GOLIATH COCK- who is this massive uncut cock?

It's an example of pumping way too long and likely at too much vacuum. The edema is just gross. Sane pumping is a 15-minute session several times a week at no more than 17" Hg vacuum!
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Possibly silicone injections. Google pupsheen, similar looking cock, but I realized that what I thought was his exposed cockhead was actually entirely his heavily injected and pumped foreskin. He has some videos showing him pushing a normal looking cockhead through that mass of foreskin.
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Just do a Google search for "extreme cock pumping." BTW, I think the guy in the video I linked had injected saline solution - looks like that's what's dripping out as he plays with the monster. It was probably leaking from the injection site and he wrapped with plastic wrap to slow down the leaking.
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