I should have added to my quote this: Any guy who identifies him self as 100% straight and let a guy give him a blowjob, is not 100% straight.
I think this is bullshit. When a dog humps a couch, is he doing it because he's into couches? Are women who use vibrators robosexuals?
Back in the day, not too long ago actually, masturbation was considered by many, even the experts, to be an extreme form of narcissism because only a self-obsessed pervert could be aroused by himself and brought to orgasm by his own body and appearance. Point being, often it's just about stimulation, not attraction. And possibly more to the point in many, possibly most, societies throughout time, getting a BJ wasn't considered "gay", just if you were the one giving. (Though most societies didn't really conceive of things like we do in that department, it was more about masculinity and being the one in the active position, not passive.) In ancient Rome, for example, you could apologize to a friend who you wronged, or pay off part of a gambling debt, by blowing them. The guy getting blown was in no way lessened by this activity, he was just a horny guy getting a nut, and he even felt like more of a man because another man was taking a subservient position relative to his own masculinity. The guy blowing him though, was essentially put in his place, so this served as a kind of apology.
What's "gay" and "straight" changes radically over time. When I was a kid, if you got a massage from a guy, even a professional masseuse, that was pretty gay. The only way that you could excuse it was by being injured and needing a "sports massage" - kind of like how guys try to seem manly by having a "sports hernia" when there is no such thing. A hernia is a hernia.
All of this said, I'm not someone for whom words don't have real meaning, and if you're going to a guy for a BJ because you are into guys giving you BJs as opposed to women, you're at least a little bi. But I'm here to tell you that the sheer numbers of guys who take advantage of the fact that many guys will suck them off and treat it with all of the drama and intimacy of a game of darts is quite large. There are tons of pretty normal guys out there, many even consider themselves straight (though I think that's BS) who love to suck cock and will do it for a buddy as basically a "bro" thing, little different than helping a buddy out by playing wingman. No drama, no hoops, no owing anyone anything, just easy head on demand. Guys' libidos usually far outstrip a woman's, and even if they fuck easy, most women aren't super into giving head, especially regularly, especially in a totally casual manner to help a guy take the edge off, or recover from a bad day, or whatever. But there are a ton of guys who will do that, do it with great skill, and then help you fix your patio deck like nothing just happened because, ultimately, nothing really did.
I think that if it makes you at least bi to get head from a guy, probably most guys are bi, though some never act on it because it threatens their masculinity. I became interested in m/m BJs in my 20's back in the day when the internet didn't exist and you got ads for porn in the mail. One day, mixed in with the straight stuff, I got a flyer for a series of tapes of a little Mexican guy who got an apartment by a Marine base and, over the course of just a couple years, filmed himself blowing HUNDREDS, by some accounts over 1K, of some of the most manly guys our country produces. These guys were the very picture of straight, masculine, alphas. So were they actually bi, or were they just young, dumb, and full of cum? Or you could also look at adult bookstores back in the day. I used to be interested in those too because, though I never participated myself, I was amazed at the huge after work rush of clearly married guys swinging by to pretty obviously get blown in the back before heading home to the wife and kids. There are just a million examples of this. Craigslist was another, where it seemed that every small town, at any given time, had hundreds of guys with dead bedrooms looking for a source of regular head, women preferred, but they knew what the score was. They just needed to get off without drama or the possibility of blowing up their marriage - which affairs with women usually bring.
I know I've kind of written a book here, but I've always been fascinated with things that look one way on the surface but are totally different when you look a bit deeper. Sex is one of those things. Sex is complicated as hell with zero sense to it. There are't usually hard definitions. I mean, what about guys who are all about pussy but who are into wearing a butt plug or like to get pegged? (Btw, wanting to fuck a woman in the ass also used to mean that you had serious homosexual urges.) Are those guys secretely wanting a dick in their ass, or do they just like the stimulation? I'm sure that for some, they do want a dick but can't face up to it, but for others, probably the majority, they just love the fact that you anus has a ton of sensitivity, and prostate massage can cause a very intense orgasm. I'm not into it, but I don't get judgy about the guys who do and insist that they must be at least a bit bi. Again, it's often about simple stimulation and not attraction, and I'd argue that attraction is the secret sauce that starts blurring the lines between straight and bi.