
Expert Member
May 27, 2008
Washington D.C., DC, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
BMOC Chapter 9

When Chase woke the next morning, his head felt like someone was slamming around inside of it. He could barely open his eyes. He stumbled out of his bed and headed directly for the medicine cabinet. He popped the top off a bottle of aspirin and put three in his mouth, swallowing the bitter, white tablets without water. He returned to the bed, holding his head and wishing, just briefly, that he were dead.
He remembered the Pageant, and the after-party that followed at the Alpha House. He remembered chugging cups of frothy beer, but couldn't recall how many. Too many, the throb in his head reminded him. But he'd had fun. He remembered dancing like a fool in front of everyone, which for a shy, preacher's son, was a major accomplishment. He smiled inwardly. Maybe he was breaking out of his self-imposed shell for once.
He drifted into a sleep that lasted another two hours. When he opened his eyes again, his headache was gone, but in its place came pangs of hunger. The digital alarm clock on his desk blazed 12:23. He had a little over a half-hour to get down to the dining hall before Saturday brunch ended. He hopped into the shower and hopped out in a record 4 minutes, changed clothes, brushed his teeth, threw a baseball cap on his head and made his way to the dining hall, arriving with 20 minutes to eat. Since it was so late, the dining hall was unusually quiet and empty. Chase was glad. He felt shitty, and imagined he probably looked it, too. Now was not the time to be seen. He whizzed through the serving lines grabbing a little bit of everything and walked out to find a seat.
When he spotted Jay sitting at a table at the edge of the room, his first instinct was to go sit with him. Suddenly, his memory returned and his feet were glued to the spot. He remembered being so close to Jay last night, he could almost taste his skin. He remembered the hardness of Jay's erection against his ass. His hands trembled. His dream came to him, too, and the thought that he'd imagined Bruce DeLeon giving him head was too much. Chase's tray went crashing to the floor.
Jay was on his feet and at Chase's side in seconds. He crouched and began to help him retrieve shards of broken glass and put them on the tray. Neither spoke, nor made eye contact at any point
"You okay?" Jay asked finally.
Chase stared down at his feet and nodded. "I'm cool...I don't know what happened," he lied.
"Well, if you're still hungry, you can go back through the line. Hurry up before the start clearing the food." Jay said.
"Right," Chase said. He hurried away from Jay and went through the lines a second time. He took his time. He dreaded facing Jay again. Surely, Jay remembered those few intense seconds last night. How could he look him the eye again without feeling shame and disgust? At last, the line came to an end. He had to sit and eat. He noticed that Jay had returned to his seat and was not looking expectantly for Chase to take a seat at his table. Maybe he wouldn't notice or care if Chase chose to sit alone today? No, he'd notice and he'd probably care, too. It wouldn't look right. Chase walked slowly to the table and sat across from Jay.
The two of them went about the business of eating in silence. Finally, Jay sighed and pushed his tray to the side. "We gotta talk," he said.
Chase paused, his body tensing automatically. He let his fork fall against the plate and leaned back in his seat. "I...I'm sorry," Chase said.
Jay's forehead wrinkled. "Sorry? For what?"
"I got drunk last night and went up there where I had no business going and I'm embarrassed." Chase said all this in one breath.
Jay chuckled. "Yeah, you were drunk as hell last night," he said. "But you didn't know what was up on that floor. It ain't your fault...what happened."
Jay paused. What had happened? He'd tossed and turned most of last night asking that same question. All he knew was that he'd come upon Chase standing outside that partition, head tilted back, eyes closed. He was making whimpering noises and touching himself. The sight had caused an immediate reaction in Jay. He couldn't speak; he forgot why he was even there. He was caught up in the sight, sound and even the smell emanating from Chase. When Chase flinched and backed up, he'd run into the evidence of Jay's reaction. And Chase's condition became obvious to Jay when he turned around. Sex was in the air. For a brief minute, Before anything could happen, Chase took off. Jay had considered what would have happened a million times since last night, and he was at a loss.
"I know it's not my fault," Chase said. "Let's just forget about it."
"Cool," Jay replied, even though he didn't want to forget about it. He wanted to ask Chase why he left last night. He wanted to know what Chase thought about what took place. But he knew to back off. Chase wasn't ready, even though for the first time, Jay felt that he was ready to deal with his own double nature.
* * *​
Sweat rolled down Bruce’s forehead, pooled in the corners of his eyes stinging his pupils. The muscles in his chest and biceps stung, too, with good reason. He'd been flexing 185 pounds of weight off his chest for the past 20 minutes.
"Man, you getting ready to kill yourself," Lonnell commented from across the weight room, where he was running on a treadmill.
Bruce continued without a response. He needed to keep himself busy and his mind occupied. Otherwise, his thoughts turned to the night of the Miss Isis Pageant and the after party at the Alpha House. In the week since that time, he hadn't the misfortune of facing Eppi again.
He pushed the bar up one last time and rose from his horizontal position on the bench. How could he explain what happened and not admit the truth? No lie could erase what Eppi had seen with her own eyes, Even if she was drunk. For the first time in his 19 years, Bruce struggled with a dilemma that his good looks, sex appeal and charm couldn't cure. At least he didn't think they could. The last thing Eppi wanted from him was sex. They were too much alike; he knew her game and she knew his. Truth be told, he respected young ladies like Eppi who could lie, cheat and steal with the best of dudes to get their way. He knew that she would turn this information about Bruce over in her head until she found an angle that benefited her. She'd need to profit from the knowledge of Brucesecret to keep it a secret; but what, he wondered, could he give her?
Bruce had been lucky this past week. Eppi and Lonnell weren't really speaking because she was still upset about her loss in the Miss Isis Pageant, and Lonnell was still pissed about her drunken ranting at the after-party. He talked about her frequently. It was evident that he missed her, but he refused to go crawling back to Eppi. Not after the way she'd cussed him at the Alpha House. His bruised ego wouldn't forget that; but his wounded heart ached to be in her arms again.
Lonnell hopped off the treadmill and he and Bruce headed for the showers. They quickly refreshed themselves, changed, and were walking from the Student Recreation Center to their dorm when they spotted Eppi and two other females talking outside of the dining hall. Both Bruce and Lonnell tensed, for entirely different reasons. Eppi took note of them when they both stopped and stared at her, looks of fear clouding their faces. Two pathetic, tired brothers, she thought. They make a good couple. Perhaps, she should step out of the picture and let Bruce have her man. She laughed.
Lonnell approached her. "Hey sexy," he said. His smile was tentative. She returned his smile. As much as she hated to admit, she had missed Lonnell. He may be pathetic, But he was hers. She loved him, if only because she knew she could always depend on him to be there. She stood and wrapped her arms around his neck, inhaling the soapy scent of his just-washed skin. She kissed him softly and reveled in the low moan that emanated from his mouth. She got high off the effect she had on him.
"I forgive you," he announced with a grin.
She pursed her lips. "What? What did I do?"
"Never mind all that," he replied. He ran his heavy hands up and down her back, pressing her curves against his body. "Do you know how much I have missed you?"
She felt a gentle stirring in his sweat pants and smiled. "I think I have an idea."
They hugged again, and Eppi whispered in his ear that she stop by later. Lonnell gave her one last hug and headed back to Bruce.
Bruce prepared to walk toward Oglesby Hall with Lonnell, but Eppi called him back. She motioned for him to come over. He hesitated. He wasn't ready to deal with Eppi just yet. She motioned again, and he came closer.
She smiled at him before speaking. "Long time no see," she said.
"Yeah." Bruce looked over Eppi's shoulder at the people coming in and out of the dining hall.
"I hope you staying away has nothing to do with what happened at the Alpha House," she said.
His eyes turned on her, wild and darting with anxiousness. "What you mean? What you trying to say?"
Eppi shrugged. "Nothing. Hell, I was drunk, you know? I don't really remember what I saw. If you know what I mean."
Bruce understood the words Eppi was saying, and their meaning, but he couldn't understand why Eppi would say them. She wasn't the type to "forget," especially when it came to something like this. "What's up?" He asked suspiciously.
Eppi licked her lips. "Nothing, yet. Just keep in mind that my memory has a tendency to come and go. What I forget today, I might remember tomorrow. It all depends on how things go."
Bruce understood her meaning. He had to give the bitch credit. She had him by the balls and she knew it. "Yeah, I got you," he said, walking away. He wondered what he'd have to do to level the playing field with Eppi. He didn't yet know, but his mind began to work on a plan.


