock, just having fun. He was watching me, taking a few pictures. Then he reached out and grabbed my dick. I thought it was rather fun and then he leaned over and started to deep throat my cock. Damn that guy could suck so good. I could feel my cock going so deep down his throat. I like to put my hand on the outside of his neck and feel it as my dick slides deep down. Sometimes I am amazed at how far down it goes. He looks up at me and says "I know you are going to think this is just a line, but I never fool around with guys that come in." Well I don't know if it is a line or not, but it was sure nice having him sucking me off.

I told him if he was going to suck my dick, he had to pull his dick out which I could tell was already rock hard and he had a big wet spot on his levis. He was kinda embarassed. He told me his was nothing special, not that big. Well that just made me want it more, because I am so turned on by small dicks.. He pulls out his cock and it is actually very hot. Maybe a little smaller than average, but very beautiful hard leaking cock. I reached out to touch it, and he kinda withdrew. He told me he was so close to shooting just from sucking my cock off. I was kinda suprised since he or I had not even touched his dick. So I told him to shoot his load all over me. I was right in front of him, and literally 3 strokes of his hard cock and he starts shooting buckets of cum all over me. I mean the ropes of cum just kept pouring out of that cock of his. Damn that boy could shoot. I was a little amazed, and he says to me, "yeah I am not that big, but I do shoot a huge load." He then keeps shooting pictures of me with his cum drenched all over me. I told him he better note that the cum was not mine, because if they expect me to shoot a load that big, it isn't going to happen.

I did end up shooting my load, and I was so turned on, most of it shot over my shoulder onto the bed. We both kinda grinned, and he got me a towel to mop up all of his cum. He wants to see me again, outside of work, but we haven’t gotten together yet. He has a partner, so I am not sure if that is a good idea, but I have to say, I do want to feel my dick down his throat again, and would love another bucket of cum all over me.

This is the actual plcture that is in my profile from that day. Nice load huh.
