Guys with big noses have bigger dicks (New research)

My first thought is that I have a typically large Italian nose. Woohoo!

But, my next thought is, just how big is the nose on those guys who have been blessed with 7" and 8" penises?
Read the article to see how they are measuring those noses.
I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing. Japanese scientists were curious if there was a correlation between nose size and penis size so they stretched the cadaverous penis of 126 dead middle aged men? WTF!!!!
take this with a grain of salt, one of my slutty girlfriends (500+ body count at least) swears up and down that one of the surest sign that a guy is packing is, oddly enough, crooked teeth. not bad teeth, per se, but just naturally crooked teeth. she's never disappointed when she takes one of these guys home. she looks for other qualities as well but if she sees some crooked teeth, she's throwing down her bet instantly. she says that the majority of them are always above average. go figure...
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take this with a grain of salt, one of my slutty girlfriends (500+ body count at least) swears up and down that one of the surest sign that a guy is packing is, oddly enough, crooked teeth. not bad teeth, per se, but just naturally crooked teeth. she's never disappointed when she takes one of these guys home. she looks for other qualities as well but if she sees some crooked teeth, she's throwing down her bet instantly. she says that the majority of them are always above average. go figure...
I doubt she has 500 plus.
I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing. Japanese scientists were curious if there was a correlation between nose size and penis size so they stretched the cadaverous penis of 126 dead middle aged men? WTF!!!!
I think some Japanese necrophile wanted to play with dead dicks and used science as a cover
I’ve never met the girl but there are girls out there who Would hit 500 easily… just don’t fall in love with one..
Are you sure dude? That’s sounds very improbable and impossible. That’s too many men for one woman. Especially if they get in a relationship and go off the market. In addition, most women would get pregnant at least 10 times if they had sex with 500 men or more.
Are you sure dude? That’s sounds very improbable and impossible. That’s too many men for one woman. Especially if they get in a relationship and go off the market. In addition, most women would get pregnant at least 10 times if they had sex with 500 men or more.

i'm going to only explain this once, so please read carefully. it's very possible and if you don't think it's possible then you haven't met or been around these type of women, or people for that matter.

how do i know it's 500+... well, in the last two decades or so, she has been part of a private swingers club that my wife and i are still a part of today. since the day we joined, this club has always had 2 parties every week and has not missed a beat. this woman has been to just about every party because my wife and i have done the same. this is how we became friends because every time we showed up, she would approach me for a fuck. after a while, you might as well become friends because we always saw each other at the meetups and it's good to network. she has introduced us to some really cool people over the decades.

as a single woman in a swingers club, they will EASILY fuck at least 10 or more guys per party. remember that fucking at a swingers club isn't 45-min love sessions like most normal people, it's a quickie fuck that last 10-15 minutes, if that, and men do form lines or join in on gangbangs. my wife was picky to some degree so she'd hit 5 or 8 per party and i would hit 3 or 4 if each time i came or more if i didn't. we'd hit another 1 or 2 together and call it a night.

so do the math, 52 weeks X 10 = 520 per year... let's say she only goes to half of the parties then it would be 26 x 10 = 260 per year. it's been at least 2 decades and 10 is just the average. i would say she's doing 15-20 per party because she is attractive physically and face-wise too. does it make more logical sense now? we're not even counting the bodies that she collects on her own outside of these parties.

she's still a good friend of mine and i still fuck her from time to time. she's still single, successful in her own right, not interested in a relationship or marriage or kids. takes incredible care of herself, incredibly serious about birth control, and still hot as fuck. her libido is higher than mine or my wife's and my wife's libido is off the charts. if you met her on the street, you would not think she was a nymphomaniac slut.

hope this helps. to some people, this is incredibly hard to fathom and only something you read in fiction novels but welcome to my world.
i'm going to only explain this once, so please read carefully. it's very possible and if you don't think it's possible then you haven't met or been around these type of women, or people for that matter.

how do i know it's 500+... well, in the last two decades or so, she has been part of a private swingers club that my wife and i are still a part of today. since the day we joined, this club has always had 2 parties every week and has not missed a beat. this woman has been to just about every party because my wife and i have done the same. this is how we became friends because every time we showed up, she would approach me for a fuck. after a while, you might as well become friends because we always saw each other at the meetups and it's good to network. she has introduced us to some really cool people over the decades.

as a single woman in a swingers club, they will EASILY fuck at least 10 or more guys per party. remember that fucking at a swingers club isn't 45-min love sessions like most normal people, it's a quickie fuck that last 10-15 minutes, if that, and men do form lines or join in on gangbangs. my wife was picky to some degree so she'd hit 5 or 8 per party and i would hit 3 or 4 if each time i came or more if i didn't. we'd hit another 1 or 2 together and call it a night.