Expert Member
May 27, 2008
Washington D.C., DC, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
BMOC Chapter 10

Bruce slammed his fist down onto his desk. Nothing, absolutely nothing was going his way. Cherron, his girl for the past six months, had not returned any of his calls; and Donny had refused any more booty calls after what happened at the Alpha House. He hadn't had sex with anyone in two weeks, which for him, was a nightmare. To top things off, he'd failed his last Chemistry exam and gotten a D- on a paper for his Sociology class. Even more disturbing, Eppi continued to make innuendoes and snide remarks about what had happened at the Alpha House. He'd developed indigestion so bad, he was popping Tums like candy. He couldn't think, and he needed to organize his thoughts so he could find his way out of this mess.
The phone rang. He stared it with contempt before answering it. He muttered a hello.
"Bruce, it's Eppi," she said immediately. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. You don't have your friend over tonight, do you?" She snickered.
Bruce’s teeth began to grind. "What the fuck do you want?" he asked through clenched teeth.
"Is my baby there?" she asked.
"Lonnell ain't here," he replied.
"Good." Eppi cleared her throat. "I need a favor."
Bruce’s muscles tensed up. "What?"
"My girl Derica needs a date for a sorority luncheon this Thursday."
"O.K. When does she want me to pick her up?"
Eppi laughed. "You think I'd set my girl up with a switch-hitter like you?"
Bruce couldn't stop himself. "Bitch," he seethed into the phone.
"Watch it. Don't nobody be calling me out my name, especially not nobody that's all ready on my shit list," she said. "Now, look. Derica has this thing for your boy Chase. She wants him to take her to the luncheon. I told her I'd see what I could do. Now, it's up to you to see that my girl gets what she wants."
"What the fuck? I don't know Chase like that. I can't ask that mothafucka to take out some bitch he don't even know."
"You got one more time to call me or my girl a bitch," Eppi said. "And I don't know what you talking about, Bruce. I know you can get Chase to take Derica out. Just work him like you did your boyfriend at the Alpha House, and he'll do whatever you say."
Bruce slammed the phone down so hard he broke it. Yet, he could still hear Eppi's voice, scrambled but clear enough to make out the sound of her laughter. He spun around his room, arms flailing, knocking over everything that was in his path. His rage consumed him; he couldn’t stop punching at the walls, his chest of drawers, and the desk. He was so preoccupied beating the hell out of everything that he didn't hear Chase knocking at his door. However, Chase heard the ruckus inside loud and clear, and when he got no response, he opened the door.
Bruce’s calculus book went whizzing past his ear. He ducked instinctively as the book landed in the hallway. "Bruce!" he shouted. Bruce paused, looked at Chase, and collapsed onto the floor, heaving. He was sweating and blood dripped from one of his hands. Chase rushed toward him.
"What the hell are you doing?" he asked.
Bruce didn't speak. He couldn't. He was so spent from his anger that all he could do was focus on breathing. Chase reached for Bruce’s hand. He examined it, noting that Bruce had split the flesh between two of his knuckles. Blood seeped from the wound. He dragged Bruce over to his sink, and put his hand under cold water. "I've been waiting for you to come down for tutoring and here you are trying to kill yourself," Chase remarked. He kept Bruce’s hand under water for several minutes before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his hand.
"Fuck tutoring," He yanked his hand away from Chase. "And fuck you. Get the fuck out of my room," he said.
"Why are you tripping?" Chase asked.
"I said, get the fuck out of my room!" Bruce repeated.
"What is wrong with you?" Chase demanded.
"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Bruce echoed. He went to his desk and retrieved the chemistry test with the "F" slashed across the top in red letters. He threw it at Chase. "That's what's wrong. Your ass is supposed to be helping me and look at that. An "F", motherfucka, an "F." You ain’t helping shit."
Chase looked at the test and shook his head. "Don't you blame me for this. You're the one that’s acting all crazy. Man, you got some serious problems and that don't have a damn thing to do with me." Chase threw the paper back at Bruce and walked toward the door.
Bruce grabbed him by the back of his neck and flung him hard backward. Chase stumbled onto Bruce’s bed. "Yeah, I got a problem all right. I'm looking right at him," Bruce replied


