Homemade Porn


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Jun 1, 2011
99% Straight, 1% Gay
So I can’t get enough of homemade porn where a guy with a large cock is enjoying an unscripted encounter with another man. It can be in a sauna, at a massage clinic, Grindr in a bedroom, it just has to feel real and not scripted. The bodies don’t have to be perfect or chiseled and glistening and the lighting can be shitty or perhaps just challenging through a voyeur’s crack in a door. Not a huge fan of professional porn and the terrible acting. Yeah, it gets me off, but if it feels real or dangerous (getting caught) and even if the sex is awkward….I really get off a lot quicker and it’s so much more titillating. As a married man, my encounters are few and feel truly “homemade”. In my fantasy, I put my big cock in that situation and it really turns me on.

Are there any websites that are devoted to homemade? I know there is a designation on Pornhub but when you select that, most are still professional. If not, maybe everyone can forward their favorite and we can get a collection going on this thread? I just watched three guys in a bedroom sleeping in bunks and the guy on the bottom rubbed one down quietly while roommates slept. My bathrobe is a bit sticky now…..no one touched anyone and no one seemed to wake up but I was that guy in the bottom bunk needing to get off and quietly hoping someone was watching me…..
The search term "homemade" has been co-opted by professional studios and guys trying to make a buck on OF making it harder to find the porn that feels real, ordinary, authentic. I respond to couples, both gay and straight, who are clearly having fun; where there is passion, laughter and occasionally the awkwardness that is part of real sex.

I'll look around and return later with a link or two to get this thread going, great idea.
Great idea. Before I used private viewing it seemed I was getting the same old returns when searching. Not sure if these tube sites spit out the same videos or what’s popular but it’s seems very repetitive. Have all sites purged non verified vids like pornhub did?
There is homemade porn but I always wonder how come they are able to take such great videos, with proper lighting, etc. Then, how many normal real couples are inviting someone to take such a video of them and post it? The few that I have seen that are truly homemade are typically much more difficult to watch. But, who knows for sure?
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So I can’t get enough of homemade porn where a guy with a large cock is enjoying an unscripted encounter with another man. It can be in a sauna, at a massage clinic, Grindr in a bedroom, it just has to feel real and not scripted. The bodies don’t have to be perfect or chiseled and glistening and the lighting can be shitty or perhaps just challenging through a voyeur’s crack in a door. Not a huge fan of professional porn and the terrible acting. Yeah, it gets me off, but if it feels real or dangerous (getting caught) and even if the sex is awkward….I really get off a lot quicker and it’s so much more titillating. As a married man, my encounters are few and feel truly “homemade”. In my fantasy, I put my big cock in that situation and it really turns me on.

Are there any websites that are devoted to homemade? I know there is a designation on Pornhub but when you select that, most are still professional. If not, maybe everyone can forward their favorite and we can get a collection going on this thread? I just watched three guys in a bedroom sleeping in bunks and the guy on the bottom rubbed one down quietly while roommates slept. My bathrobe is a bit sticky now…..no one touched anyone and no one seemed to wake up but I was that guy in the bottom bunk needing to get off and quietly hoping someone was watching me…..
I love homemade porn too, there is just something extra HOT about it to me.
"Amateur" sometimes yields good search results though it has also been coopted by professional porn.

Grinder, Tinder & Craigslist (CL) searches sometimes gives good results as does Anonymous and ride services like Uber.

