I am dominant and versatile, and appreciate a hung top powered by (preferably hairy) muscled thighs, legs and ass. My absolutely best fucks have been with a summer-long younger boyfriend years ago, and it was all about the shape of his dick versus my tight muscled butt. He wasn't longer than 6,5" erect, but the shape was perfect. With a handsome slightly upward curve and nicely uncut, the tip was thin like a spear-head for fluid entry, and the cock became evenly wider and truly WIDE towards the base. It was a joy to get on my back on the kitchen table and spread my cheeks and muscular thighs for my boy, and he happily brought me to hands-free total body orgasms. On many levels he was husband-material, but gradually started to show signs of unreliability and a drink problem, so the affair ended with the summer.
What's your ideal dick like?
What's your ideal dick like?