Expert Member
May 27, 2008
Washington D.C., DC, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
BMOC Chapter 11

Rage clouded Chase's mind. He lunged from Bruce’s bed, where he'd been thrown and rammed himself head first into Bruce. Bruce locked his arms around Chase's head as they went flying into the door. Chase slammed his fist into Bruce’s groin. Bruce grimaced, releasing his hold on Chase. Chase sprung up, and backhanded Bruce while Bruce tried to recover from the pain of Chase's attack on his family jewels.
"Don't you ever put your motherfuckin hands on me again," Chase yelled. Bruce swung his leg out, knocking Chase flat on his behind and sending him sliding across the floor. Before Chase could get his bearings, Bruce was on him, punching at the sides of his head wildly. Bruce dropped down on the floor and began to wrestle around with Chase. While process of tussling with Bruce, Chase felt the hardness of Bruce’s erection pressing into his thigh. He was helpless to stop his own dick from stirring in his briefs. Within seconds, he too was sporting a raging hard-on as he slid around the floor with Bruce. He began to slow his movements, as if he didn't want Bruce near enough to see the effect of this sweaty roughhousing was having on him. Bruce was too filled with rage to notice his own erection. But when he felt Chase's rigid member sliding against his stomach, it gave him pause. He stopped moving. He was breathing was ragged; pebbles of sweat were collecting and sliding, down the sides of his face. He looked down at Chase's erection, then at Chase. Bruce reached for Chase’s crotch and gently fondled his erection. Chase gasped. Bruce continued to rub his hand up and down the contours of the tent in Chase's pants, getting extremely excited by the feel of Chase's dick pulsing with his touch. Ecstasy raced along Chase's skin like an electrical charge, making every hair stand at attention. It was just like in his dreams, this feeling. He closed his eyes and for the briefest of moments and gave into what he was feeling without thinking. But reason soon fought its way through the haze of desire. His eyes jumped open and he jumped off the floor, away from Bruce. Bruce hopped up, too. They faced off once again, this time sexual desire, not violence, was the gauntlet between them. Bruce could read it in Chase's eyes, and in the way his body had instantly responded to his touch. Chase had known it all along, but had been fighting the good battle for as long as he could. But now, it was undeniable. "So, you gonna run again or stay and handle your business like a man?" Bruce asked. Chase shook his head then looked at Bruce. Something was very wrong with Bruce, but even with everything that had just happened; he couldn't force himself to walk out the door. He stood, staring Bruce down as he bridged the distance between them. When he felt Bruce’s hands slide behind his waist and grope his ass. He closed his eyes and allowed 19 years of sexual repression to begin leaving his body.
Downstairs, Jay sat on his bed flicking through the TV channels neither paying attention to the TV nor interested in actually watching it. It was simply an object on which to focus while he sorted his thoughts. Primary on his mind was Chase and what had happened the last time that they'd been around each other. Jay shook his head. How had lust enter into their relationship, he wondered. He was beyond denial at this point. Like Chase, he what began at the Alpha House the night of the Miss Isis Pageant was quickly escalating, and Jay couldn't seem to stop it. He wanted to fight it for several reasons. First, he knew how sex could fuck up even the best of friendships. His experience with Bruce taught him that. Second, he still was uncomfortable with his attraction to dudes, and very reluctant to admit that he desired Chase in any way. He still couldn't shake the hold his homophobic father had on his thoughts. After flipping between two channels for another 10 minutes, Jay decided he couldn’t sit and wallow in this indecision a minute longer. He clicked the power off the TV, and headed down the hall to Chase's room. Chase's roommate informed Jay that Chase had gone up to Bruce’s room to tutor him. Reluctantly, Jay walked up to the 13th floor in search of Chase.


Expert Member
May 27, 2008
Washington D.C., DC, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
BMOC Chapter 12

