Downloading from OnlyFans

Has anyone else one else noticed that it’s suddenly really hard to download videos from OnlyFans? Like just in the last day or two?
Yep, I would say in the last week or so and it;s sort of intermittent. Some users I can still download new stuff, other creators, I can no longer download.

Two things I use:

Replay Media Catcher - It will "capture" the download but for whatever reason, the video is just a blank video.

OnlyFans Downloader extension - this one was great until last week. For videos and pictures there would be a button below it to download. It still works for some but for this particular creator I follow, the button is no longer there for the most recent 2 videos.
I have noticed that the chrome onlyfans downloader extension work only on videos where the video setting has the choice of 240, 720 and original. Where the video has the choice of original, 720p, 240p and auto, the downloader extensions dont work at all nor do download buttons appear. I’ve also tried download programs like YTSave and iTubeGo, and they don’t work.
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Apparently they started using a new DRM. It really slows down videos :mad::mad::mad::mad:
That seems to be it... I subscribed Today to a different performer and. the extensions work from the menu bar of chrome (no buttons appear), but they downloaded file only has audio and an empty image...
At first I couldnt even stream the videos, and I wrote to the performer... he did something on his side, but there's not much I can download...
I used to try to download videos using this method:

Right-click on the account page of OnlyFans> Inspect Element > Network > Media > press the F5 key > Mp4/Media file > right-click on Media file > New tab will be opened.

It's no longer working for me. I tried a couple of Chrome extensions and no luck. This may be a deal-breaker for me. I loathe the thought of subbing and not being able to save vids that I like - not that I would ever share them.
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This only works for Windows. I've looked all over reddit and no one yet has a solution for the new DRM implanted.
I just realized yesterday that when I have my laptop (a Macbook pro) plugged to a dock station to “work” with my 3 big screens I can not even stream the F*ing videos from the site… Of course, Airplay doesnt work either and at this point 2 creators just stopped answering… I f*cking have it with OF and I cancelled all my subs… The End.
Use Opera browser and install an extension to record the screen. You will be able to record the video, and save it in webm format. It's not the best but at least is something.
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Use Opera browser and install an extension to record the screen. You will be able to record the video, and save it in webm format. It's not the best but at least is something.
This doesn't work either. I used Wondershare Filmore screen recorder, but all it captures is a black screen. Do you know of an extension that does work?
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I hope someone can find a work around soon, because I neeeeed to be able to download from OF. lol
Some of the OF performers might get the message when they start loosing subscribers. Every one of my subscriptions that have turned on OF’s DRM, I have cancelled my subscription, and I recommend everyone does the same. Go over to 4MyFans. You can download those videos with no problems and no add-ons required
Have someone found how to donwload the videos?
No, have not. But have worked out that not every OF has turned on DRM, so all their content can still be downloaded as per normal. Those OF that have turned on DRM, the DRM only applies to content uploaded from about mid May. Any content prior to that date can still be downloaded. I am cancelling subscriptions to anyone who has turned on DRM once i have down whatever historical content I want. These content providers will only get the message if subscribers cancel their subscription. The DRM is only pushing customers back to traditional websites where the subscription allows downloads.
No, have not. But have worked out that not every OF has turned on DRM, so all their content can still be downloaded as per normal. Those OF that have turned on DRM, the DRM only applies to content uploaded from about mid May. Any content prior to that date can still be downloaded. I am cancelling subscriptions to anyone who has turned on DRM once i have down whatever historical content I want. These content providers will only get the message if subscribers cancel their subscription. The DRM is only pushing customers back to traditional websites where the subscription allows downloads.
How can I download videos with the DRM? Do I have to use a website or how?
How can I download videos with the DRM? Do I have to use a website or how
You cannot download videos with DRM. That’s the whole point of OF installing the option for creators to turn in DRM; to prevent subscribers from downloading videos. So if you have a Chrome OF download add-on, it will still work for older videos prior to mid end May, but for any video uploaded after this date, if the creator has turned on DRM, it can’t be downloaded. So that’s why I am cancelling subscriptions where the creator has turned on DRM.
Well, it is September and I have not unsubscribed of every OF account I used to follow. Not that I am going to be beggin the creators to send me some specific video specially if I was already paying for a subscription. Fk’em all.