Biggest Cock Ever

Looks real to me!
Having worked in the sex industry for many years, I’ve seen cocks that most people would consider unbelievable.
What did you do in the sex industry?
to me in the video does not seem a real dick... but you can see very badly
What did you do in the sex industry?
to me in the video does not seem a real dick... but you can see very badly
I was a sex worker… otherwise known as a prostitute.
I had plenty of clients with dicks U wouldn’t believe - so this vid doesn’t strike me as fake.
I don't know if this vid is fake or not. It has many of the hallmarks of a fake. However, I don't entirely rule out that this could be real.

I've encountered one at least that size in my life. It was a black guy from Ghana. I met him while visiting London in the UK. It was the size of my forearm...and I am a big guy.

I once saw a dick on a white guy late 30's. He was 6'8" tall and weighed around 165. His soft dick hung to his ankles when standing up straight and was right at 3.5" wide capped by a very mishroomed head probably 4.75" wide by 4" long. His balls were close to bowling ball size and hung somewhat high and tight. It wasn't pumped and he didn't have silicone. It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen. That was in 1995 and I have constantly searched the web for him ever since. When I see Jonah Falcon I just laugh knowing he is nowhere near the largest.