Lying flat on his back in the center of Bruce’s bed, Chase stroked his brick-hard dick with fevered strokes. Bruce’s thick tongue wedging itself between the tight band of flesh and muscle at his asshole caused Chase to squirm around on the bed like a fish out of water. And when Bruce’s plump fore finger followed his tongue into Chase's untapped tunnel, Chase's back arched, forcing his ass to envelop the finger to its base. Bruce marveled at the way Chase's ass clenched like a fist around first one finger, then two, and eventually three, which he shoved and twisted inside of Chase creating a path for his eventual penetration. If the finger fucking was any indication, busting Chase’s ass would be an unparalleled treat for Bruce, and the very thought expanded his dick to its full, deeply veined inches.
He extended his middle finger until he touched Chase's prostate. He licked his lips, grinned, and began to rub the tip of his finger against Chase's prostate, intensifying Chase’s feelings of pleasure.
Suddenly a coil of fluid blasted up from the tip of Chase’s dick, followed by at least two or three more, that splattered on his stomach, thighs, shoulders, chest, and on the bed. Bruce moved away from the bed and watched in satisfaction at the look of euphoria on Chase's face as the orgasm overtook his senses.
Just as suddenly, there was a knock at Bruce’s door.
Chase rose from the bed, semen dripping off his torso, collected his clothes and ducked into Bruce’s bathroom. Bruce threw on his boxers, which could hardly contain his erection, and opened the door.
Jay's eyes were drawn immediately to the way the boxers stretched around Bruce’s erect dick. "I come at a bad time?" he asked.
Bruce smirked. "Not really. Why? Something you need?" Bruce asked as he fondled himself.
Jay ignored the innuendo. "I'm looking for Chase."
Bruce folded his arms against his chest. "And? Why would he be here?"
Jay peered over Bruce shoulder into the room, noting the state of disarray Bruce and Chase’s wrestling had caused earlier. "Because his roommate said he was coming up here to tutor you."
After having come so close, Bruce wasn't about to let Chase get away now. "Yeah, well, he ain't here no more."
For some unexplainable reason, Jay became even more anxious to find Chase. He had to know for sure that Chase hadn’t been with Bruce.
"Do you know where he went?” he asked.
"Nope. Couldn't tell you."
"Are you sure? I really gotta talk to him, Bruce."
"Why you pressin me? Didn't I just say I ain't seen old boy and don't know where he went. Damn!" And with that, Bruce closed the door in Jay's face.
Chase, who had been cleaning himself up in the bathroom, overheard the exchange and became curios. What did Jay have to talk to him about? They hadn’t talked in days, and now he was running him down?
He exited the bathroom and found Bruce lying on the bed, nude. His erect dick pointed towards the ceiling like a bent fire poker. Although the scene inspired some feelings of lust within Chase, his recent release kept him from weakening and walking to the bed to join Bruce. Instead, he went to the door and left, without so much as a goodbye.
The tables had been turned. What he had done to so many others had now been done to him. For the first time in Bruce’s life, he'd been used for someone else's pleasure and cast aside like an old shoe. He could only stare at the door in shock and disbelief.
Chase entered the stairwell and was about to make his descend to the eleventh floor when Jay stepped out of the shadows on the landing above him. Chase jumped. "Man, you scared the hell out of me!"
Jay looked down at Chase. He knew without asking that Chase was coming from Bruce’s room. He remembered the state in which Bruce had answered his door and put the pieces together. His head shaking, Jay descended the few steps to the landing on which Chase stood.
"What’s wrong?" Chase asked.
Jay never responded. Chase continued to question Jay, but there was never a reply. Chase could only watch as Jay wordlessly continued down the stairwell and away from him.

[/FONT] BMOC Chapter 13

Lonnell knew something wasn't right from the moment Eppi rubbed against his arm. He'd been deep in study at the time -- pre-calculus -- his worst and most demanding subject. Usually, the feel of her perky nipples against any part of his skin sparked an immediate rise in his briefs. That night, he had no reaction at all.
Eppi's tongue began to explore the recesses of his ear. He moaned. His ears were his hot spots. Why wasn’t he responding, then? Pre-calculus, he thought. It was the damned math that was fucking up his concentration. He closed the book and stood, turning to face Eppi. Their mouths connected, their tongues commenced to slip and slide, and Lonnell's heavy hands circled Eppi's breasts so that each nipple jutted snugly between his fore and middle fingers. He pinched each nipple between those fingers, dropped down to take them into his mouth. His response was minimal. It was as if he were trying to force himself to get excited about someone he had no interest in.
Eppi, however, responded eagerly to Lonnell and didn't even realize that there was a problem. When Lonnell stood, she took this as an invitation to fondle her man's dick. She felt nothing, not even the beginnings of an erection in his pants. He recoiled, his eyes wide with fear and anger. "Leave me alone," he said. He hid his face from Eppi.
"Lonnell, baby, are you all right?" she asked. She'd never had to deal with this before, and didn’t know precisely how to proceed.
"Yeah, I'm all right, baby. I'm just tired and irritable. Shit, that damned pre-cal is kicking my ass. Had me up all night." He grabbed the book off the desk, tucked it under one arm and walked to the door. “I’m sorry, babe, but I ... uh, I need to go to the library and finish studying for this test." He walked toward Eppi, pecked her quick and hard on the lips, and then fled from the room as if he were being chased.
Eppi stared after his departing back for several minutes, shocked into silence. Her body ached with want, want that evidently would not be fulfilled tonight. But why? Was Lonnell impotent? Had she caused it? The thought made her dizzy, so she sat down on Lonnell's bed to collect herself.
Bruce entered the room no sooner than she sat. He was in a foul mood and had been for the past two days. Ever since Chase left him hanging, so to speak, he'd been testy and horny. The sight of Eppi, erect nipples straining against her shirt, did nothing to relieve him of either feeling.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Eppi had been so deep in thought, she hadn’t noticed him coming in. The sight of Bruce reminded her his double nature, his secret. And a thought began to form in her mind.
"You!" She rose from the bed. "What did you do to him?"
Bruce stared at her with a look of confusion. "To who?"
She walked closer to him. "I know you had something to do with this, Bruce! What did you say to him, huh? I know you ain't tried coming on to him, he'd bust every tooth out of your mouth if you did."
"Girl, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about," he said. "And, I really don't give a damn either, so squash that noise."
She poked a finger into his chest. "What did you do to him? I know you had something to do with it, Bruce.
Bruce shook his head. "Look, this is between you and Lonnell, so whatever you're talking about, save it for him, okay?"
"You faggot! You said something to fuck with his head and now he can't get it up! You got him questioning his manhood cuz you ain’t sure about yours!" Eppi shook with anger.
Bruce paused, absorbing first the insult of "faggot," and the knowledge that his friend and roommate, Lonnell, was having trouble pleasing his woman. "If your man got dick problems, that’s on him. Maybe it’s you." He grabbed his crotch as he spoke again. "I ain’t never had a problem with my piece, so I know it don't have shit to do with me. And for the record, I ain't no faggot, and I ain’t got no questions about my manhood."
Eppi charged forward, shoving past Bruce toward the door. "Tell it to that boy you were fucking at the Alpha House," she shouted.
Enraged, Bruce grabbed her by the arm. He pulled her so hard, she lost her balance and fell against him. Both were reluctant to break the contact. Bruce’s breathing raced as Eppi mashed her breasts deeper into his chest. Their lips touched. She reached for his dick and found, to her relief and amazement, something she could hold onto with both hands and then some. Bruce wouldn’t be filling any prescriptions for Viagra anytime soon.


