Anal Fissure advice


Cherished Member
Apr 23, 2017
Nottingham (England)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Hey gang,

I’m not a bottom usually, but by god I want to be. The trouble is that I had an Anal fissure which I don’t think has ever completely healed, and I’m terrified of opening it again, and so it stops be from perusing what I want to do.

Anyone out there had the similar experience, and can advise me? Will I ever bottom again? How should I approach anal penetration going forward?
Hey gang,

I’m not a bottom usually, but by god I want to be. The trouble is that I had an Anal fissure which I don’t think has ever completely healed, and I’m terrified of opening it again, and so it stops be from perusing what I want to do.

Anyone out there had the similar experience, and can advise me? Will I ever bottom again? How should I approach anal penetration going forward?
Have you seen a doctor? Sometimes you need to have surgical repair to make sure that an anal fissure heals properly.
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I went through a similar ordeal almost 50 years ago. In my case, instead of a tear in the inner intestinal wall, I had a hole or "perforation" that had been accidentally made by my doctor snipping the top off a small polyp he'd discovered in my routine physical, which included the gloved-finger rectal exam. Sometimes polyps are pre-cancerous, so they're routinely snipped and sent for a microscopic exam (biopsy). The hole in my intestinal wall allowed feces to leak into tissue surrounding my anus. Within a week, I was experiencing a tender bump less than an inch from my anus. My doctor referred me to a proctologist (anal surgeon) who performed the surgery to repair the perforation. After the surgery, he explained that the infected tissue or "abscess" that caused the painful bump had also destroyed part of my anal sphincter muscle. It still worked fine but it was weakened and vulnerable to further damage. If that damage were serious, I could end up wearing a diaper for the rest of my life. The surgeon knew I was gay so he advised me never put anything large in there again. I was never a huge fan of bottoming anyway (only a few experiences shortly after I "came out" at age 28. So I became a "non-bottom" or effectively a total top.

My advice is to see a doctor ASAP - waiting could invite more serious consequences. See a proctologist!Anal diagram.jpg
Hey gang,

I’m not a bottom usually, but by god I want to be. The trouble is that I had an Anal fissure which I don’t think has ever completely healed, and I’m terrified of opening it again, and so it stops be from perusing what I want to do.

Anyone out there had the similar experience, and can advise me? Will I ever bottom again? How should I approach anal penetration going forward?
You should absolutely see a doctor soon and be completely open about your “fissure” history and your intent/desire for anal intercourse in the near future.

It may be a positive sign that your “fissure(s)” have not recurred, although it is not clear that you did not suffer from a fistula—rather than or in addition to—any fissure(s).

A fistula-abscess scenario carries the potential for systemic infection at some point (potentially quite serious), and may develop into a chronic condition that could be very unpleasant at best.

Please see a physician
Massage the area with fish oil ointment and use progressively bigger buttplugs/dildoes, so you stretch your scar tissue. Worked for me :)
Not sure how easy it is to get fish oil ointment where you live, we have it in pharmacies.


I recommend seeing a doctor. I had an anal fissure, the wound healed and I had anal sex But then I got a hypertrophied anal papilla, which was removed by a doctor. And I also have a sentinel pile, I will also delete it.