Being compared to my identical twin brother


Loved Member
Jan 1, 2020
Bangkok (Thailand)
We parted in high school. That's when he won a scholarship to a sports school to play chess and lived in the dorms, while I stayed at a regular school and went home every day
For the next 4 years we wouldn't meet much
During festival season when he is at home, we can clearly see that he's buff, but never really understood just how buff he is, as he doesn't walk around shirtless at home (It's rather frowned upon in my Persian family)
On the other hand I am rather scrawny

Then we went to the same college
I started at year 1 , after graduating high school
He started at year 3, after transferring with an associate degree from the sport school
I never told anyone about my identical twin brother during those two years, so people are kinda surprised to see someone who look a lot like me in the school

Everyone knew we were related since we have the same last name and looked so similar, but no one really thought that we were identical twins, probably because we entered college at different years

Then one day after a basketball game we went into the lockers. That's the first time I have seen him shirtless. Then to my surprise he took everything off was not trying to cover himself. He held a towel in his hand instead of trying to cover up. Then he walked to the row of community showers, even though there are still stalls available.
I was the exact opposite. I kept my shirt on, grabbed new shirts and pants and changed inside a cubicle. I wasn't even shirtless throughout the thing

We talked briefly about it, I just said I'm not shy or anything, it's just that even being shirtless, let alone naked, around other men is not common in our culture. I am just not used to it

Then the next time he got invited to someone's home for a party, and asked if he can bring me along. He said he wanted me to meet with more people , especially the ladies, since I have never even dated someone at that time, and I was still a virgin

It was a pool party, and obviously the guys are shirtless, but I wanted to keep my shirt on but had to reluctantly take it off as he says I'm embarrassing him by wearing a shirt

He told everyone that I'm his identical twin, then people started to compare us, and it was quite embarrassing for me

That's when I started to buff up, and asked for his help

Going to the gym often also gave me more confidence about being nude, since there's a lot of nudity there
Then I started asking him to strip naked and flex. We are genetically identical whatever shape he can achieve , so can I

After that we started comparing, and it's quite competitive
Sometimes we would also intentionally shower right beside each other and ask people for their opinion
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I've got twin sisters and I don't ever remember them getting along. I think our mother was always stirring things up trying to get them to compete with each other hoping they'd excel. All it did was create resentment. It's natural to compare twins, but I don't think it's healthy for either of them.