Expert Member
May 27, 2008
Washington D.C., DC, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
BMOC Chapter 14

Jay wasn’t in, or so his roommate repeatedly told Chase every time he called. Chase suspected that Jay really was there, but was screening his calls. Since that night in the stairwell, Jay had been avoiding him. He took carry-outs from the dining hall and used the back entrance to the dorms, stayed out late, got up early--all in attempts to stay clear of Chase.
Jay was too angry and disappointed to deal with what had happened. The more he thought about the situation, the more convinced he became that things happened for a reason. Just as he was ready to admit the feelings he had for Chase, to confront the fact of his attraction to brothers as well as sisters, he'd been reminded of all that it would cost him. His father would never accept this other side of him; a stroke nearly claimed his father’s life when his brother Dre came out of the closet. And Jay couldn't honestly put himself or his father in that kind of predicament over someone who didn't share his feelings.
He'd thought that maybe he sensed reciprocal feelings in Chase, but it was an illusion. Chase’s longing led him to Bruce.
He worked off his steam by spending his nights at the student recreation center, lifting weights, running around the indoor track, playing racquetball. Any type of physical activity that could get his body working and keep his mind from drifting back to Chase. As was his habit each night after exhausting himself at the rec, Jay cooled down by swimming a few laps in the Olympic-sized pool.
Not long after Jay entered the pool, a splash of water indicated that someone had joined him. He didn't notice that it was Chase until the two nearly collided under water. Both swam to the surface. Chase spoke first. "What's up? Why are you avoiding me?"
Chase's presence sparked Jay's suspicion and anger. "How did you find me here?"
"It doesn't matter," he said. “I need you to talk to me, man. Did I do something wrong?"
Jay exited the pool at once, grumbling under his breath. He headed directly to the shower and locker room with Chase a few steps behind.
"Stop, Jay. Don't walk away. Would you --” Chase grabbed Jay's arm to tried and restrain him, but Jay yanked away so forcefully, he sent Chase stumbling backward. Chase recovered and did not continue following Jay. They were all ready in the shower room and there was nowhere else for Jay to go. Jay stripped out of his swimming trunks and stepped under a shower spigot to wash the chlorine of the pool off his skin.
Chase walked closer to Jay. "Why are you acting like this? I thought we were supposed to be boys? Now you treat me like I'm the dog shit you're trying to scrape off your shoe," Chase said. He reached out and touched Jay's shoulder.
Jay popped a full hard-on at Chase's touch. He felt so weak and exposed. He stepped even further away from Chase, hoping to keep his erection a secret. Chase reached for him again, Jay pulled away, Chase grabbed a hold of his arm, refusing to let go Jay was swung face forward, and his arousal became evident. As anger overtook him, Jay grabbed Chase by the throat and with one arm, slammed him against a wall. He bent his arm and pressed his forearm against Chase's windpipe choking him.
"If you even think about telling anybody--anybody--I swear that I will beat you so bad, your mama won't recognize your ass." He released Chase, who coughed and heaved as he slid down onto the tiled shower floor. Tears threatened to flow from his eyes, but he restrained them, just as he restrained whatever emotional reaction Jay’s sudden violent outburst had caused within him. He rose without looking at Jay, and walked away. Before leaving, he turned back to Jay. "All right," he said. "All right." And as he walked out, he vowed that those two words would be the last he ever uttered to Jay King.

[/FONT] BMOC Chapter 15

Elsewhere in the rec center, Lonnell was playing an intense game of racquetball. He channeled his anger, his helplessness and his frustration into each volley of the racquet. He'd been impotent for several days now. He'd tried oils, lotions and other supposed "aids" to help him gain back the heft he was so proud of, but nothing worked. To top it all off, Bruce had found out about his condition. How, he still wasn't certain, but it only added to his embarrassment. He took some comfort in the fact that out of anyone on campus, Bruce was at least the type to keep it all on the down low.
He'd kept his distance from Eppi because he felt less than a man around her. He had no sexual response to her lately and that truly devastated him. His father had raised him to believe that women measured a man solely on what hung between his thighs and how he used it.
Lonnell hit the racquetball one last time, watched it volley until it came to a stop, then exited the confines of the cubicle. On his way to the shower, he was nearly run over by Chase on his way out, and obviously in a hurry. Something ad disturbed that brother, but Lonnell was to wrapped up in his own problems to try to figure out what it could be. Entering the shower room, Lonnell noticed Jay. He observed that Jay appeared to be staring into space, not even blinking.
"Hey, man. You okay?" he asked.
Jay was so far inside his own head, he'd neither noticed Lonnell's entrance or the fact that he was a mere two feet to his right. He regretted manhandling Chase, but he also knew it was the only way he’d put enough distance so he could let these feelings, and passions die. Lonnell waved his hands in Jay's face, and getting no reaction, grabbed his shoulder to gently shake him. His touch caused Jay to push him away. Now out of his daze, Jay took a look around and noted that it was Lonnell he was pushing, not Chase. "Oh, my bad. I'm tripping, man, you gotta excuse me."
Lonnell gave him a look that said, 'you better just get out of my way' which is exactly what Jay did. He toweled off, dressed, and walked out of the rec center. Once outside, he decided to sit on a bench near the entrance and enjoy the temperate March evening air. When he let his thoughts drift, he remembered that Family Weekend was approaching and he'd invited his brother Dre up for the occasion. He sighed. Just what he needed to deal with now -- his gay baby brother. Oh, he loved him and all the way brothers do, but they had always been opposite sides of the same coin. He couldn't remember anything they both agreed on, or anything they really had in common, even though only 20 months separated their ages. Now that Dre was out of the closet and out of their parents' house, he was an altogether different person than the one Jay had grown up with.
Eppi spent the last 35 minutes searching around campus in search of Lonnell, and now that she'd spotted his car in the rec center parking lot, her only concern was finding him. Her guilt over her one-night stand with Bruce was eating at her, and not having Lonnell there to fulfill her needs only made her reflect more on the sex she'd shared with Bruce. Although caught up in her own problems, Eppi couldn’t ignore the distress she saw on Jay's face.
"Anybody sitting here?" she asked, pointing to the empty space on the bench next to him.
He looked up, shook his head, and looked away.
"You know, your mouth is too beautiful for you to be frowned up like that," she commented.
He smiled and blushed. Compliments tended to have that effect on him. "That’s the first time anybody has said my mouth is beautiful,” he said.
"Well, the whole package is beautiful," Eppi said. "But when you scrunch up your mouth like that, you don't look so beautiful. From where I'm sitting, you don't have much to be so upset about."
Jay shrugged. "You're right. But I am."
Eppi touched his hand. "Wanna talk about it?"
Jay shook his head. "It's not really clear to me, so I know it'll only confuse you."
"Well, anytime you need my ear, it's here." She gently touched his cheek as she rose. "I've gotta go find my Lonnell."
Jay nodded and uttered a good-natured goodbye. Eppi turned toward the entrance. From the second floor, Lonnell had witnessed the brief encounter. He wanted to jump through the glass and used the shards to cut Jay to pieces. He didn't tolerate any other dudes talking to his Eppi. And he sure didn't like what he'd just seen. He let his anger simmer and along with his frustration at his impotence, a lethal brew of explosive emotions began a slow boil in his mind.

