how big did you think youd be...

growing up with a brother a few years older i had a bit of an idea of what mine might turn out like, i'd imagined it'd be quite similar to the size it is now, I thought it'd be around 7.5-8" and I got a good 7", also like the poster above said I was also a pretty early bloomer and didn't have to speculate too much.
I think I grew into my cock- I recall it being about the same size (7X5") it is now quite early on. I never really thought of it as above average until it was pointed out to me by a girlfriend. I (much) later checked online after an older woman insisted I was "huge"- I made her waddle after a 2 day session. I do suspect my mother had an idea of my size because she would never buy me jocks or speedos from about 15 onwards- too much bulging.
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I guess looking back I thought I would top out around 6” or 6.5”. My dad had a pretty big flaccid cock but never saw it hard and I grew up before internet porn so hadn’t really seen any erect cocks. I actually kept growing fairly late in development and ended up at 8”x5.8” so definitely bigger than i thought!
It is kind of funny, I grew up with the evolution of the internet. So rather than my perception of me changing, my perception of what other people were kept changing. Early on, I thought I was big, but I didn’t really know what that meant. Then as time went on, around 2000, everyone was 10 or 11”s. I knew I wasn’t that big, so I thought maybe I wasn’t hung. It seems so silly now, but who knows lol Then further down the road, we all realize that 10/11 is bull shit. So I was back to zero and trying to understand where I stood.

I will say that I grew very early and then was flat for awhile, and then grew again in my early 20s. I got the last bit of my length then and a good amount of girth.
I matured late compared to other males I grew up with. I was actually surprised that I did grow as big as I am. I figured maybe 6.5 inches. I'm a little over 8 inches and a little more than 6 inches in circumference.
I finished growing early on and it was always bigger than average soft and hard, so I didn't speculate all that much about where I'd top out.

Seeing guys in porn having huge ones, I did wish for that at moments, but really was always fine with what I wound up having.
Honestly thought I’d be tiny. We generally only have other guys flaccid cocks to compare with, and mine was always noticeably smaller than others, and did very little growing over the years.

Only later (thanks internet!) did I find out about growers and showers, and realise that I was slightly above average hard. I’d assumed everyone grew in proportion like I did.
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I never thought about it. I knew bigger was better. I remember getting longer but stayed a garden hose. I remember thinking "is that it?? is this all the bigger I'll get" eventually, I had a growth spurt....balls got huge, thickness tripled, got longer too. girls noticed the pants bulge. I'm 2 inches longer and thicker than average, and I've enjoyed giving and receiving pleasure with it.
I don't think I had any concept about size, what was big or small, until I saw the movie Porky's. In the movie there's a character named Meat because of his big dick and a character named Pee Wee because he's small. Pee Wee actually measures himself in the movie which probably promoted me to measure for the first time.
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I remember being concerned a fascinated with how big I'd grow early on. I didn't have a father figure to ask or suss it out from. There's a scene in the movie Bedazzled where Brendan Fraiser wishes for a giant cock and he walks into a party and, when adjusting himself, it seems to almost touch his knee. Between that and a blurred Ned Flanders literally behind hung between his knees...I had high and unrealistic hopes.

I used to hope I'd reach 10+, but no such luck. The universe gave me girth and a hole that just won't quit instead :p
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I grew up with half brothers who were all genetic mutants in dick size. I had hopped I would be in the same ballpark as them but instead ended up being completely average.
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I knew I was gonna be big just by viewing the men from my father's side. My dad has 4 boys, all of whom are 8 to 9.5 inches when hard!
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