So, I found this guy on Tumblr and started to do the usual Google Image reverse search method. Here's the initial Photo:
I was able to find more photos of them here:
Daily Squirt Post
The notes in the initial Tumblr Post didn't have names (which makes sense, b/c this looks like a porn/set of photos from a while back) so it's likely no one in the reblog remembers him. The website in the watermark is no more. Two names that I was able to pull up in a Google Image Search was Cohen and Shay but neither are linking to photos that resemble him.
Anyone remember this guy? And leads?
Side Note: I'm thinking of just making a thread of actors/dudes I find hot and just make a short description of them in the posts. I'm almost certain Tumblr is going to delete my Porn blog eventually and I've got way too many men who I've ID'd on there.

I was able to find more photos of them here:
Daily Squirt Post
The notes in the initial Tumblr Post didn't have names (which makes sense, b/c this looks like a porn/set of photos from a while back) so it's likely no one in the reblog remembers him. The website in the watermark is no more. Two names that I was able to pull up in a Google Image Search was Cohen and Shay but neither are linking to photos that resemble him.
Anyone remember this guy? And leads?
Side Note: I'm thinking of just making a thread of actors/dudes I find hot and just make a short description of them in the posts. I'm almost certain Tumblr is going to delete my Porn blog eventually and I've got way too many men who I've ID'd on there.