so do the math, 52 weeks X 10 = 520 per year... let's say she only goes to half of the parties then it would be 26 x 10 = 260 per year. it's been at least 2 decades and 10 is just the average. i would say she's doing 15-20 per party because she is attractive physically and face-wise too. does it make more logical sense now? we're not even counting the bodies that she collects on her own outside of these parties.

she's still a good friend of mine and i still fuck her from time to time. she's still single, successful in her own right, not interested in a relationship or marriage or kids. takes incredible care of herself, incredibly serious about birth control, and still hot as fuck. her libido is higher than mine or my wife's and my wife's libido is off the charts. if you met her on the street, you would not think she was a nymphomaniac slut.

hope this helps. to some people, this is incredibly hard to fathom and only something you read in fiction novels but welcome to my world.

Interesting math, but let's admit that there is a difference between 500 fucks a year and 500 different guys.

Presumably, most of the guys she fucks at that party are repeats.
Interesting math, but let's admit that there is a difference between 500 fucks a year and 500 different guys.

you would like to think it's a few guys X 100 fucks, right? that, however, i can assure you is not the case because each time we go to those parties, i can count at least 20 new faces of both men and women that i have never seen. not only that but i know that she likes variety as well as her favorites. even with me personally, i try very hard to not have repeat fucks and always try to fuck a new woman each time i go. i have my favorites but i'm always looking for someone different.

Presumably, most of the guys she fucks at that party are repeats.

i don't want to keep defending my posts so this will be my last rebuttal to any doubts. keep in mind that it's been decades for this woman and the men she's slept with so the notion of 500+ over this timespan is not something illogical. believe what you may. i'm simply sharing a small part of my world.

let's not further hijack this thread.
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Pretty sick but I see how it happened. Though how the fuck is she checking for crooked teeth at a swingers party even then the penises are out in the open so she wouldn’t need to be examining a man’s mouth. Something fishy in your world. Nymphos do exist so you are telling the truth.
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Most interesting Is the graph. As a population study it shows a general overall increase in size but if you look at individual data points they are all over the place.

Tend yes. Guarantee no. :cool:

That said I have to admit that my nose has been described as--um... prominent. ;)
Pretty sick but I see how it happened. Though how the fuck is she checking for crooked teeth at a swingers party even then the penises are out in the open so she wouldn’t need to be examining a man’s mouth. Something fishy in your world. Nymphos do exist so you are telling the truth.

lols, dude, seriously? why in the world would you need to check for crooked teeth at a swingers party? this entire thread is about physical traits (big noses) that are tell-tale signs that a man is packing in the public world without seeing their dicks.

besides, i can see crooked teeth the moment someone opens their mouth to talk to me. most crooked teeth are very visible in the forefront of your teeth. if you make anyone smile or laugh, you can see their teeth.
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Are you sure dude? That’s sounds very improbable and impossible. That’s too many men for one woman. Especially if they get in a relationship and go off the market. In addition, most women would get pregnant at least 10 times if they had sex with 500 men or more.
Ok.. I’m not 100% sure I have no proof but I have met girls who’d come back to the Army barracks fuck the guy who brought her back and then go knock on the next door and ask if she could fuck, this happened at every barracks I was at, including when I was in a 12 man room..

ive known guy’s who had girlfriends and they’d spend the night at a club wondering where she kept going’s the 4 corners of the club to get fucked by god knows who..

good looking country girls that move to the big city and go fucking wild…

i could go on..
Ok.. I’m not 100% sure I have no proof but I have met girls who’d come back to the Army barracks fuck the guy who brought her back and then go knock on the next door and ask if she could fuck, this happened at every barracks I was at, including when I was in a 12 man room..

ive known guy’s who had girlfriends and they’d spend the night at a club wondering where she kept going’s the 4 corners of the club to get fucked by god knows who..

good looking country girls that move to the big city and go fucking wild…

i could go on..
500 cocks is a lot to let a Pussy go through. The majority of woman I know aren’t fucking nowhere near that amount of guys. Most women are under 10 guys in their lifetime. Plus, prostitutes don’t fuck that many guys. I fucked two hookers and they both said they have a lot of repeat fuckers. Once they build a clientele it’s the same guys over and over. They only fuck new guys in different area they haven’t been too and even then it’s about 4 to 5 new guys they might fuck. Most guys flake or have an excuse to not pull through. Some guys even get performance anxiety.