Homemade tops my list as well esp two people who just set up a camera and go at it just for the joy of it. :cool:
Great idea. Before I used private viewing it seemed I was getting the same old returns when searching. Not sure if these tube sites spit out the same videos or what’s popular but it’s seems very repetitive. Have all sites purged non verified vids like pornhub did?
So what is "private viewing"?
Homemade porn is the best! Amateurs who film homemade porn are the best thing that's happened to porn. I know that most things they make are set up, but it still gets me going. I watched porn with pornstars, which was obviously fake, and it got boring. I didn't want to watch homemade porn because I thought it was poorly filmed, and the videos were barely watchable. I was wrong. Most amateurs make porn that's of awesome quality. I would want to make something like that one day because some porn sites pay good money to people that post videos to their sites. You have to get many views, but that shouldn't be so hard.
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I agree with you guys! I've been looking for real amateur and home made porn too. I'm not really turned on by all professional porn. The actors seems to just follow a script without any passion. I like real amateurs. Sometimes a bit fumbly, accidental cum or premature cum etc. You can see that it's real sex for the pleasure!
Yeah its increasingly difficult to find real amateur stuff. I'll sometimes hop on cam sites to get my fix. Granted, its guys putting on a show BUT its unscripted and live, so you can sometimes come across couples that forget theyre suppose to be collecting tokens.
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Yeah its increasingly difficult to find real amateur stuff. I'll sometimes hop on cam sites to get my fix. Granted, its guys putting on a show BUT its unscripted and live, so you can sometimes come across couples that forget theyre suppose to be collecting tokens.
I agree. What happened to just having fun and showing off? No compensation. I'm still a huge fan of webcam boys... haha back when webcams weren't built into computers. I'm only 30 too... I started young!
How about just well acted? Not necessarily amateurs. How about just porn where you actually believe the interaction of the seasoned masseur and the unsuspecting straight man for example? Sometimes porn is labeled as such but when the unsuspecting straight man 2 minutes into the massage is taking it up the ass it makes me laugh. Really?

Why don't two good actors get into the room and through good acting actually express the indecision and anxiety and the unknown of the first time "massaged by a man" client?

The initial surprise with the fact that he has to get completely naked and asks if he can leave his underwear on..... the initial strokes on the upper thigh and a stray finger bumps the underwear bound and towel draped package...... the masseur apologizes and the client says that's okay and clearly and obviously spreads his legs apart a little bit more..... the masseur gets the guts to go a little bit higher and there's a few more brushes and this time the client does not say anything......weakening, the client says I guess this is kind of silly underneath the towel as well, if you think it would be easier without my underwear then feel free to pull them off......the masseur complies by reaching under the towel and grabbing the band on his tighty whities but the client beats him to it and arches his back and slides them down quickly..... turn over please he says and there's massive indecision on the face of the client for fear of exposing the fact that he is obviously turned on...... he flips over clutching the towel tightly and apologizes for "being such a boy still" and laughs nervously as he closes his eyes again...... the masseur assures him that it's completely normal and takes a lot of time massaging the front of his body and soon his chest and abdomen and the client is clearly enjoying this and flinches as the masseur briefly slides the tips of his fingers under the towel at the waistline.... the client subconsciously adjusts his entire body and clearly spreads his legs apart a little more and the breath his gotten a little shorter......

....sorry I digressed I'm just tired of massage porn or other equivalent videos with straight guys that proceed right into bareback after two minutes. Give me something real, give me something with some sexual tension, give me something where the 99% straight man like I am is conflicted and going someplace that he hasn't gone before.
Or how about two buddies on a couch drinking beer watching a little TV and talk goes to girlfriend frustrations..... one mentions having to rub one down several times a week the other guy agrees..... talk goes to porn likes and dislikes...... then one guy suggests truth or dare and the alcohol-fueled truths are written all over their faces..... soon the dares come out and one is down to just his underwear and the other is sneaking sideways glances....
I agree. What happened to just having fun and showing off? No compensation. I'm still a huge fan of webcam boys... haha back when webcams weren't built into computers. I'm only 30 too... I started young!
Agree. I get on chat*rbate and it’s all people who want money and act like paid monkeys doing whatever someone who throws coins at them wants them to do. That’s not sexy to me tbh.
Don't know whether this qualifies as homemade porn, its not homemade as such and no cumshot, but it reminds me of my days spent in public toilets, rest rooms?, Unfortunately most large toilets have gone in the UK, I live in Blackpool, and still have one that I sometimes visit.
hot fuck.mp4

hot fuck.mp4