Clipped out along with anything else that's useful in the abstinence mandate....God it’s fun gettin older, where were the random butt problems in the health textbooks haha
The explanation of your last statement would take another entire thread with sub threads for offshoots of additional topics which have indirect affects on the situation aforementioned. Plus, the material information provided would seem so dull, no one could read it without falling asleep.Clipped out along with anything else that's useful in the abstinence mandate....
Be sure to stay hydrated as well. Basically anything that can make you constipated is your enemy for the next few weeks.
(also digressing but, how does a country with 1.94 trillion dollars to spend on military not have universal single-payer healthcare?)
hemorroids isnt an age thing--i had my first one when i was 18 maybe 19--it can happen several reasons--diarhea--alot can form one--severe constipation definitely can cause it--and if gay and a bottom--no lube or not enough lube can rupture a vessel and trigger a hemorroid
what is a hemorroid ---its a ruptured blood vessel caused by everything i have mentioned above--not to seem so personal and all but mine is triggered by constipation-- so i try to keep fiber on hand--i recently had a spell of constipation to the point when i finally got the shit out--it stretched my asshole alot--and this is different than from getting screwed--a cock goes out to in--constipation goes from in to out pushing out on your rectum stretching it-- for few days my asshole felt like it was stitched shut as the hemorrhoid had swollen up alot--
1 preperation h is a good thing--
2 --lube--ky gel--after preperation h helps the thing go down--- lube finger and finger yourself at least index finger deep--this will help in shitting to come out easier--when i did this one the other day i didnt have any lube and boy did i pay for it
and future things with hemorrhoids ---if continue to swell and rupture and bleed--they can go in and stitch it if it is bleeding to get it to stop--some doctors / hospitals burn the blood vessel so it cant bleed-
last but not least--they can remove the vessel having the issue with but thats pretty severe surgery and shitting will definitely suck for few days after wards---the will prescribe you stool softners to make going easier-- but anyone here will tell you stool softners suck--they make your stool soft--that its like paste-- so when go to wipe it smears more than it wipes making you having to wipe and wipe until clean and that hurts after so long--
FUTURE ISSUES THAT CAN DEVELOP--- its not the hemorrhoids that i am talking about--constant diarrhea is hard on your digestive tract--but not as hard as constipation--if you continue to get constipated-- and harder to go each time you get unconstipated it causes your anus ( which is inside your asshle--your rectum is your asshole)to stretch as well as intestines and colon until one day you get constipated and cant get relief from it--your intestine/colon could rupture
a friend of mine i worked with for 6 years would talk about being constipated all the time --even one time it hurt so much that i told him stick finger in his ass see if he can move the crap contipating him and dig it out--he said fuck that--said i seem to know what i am talking about that i can do it--i laughed and said oh boy-and held up a finger--i was surprised when we actually went to bathroom he dropped his pants and told me go for it---i keep a small tube ky in my car and already got it just in case he wanted to try it--so i used it and his asshole was tight so it took time to get to where i needed to get to--he said he felt something move-i laughed and said really--after few times lubing it it really moved -i pulled my finger out and he barely got to sit on the toilet when he started shitting
anyhow--he kept on having this problem and he let it go to long and was at store one day and he said the pain went through him so fast he dropped to the floor holding his stomach--his wife called 911 and they came and got him and while he was at er they were asking him questions and he mentioned he been constipated for few days---they done a scan of his stomach and intestines--and saw a tear in the scan--they took him to surgery got him cut open 3 inches until they can see what the tear was--and by time they got done he had a cut from pit of his stomach down below belly button where they took out his colon and intestines found the tear andon each side of the tear his colon and part of his large intestine had died--they had to remove a total of 16 inches of his colon and intestine and it was all because of his constipation problem that he wouldnt go to a doctor for
not saying this to scare you buti am just letting you know how serious things can get over things you wouldnt think would do it
just like kidney stones--my dads nephew same age as me-i was actually one week older than he was--he had pain in his back and couldnt pee--he goes to er they say he has kidney stones and admitted him because one was pretty big that needed to be busted up as there was no way it would pass through his penis--they go in bust it up removed alot of it but couldnt get couple pieces out---they said they will let him drink plenty of fluids and see if can pass them or have to try going in again to remove them--he got sick all of a sudden running a fever body sweating nausea and they said it was his kidneys---one piece of the stone went back into one of the veins blocking the kidney keeping it frm doing what needed to do--before they can do anything--it went septic and only thing doctor can say once a person goes septic there isnt anthing they can do--he passed away about3 days later--
so please take care of your body guys--its the only one we have
last but not least pikespeakduo --how did this happen to be irritate or enflamed? if you are gay and a bottom--preporation h should do the trick
if its due to constipation/diarhea --metamucil fiber 1 teaspoon full twice a day should help with going to bathroom--you crap or shit will be clean nor smeary--it should just slide right out as metamucil makes it that wake--it feels good feeling it just slide right out--you will see what i mean if take it
i would have talk to you privately but your settings are set up to where cant--also--you wonder how i know all of this-i have gone through same thing--i am just passing it on to inform you and others that read this