[/FONT] BMOC Chapter 16

Jay sat impatiently glued to the green plastic chair in the waiting area of the Amtrak station, his eyes scanning for a sight of his brother, Dre. Not surprisingly, the train missed its scheduled arrival time of 3:45 and pulled into the Champaign station just after 4:15. Dre was one of the first passengers to disembark from the train and enter the station. His look was decidedly different than the last time Jay had seen him. He had let his hair grow out and now sported the twisted locks that popular among young African–American men.
Dre broke into a smile when as he greeted his brother. The two shared a hug that lasted an extra few seconds. It had been four months since the last time they'd seen each other.
"Damn, boy. Where'd you get this leather?" Jay asked, fingering Dre's double-breasted leather jacket.
"On sale," Dre replied. "With my employee discount, I walked off with it for $115."
"You working now?" Jay asked.
"Eddie Bauer at the Galleria," Dre said. "So you know my wardrobe had to change."
Jay nodded.
"But I'm here this weekend to explore the possibility of college."
"Possibility? Why is it only a possibility?" Jay asked. "You're the brains in the family. Don't tell me you're not going to school in the fall."
Dre shrugged. "My grades fell this year for obvious reasons.
For the past five months, Tracey had been living with his Cyrus, a GMAAD youth counselor and his cousin Kirk's lover.
"The way things are right now, I don't know that mom and dad will pay for me to go to school.”
"No matter what mom or dad say, they want you to go to school Trace." Jay was certain of that. "
"You think?" Dre asked.
"No doubt," Jay said. "Come on, let's get out of here. I've been sitting here too damn long."
Dre took a long look at his brother and sensed his sadness. He was all too familiar with the demons that were probably messing with Jay's head
"You all right?" Dre asked.
Jay picked up one of Dre's bags and said, "Fine."
Dre knew better then to press the issue, but resolved to find out what troubled Jay over the weekend.
"Do you think she'd mess around on me?" Lonnell asked Bruce as he burst into their room.
Bruce turned away from the game he was watching on TV. He was so taken by surprise that he dropped the bag of potato chips he was holding. He took a long look at his roommate. There was no need to ask who 'she' was. Eppi was the only women who existed in the entire universe as far as Lonnell's was concerned
"Man, where you coming from?" Bruce asked. He took quick stock of his proximity to the door, in case he had to make a quick escape. Could it be possible that Lonnell suspected Bruce and Eppi's one night transgression?


Admired Member
Dec 2, 2009
99% Gay, 1% Straight
You are truly an inspirational writer! It itches in my fingers as well as in my lower-region when I read your work, tickling both my sexual lust and passion for creative writing! :) I've only read 3 chapters so far, since I'm running out of time at the moment, I will however read more this afternoon. I can't wait! :]


Expert Member
May 27, 2008
Washington D.C., DC, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
BMOC Chapter 17

