I don't have to be naked to have guys, and an occasional woman, comment on the size of my penis and testicles, I get guys pointing at my crotch, sometimes moving their finger back and forth to signify the long penis bulge as opposed to the roundish testicular(scrotum) bulges, and they comment, "Holy shit! Dude! That's a huge dick!" I respond with, "Yeah, I get told that." or a sarcastic, "Yeah, How about that?" and I get asked, "Is that really your dick (or 'your junk') doing that [bulge]?!" and "What made your junk get that big?!" If the person acts as if they want proof I tell them, "I'm not going to show it to you (expose myself) in a store."
Anytime I'm around people, most of them are going to notice the bulge and many of them will stare at the bulge made by my genitalia. Depending on how many people there are present (the size of the crowd), there is the good chance that people will make comments. If a supermarket is the slightest bit 'busy' there is a good chance that someone will comment or ask me about the size of my private parts. One afternoon in a mall, among several stores, in a rather short period of time, I had five guys ask me about my oversized genitalia. I've overheard guys say, "That guy must have 'elephantitis'! They mean Elephantiasis, and no I don't have that (sheesh!). I can avoid the stares and comments in the wintertime by wearing a coat that hides the crotch bulge, and people probably assume a hip or leg problem is why I waddle when I walk, unless they recognize me from the summertime. When people ask me why my genitals are so big, or if a hormone disorder caused the size, I simply inform them, "It's because of a genetic thing (issue)."