Have you ever been creeped on in the locker room?


Superior Member
Sep 22, 2015
69% Straight, 31% Gay
Many of us here are fans of candid locker room photos where the guy is caught with his towel down unaware that some perv his taking his picture and then it ends up on the internet.

My question is, has this ever happened to you? Because it has happened to me. I remember one time specifically where I was in the shower and a guy was passing by, noticed me, and then all of the sudden needed to tie his shoes. Let's say, that was the longest shoe tying ever. It became pretty obvious that he was watching me shower. And honestly, I didn't care. If he wanted to watch, I let him watch. And then when he couldn't pretend to tie his shoe any longer, his phone came out and sure enough, it was aimed right at me. Again, I didn't care. I didn't jerk off for him or anything. I just went about my business. If he was taking photos or video, good on him. If he wanted to use that to help him masturbate later on, cool. And what if he posted it online and friends, family, or my employer saw? Again, don't care. I wasn't doing anything wrong. If my work wants to fire me for someone else invading my privacy then I guess there will be a lawsuit.

As long as some unwanted person isn't coming up and grabbing my dick, guys in the locker room can look or take photos of me all they want in the locker room. It's really not a concern of mine. But I think it is a major issue for other guys in the locker room which is why many guys won't change their clothes at all at the gym and they arrive in their gym clothes and leave in their sweaty gym clothes. Me? I need a shower.

Curious how others here feel about the possibility of other guys in the locker room taking sneaky peeks at them when they're naked in the locker room.
I'll only speak for myself and how I feel about this and that is that others looking at me, or it as is usually the case, doesn't bother me but if I was to see somebody getting a phone out to record me, that would bother me big time. Not only would I confront the person doing so but I would most likely report it to the staff too.
In this day and age, I believe all gyms and other sports facilities with communal locker rooms and showers have rules against the use of mobile phones and cameras which need to be respected as they are put in place for a reason.
Pulling out a phone to take a pic definitely crosses a line when no consent is involved. Though being asked for a picture while you're naked in the lockerroom by somebody might be awkward AF too. I'd probably tell them to strip so both of us can get a naked selfie with the two of us in frame together.

My only memorable moment of being creeped on was in the open communal showers at the gym where myself and the older gentleman creeper are both naked showering. He was definitely a bit too obvious looking at my general direction, which was very strange behavior from my perspective. Granted, I am a larger chubby guy where I'm used to people avoiding the sight of my fat ass and often feel invisible to others (a benefit at times).

This topic makes me wonder if the unnerving feeling of being creeped on while naked in the gym lockeroom is what women feel on the regular with clothes on.
It has never bothered me that guys look or take too long of a look but pulling out a phone and taking digitals is not okay. Back in the day when only film cameras existed using one in a locker room was unthinkable. Same went for camcorders when they came around.

I've never found myself on the internet but then I've never bothered to look.
Many of us here are fans of candid locker room photos where the guy is caught with his towel down unaware that some perv his taking his picture and then it ends up on the internet.

My question is, has this ever happened to you? Because it has happened to me. I remember one time specifically where I was in the shower and a guy was passing by, noticed me, and then all of the sudden needed to tie his shoes. Let's say, that was the longest shoe tying ever. It became pretty obvious that he was watching me shower. And honestly, I didn't care. If he wanted to watch, I let him watch. And then when he couldn't pretend to tie his shoe any longer, his phone came out and sure enough, it was aimed right at me. Again, I didn't care. I didn't jerk off for him or anything. I just went about my business. If he was taking photos or video, good on him. If he wanted to use that to help him masturbate later on, cool. And what if he posted it online and friends, family, or my employer saw? Again, don't care. I wasn't doing anything wrong. If my work wants to fire me for someone else invading my privacy then I guess there will be a lawsuit.

As long as some unwanted person isn't coming up and grabbing my dick, guys in the locker room can look or take photos of me all they want in the locker room. It's really not a concern of mine. But I think it is a major issue for other guys in the locker room which is why many guys won't change their clothes at all at the gym and they arrive in their gym clothes and leave in their sweaty gym clothes. Me? I need a shower.

Curious how others here feel about the possibility of other guys in the locker room taking sneaky peeks at them when they're naked in the locker room.
Of all the responses so far, I feel yours is the closest to how I feel. If it's obvious I'm not actively involved in what someone else is doing (looks and pics),then so what? I don't really care either. If it's out in public somewhere, then I'm the one who's usually the protagonist.
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Of all the responses so far, I feel yours is the closest to how I feel. If it's obvious I'm not actively involved in what someone else is doing (looks and pics),then so what? I don't really care either. If it's out in public somewhere, then I'm the one who's usually the protagonist.
yeah I feel the same.

I don't think it's okay for people to take photos in the locker room of other people without their permission. But, if someone does that to ME, I really don't care. Sort of like how I felt when they came out with those metal detectors at airports that basically let them see you kind of naked. Some people felt like it was an invasion of their privacy. I had no issue. I'd even strip down naked in the middle of the airport if they wanted me to. I don't give a shit. haha
I have no problem with guys sneaking a peek at me in the locker room. I think it’s very normal, almost all guys gay or straight like to at least size up other guys’ junk just to compare whenever they have the opportunity (showers, locker room, urinals, etc.). It’s like a quid pro quo, you get to see mine and I get to see yours. But taking pics or video is altogether different and is not cool, if done without consent.
I don't mind someone sneaking a glance or even just taking an obvious look, but the first time I was at my current gym (which has an open shower area) while I was washing off an older guy just sat on a bench and stared right at me the whole time I showered. Honestly if he'd done anything else like take the shower next to me or even chat with me or something it would have been less creepy but he just sat there, stared, and said nothing. And I definitely wouldn't be OK with someone taking a pic of me without me giving the OK.
I was once creeped on in the shower. After a week I figured out this guy was following me and had learned my schedule. At the time I wasn’t as adventurous, but I did confront him and let him hold it I’m his hand for a minute. It was hot, now I’d have done so much more!
Yeah I remember once a guy was staring at me at the gym. Then later when I went to the locker room he followed me in, stripped, and stood obviously watching me change. Very creepy.
I was creeped out at first too, but it’s invigorating if you call them out
Yeah man, but I was too weirded out to say anything ha. I just got dressed and left.
That’s understandable too, I could see it being like a really creepy guy. I once was at an adult theater and some like 80 year old man keep creeping on me and waiving me over. Really weirded me out
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Yeah I remember once a guy was staring at me at the gym. Then later when I went to the locker room he followed me in, stripped, and stood obviously watching me change. Very creepy.
This happened to me today sort of.

at the gym, a guy at least 15 years older than me who works in a different department was directly behind me coming into the locker room. And then was directly behind me walking to the showers. It got weird once we hit the showers (open) that it was strange. He picked the shower head next to mine, when the other wall was open. And every time I turned around, he was facing me.
This happened to me today sort of.

at the gym, a guy at least 15 years older than me who works in a different department was directly behind me coming into the locker room. And then was directly behind me walking to the showers. It got weird once we hit the showers (open) that it was strange. He picked the shower head next to mine, when the other wall was open. And every time I turned around, he was facing me.
Def an admiring way you can do it and a fuckin creeper way. Sounds like he was waiting for you to drop the soap!
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