"Man, where you coming from?" Bruce asked.
"I'm not stupid, Bruce. Eppi got her needs, just like I do. I know she loves me, but that don’t mean she supposed to go without because I'm --" Lonnell paused. He still couldn't say the word 'impotent.'
Bruce stood, trying to mask his growing nervousness.
"Lonnell, you just worried. Every thing will be all right. You been to see the doctor at health services yet?"
"Fuck health services." He got off the bed and went to the window, pulling back the curtain and looking out onto the campus below. “Your homeboy, King. How come y'all don't hang no more?"
This abrupt shift in the conversation left Bruce momentarily confused. Why would Lonnell's thoughts suddenly turn to Jay King? "No reason. Why?"
"He do something to you?" Lonnell still kept his gaze focused out of the window. He wondered what ever happened to Cherron, Bruce’s latest girl. She hadn't been around much lately.
Bruce’s thoughts raced with possibilities. Had Jay talked to Lonnell about the past? Panic set in and manifested itself in Bruce’s normally smooth voice. "What did he say--"
"That muthafucka! He better not be fucking with Eppi!" Lonnell had interpreted Bruce’s panic as a reaction to his own suspicion that Jay had something to do with Cherron’s sudden disappearance from Bruce’s life.
Lonnell's outburst slowly but surely evaporated Bruce’s confusion. He realized the reason behind Lonnell's sudden preoccupation with Jay King. "You think Eppi and Jay --"
Lonnell whirled around faster than a tornado and began to stalk toward Bruce menacingly. “Hell no, I don't think that shit! Why you know something I don't?" Before Bruce could respond, Lonnell continued. "You better tell your partner to back off my girl, Bruce. I don't want that muthafucka saying shit to her, you hear?"
Lonnell brushed past Bruce and out the door, barreling out the exit door and down the stairwell.
He nearly ran directly past Jay and Dre on their way up the stairs. He paused, looking from Jay to Dre and back to Jay. "Wassup, Lonnell. This my brother, Dre." Jay began.
Lonnell moved Jay out of his way with a backhand shove that knocked him against the brick wall of the stairwell. He continued down the stairs, three steps at a time. Jay straightened himself and continued up the stairs.
"Damn," Dre said. "Who was that?"
Jay didn't break his pace. "Bruce’s roommate."
The name 'Bruce' sent a chill coursing through Dre's body. "He making any trouble for you?" To an outsider, Dre's vague "he" would have no meaning. But it was understood by both who Dre was referring to, and what he meant by trouble.
Jay slowed his advance up the stairs and tried to think of a way to get around the topic of Bruce DeLeon. It had been and still was a sore spot for the two brothers. "No, he stays out of my way and I don't get in his." It was a lie, a lie that Jay hoped his brother would believe.
They arrived at the landing of the 11th floor. Dre paused, sitting on the first couple of steps leading further up the stairwell. Jay paused just behind the entryway to the floor. The door swung open, nearly cracking Jay on head. When Chase and Jay noticed each other, their defensive body language convinced Dre that there was some tension between the two.
Wassup? I'm Dre. Dre King," Dre said. "I'm his brother." He pointed his head in Jay’s direction.
"Chase Edwards. I stay on the floor with your brother. You up for family weekend?"
Dre nodded. "Checking the campus out. I don't know that I want to be at the same school as this cat again. I've been doing that all my life."
Chase smiled, keeping his eyes positioned in Dre's direction. "Listen, I've got to take off, but if you have any questions or just want to talk, I'm in 1129." Chase moved between the King brothers and down the stairs.
"Nice meeting you," Dre said to his departing back.
Jay stepped into the hallway of the 11th floor with Dre following close behind. "You know him well?" he asked.
Jay shrugged. "We were cool."
Dre picked up on the fact that his brother used the past tense.
"Well, you didn't even say hello. What's up with that?"
Jay opened the door to his room and dropped Dre's bags onto the floor. As Dre proceeded into the room, Jay blocked his entrance. "Look, I don't want to talk about Chase, aight?"
Jay's reluctance to discuss Chase immediately triggered Dre's curiosity. Although he let the matter drop, Dre made a mental note to get to know Chase -- and find out why he caused Jay such discomfort.
The heavy-handed knock made Eppi think Lonnell was at her door. She opened the door expecting to see him, then felt disappointed when she found herself face-to-face with Bruce. "What do you want?"
Bruce leaned against the outer doorframe, arms folded against his chest, a smug smile on his face. "You." He licked his lips. "But I'll settle for your attention for a few minutes."
"Go away." Eppi began to close the door, but Bruce wedged his foot between the door and its frame and forced himself into the room.
"What the hell is wrong with you! What if my roommate was in here, half-naked or something? You can’t just violate or privacy like that!"
"The only person in here half-naked is you." Bruce eyes surveyed the skin-tight midriff shirt Eppi wore. Her nipples poked noticeable tents in the front of the shirt. It was evident she wore no bra.
Eppi turned her back to Bruce’s leering eyes. "Say what you gotta say and go."
Bruce sat down in the chair near Eppi's desk, spreading his legs lewdly. "I just got done talking to your man Lonnell. He's tripping. He got this crazy theory that you ain't been so faithful while he's in his condition."
Eppi gasped. "What? What did you tell him? What did you say?"
"Relax, baby. I didn't say anything about us. I didn't have to. Lonnell seems to think that you and Jay King got a thang going on."
"Jay?" Eppi echoed, shock and surprise showing on her face. "Boyfriend's fine and all, but he' ain’t got it like that. He’s just a friend. Why would he think there was anything going on between the two of us?"
"That's what I want to know." Bruce gave Eppi an expectant look. He wouldn't put it past her to screw him, Jay, Lonnell and the entire football team all on the same night.
"Well, he has no reason to think that. Jay is nothing but a friend to me."
Bruce stood, fondling the slow growth in his crotch. "I used to be your friend, too. But then you fucked me. What's to stop you from fucking your other 'friends?'"
"You were never my friend, Bruce. And you're not Lonnell's friend, either."
"Oh, I'm his friend all right. I been trying to get that fool to go to health services and see a doctor."
"He'll never go see no doctor. Not about that. His pride won’t let him."
Bruce shrugged. "Too bad. In the meantime, my services are available if you ever need a little relief."
"Goodbye, Bruce." Despite the fact that she hadn't had sex in almost two weeks, Eppi refused to fall into Bruce’s lusty hands ever again.
"Remember what I said." Bruce moved toward the door. “And don’t let me hear about you giving that pussy to nobody else. Especially Jay King. If I do, I just might have to have a little chat with Lonnell after all.
"Go fuck yourself."
Bruce chuckled. "I like fucking you better." As he closed the door to her room, Bruce felt quite pleased with himself. Yes, he definitely liked having the upper hand again


Expert Member
May 27, 2008
Washington D.C., DC, USA
100% Gay, 0% Straight
BMOC ` Chapter 18

Later that evening, Jay and Dre returned to the dorm after eating in the dining hall. Restless, Jay decided to workout at the rec center; Dre decided to pass on tagging along. He assured Jay that he'd be fine watching TV alone in the room. No sooner had he left, Dre scurried down the hall and knocked on Chase's door.
Chase answered the door in his boxers and Dre tried hard not to show his admiration of Chase’s body. "Hope I’m not disturbing you, Chase. Do you remember me?"
Chase nodded. "Jay's brother. You'll have to tell me your name again, though."
"Right. Dre. What's up?"
"Nothing, man. Jay ran off and left a brotha so he could work out. I am too bored. What are you doing?" Dre tried peering over Chase's shoulder into his room.
"Absolutely nothing. I was just about to hit the pillow for the night."
"No plans on a Friday night?" Surely, this phyne-ass black man had no trouble finding a date.
"Never do, really. Why? You have something in mind?"
Dre remembered hearing about a club off-campus that catered to "alternative" lifestyles. "Yeah. A friend told me about this club called Trax"
Chase's back straightened. He didn't go clubbing, but that didn't mean he didn't know the clubs.
"That’s your scene?"
"If it's a gay club, yeah."
Chase shifted nervously. He hadn't yet met a brotha so comfortable with his sexuality. Everyone he knew that messed around was on the DL, like Bruce.
"I’m sorry if I offend you. We could go somewhere else."
"Naw, it's cool." Chase sighed. "Give me 20 minutes."
Dre smiled. "Sure. Take your time." He rushed back to Jay's room, showered and changed into his club gear -- black leather pants, white muscle T under an unbuttoned silk Versace. Thirty minutes later, Chase and Dre left the dorms in search of Trax. Along the way, they talked about the basic “getting to know you” stuff. Dre was pleasantly surprised to learn that they shared a connection -- Chase's father was a pastor at the church where Dre's grandmother was a member. Chase was surprised to hear that Dre had come out to his family just recently, and also surprised by the fact that there was another gay brother, Nigel.
Trax was a roomy club on the city's West End. Dance music, mixed with some R&B and Jell-O shots were the specialties. The clientele was predominantly male and white, but the brothers and sisters weren't sparse, either. Dre and Chase took a seat just off the dance floor and ordered cokes.
"So what's the deal with you and Jay?" Chase noticed that Dre didn't waste time.
Chase buried his eyes in the bottom of his glass of coke. "Did you ask Jay that question?"
"I tried," Dre said, "but there are just some things that my brother won't discuss with me. He made it clear that you're one of them."
Chase nodded. He understood why Jay wouldn't talk about what was happening between them. "Well, we were cool. Real cool. Like brothers. My first semester, I didn't get around too much. Jay introduced me to the folks on campus. For a while there, we hung night and day. Then ... he started dissin' me. I mean, I couldn't get a hello or nothing."
Dre listened attentively, but knew that Chase was leaving out pertinent details that needed to be filled in order for him to get the whole picture. "Did you ask him why?"
"I couldn't. He got very good at avoiding me."
Dre took a chance. "Eventually, you found out why, didn't you?"
Chase looked at Dre out the corner of his eye. He didn't know this brother well enough to reveal everything, and was beginning to mistrust Dre’s motives. He shook his head. "No, I didn't. I don't even bother anymore. And with you brother’s current attitude, It's not worth it to try anymore."
Dre sighed. Chase was as stubborn as Jay was. He knew of only one way to loosen up Chase. He grabbed his hand. "Let's dance," he said.

[/FONT] BMOC Chapter 19

Despite his protests, Dre refused to let go of Chase's hand. He led him to the center of the floor and began to move to the beat. Chase stood rigid as a statue, surveying the other dancers. They were so engrossed in their own movements and each other; they barely noticed him or Dre. Gradually, Chase relaxed and allowed his body to follow the music. "That's it," Dre encouraged. It didn't take Chase long to mimic Dre's movements and soon, the two were dancing together, matching and complementing the other. Soon, Chase and Dre's dancing took on a more suggestive nature, with plenty of bumping and grinding. Exhausted, they sat down again.
"You're good," Dre said. "But you said you don't get out much. How did you learn to move like that?"
Chase laughed. "You know what they say about our people. We’re supposed to have natural rhythm."
"So why are you still single if you got it like that?"
"How do you know I'm single?" Chase asked, grinning.
"All right, you got me. Are you single?"
"Yeah, I'm on my own. Not by choice, but circumstance."
Dre went with his gut feeling. "That circumstance have anything to do with my brother?"
Chase felt himself tensing up again, which didn’t escape Dre’s notice.
"If I'm getting too personal, just tell me to leave it alone." Dre said.
"Leave it alone."
An uncomfortable silence followed. Finally, Chase spoke. "Dre, I don't think I should talk about Jay with you. I don't think he'd appreciate it."
"Look, I know more about Jay's feelings than you think I do. He's my brother, remember? We grew up in the same house. He knew I was gay before my parents. And I know he has his own issues, too."
Chase suddenly became curious. "Issues? What do you mean?"
"The first guy that I ever got involved with was Jay's best friend. Jay found out about it and he was pissed. I thought it was because of the whole 'gay' thing. I'm sure that was part of it, but I later found out he was also pissed because he and this best friend were more than friends, if you know what I mean."
It took Chase a few minutes to digest Dre's abridged version of those events, and its significance. Then he put the other pieces of the puzzle into place.
"Bruce," he said.
Dre dropped his glass, sending ice cold Coke rolling across the table into Chase's lap. Chase leapt up, grabbing at napkins to stop the flow of liquid. Dre couldn't believe Chase knew that Bruce was the third party in his story. Chase was shocked by the knowledge that Bruce and Jay once shared more than friendship.
"You know Bruce?" Dre asked.
Chase sighed. "Yeah, of course. He stays in the dorms, too."
Dre remembered that Bruce did stay in the same dorm, and felt stupid that he hadn’t realized sooner that Chase would know Bruce.
"What’s he done now?" Dre asked.
"Bruce, that's who. I know he's got something to do with this whole mess."
"Dre --"
"Don't tell me you fucked him."
"Hey." Chase looked around nervously. "Could you try and keep our conversation at this table? And for the record, no, I didn't sleep with Bruce."
"Thank goodness."
"But I'm sure Jay thinks I did."
"Then he must have strong feelings toward you, Chase. He wouldn't be this pissed off otherwise."
Chase shook his head. "It doesn't matter."
"Of course it matters. Neither one of you are happy with the way things are. Don't let Bruce DeLeon fuck up your friendship."
"It's not that simple."
"Yes, it is. I've dealt with Bruce before--"
"Dre, I told you once, and I’ll say it again, leave it alone, please! This is really none of your business. I wish you would just stay the fuck out of it!" Chase stood, took one last swallow from his glass, and left Dre alone at Trax, trying to make sense of the past hour.
Bruce had reared his ugly head yet again. Dre thanked God that he'd rid himself of him, but regretted that he was still a problem for Jay. Now, Bruce was the cause the same kind of rift between Jay and Chase. The thought dredged up negative feelings toward Bruce that he thought he'd buried months ago. Although he'd hoped to get through the weekend without seeing the monster, Dre now knew he'd have to put a stop to Bruce for good